Develop students' ability for theoretical positioning and production, as befits a future practitioner, as a necessary complement to consolidation of a personal design approach.

Main themes
Students are invited to formulate, individually and as a hypothetical construct, a certain reading of the theoretical field.
During a first, "objective" phase, students describe what is necessary in order to assemble a "kit of tools" in architectural theory.
In the second phase, they furnish the content of such a kit so as to imagine its operational value (appropriation and commitment).
The seminar format allows a critical debate to develop.

Content and teaching methods
This course will no longer be offered after academic year 2006-2007

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Other information (Prerequisites, Evaluation, Support...)
C7 Contemporary questions in architectural theory (or equivalent)

Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil architecte
(3 credits)
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