The main objective of the course is to develop the learner's skill in mastering (essentially) spoken German in interactive communication situations which he/she will come across in his/her daily life and in his/her future professional activities.
- Can read with ease all forms of written language, including abstract, structurally or linguistically complex texts
such as manuals, specialised articles and works of literature.
- C2 Level of the " Common European Framework of Reference for Languages "
. Individual :
- Has no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language whether live or broadcast, even when delivered
at fast speed, provided there is some time to get familiar with the accent.
- C2 Level of the " Common European Framework of Reference for Languages "
. Individual :
- Can present a clear, smoothly flowing description or argumentation in a style appropriate to the context and with
an effective logical structure which helps the recipients to notice and remember the significant points.
. Interactive :
- Can spontaneously take part in any conversation or discussion.
- Has a good familiarity with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms.
- Can express himself/herself fluently and convey finer shades of meaning precisely.
. C2 Level of the " Common European Framework of Reference for Languages "
- Can write clear detailed texts on a wide range of subjects relating to his/her interests
- Can write an essay or a report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view
- Can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and expressions
- B2 Level of the " Common European Framework of Reference for languages "

Main themes
Ability to master the language functions, the grammatical structures, the vocabulary (general and specific to the field of study), the pronunciation and intonation of the German language so as to enable spontaneous and fluent communication.
The student is encouraged to gradually improve his/her oral skills in the various above mentioned domains . The teacher will provide a wide range of linguistic tools and documents (written and audiovisual) which will enable the student to be efficient in interactive communication situations. Feedback activities and revision exercises are also part of the course.

Content and teaching methods
ALLE 2420- interactive communication
- 1 hour per week during the whole academic year
- Course for DROI 21- 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : have reached the level of the ALLE 1500 course or an equivalent
Objectives: level C2 of the CEFR (speaking, reading and listening), level B2 of the CEFR (writing)
Methods and content:
- oral exercises (individual and interactive)
- written exercises
- revision exercises and feedback activities
Evaluation: continuous assessment, oral exam and application file.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
To have reached the level of the course ALLE 1500 or an equivalent course
- A 24-hour course taught for one hour a week during the whole year.
- Autonomous work : 18.6 hours
- Group of 15 students maximum
- The teacher is available during her offices hours and can be contacted by e-mail.
- Guidance at the self-tuition centre (CAA) and multimedia room of the ILV.
Didactic materials
- Course notes
- Self-study Cd-romAudio and video cassettes, available at the Self-Tuition-Center (CAA)
- Continuous assessment based on the student's participation during class through various activities and at least one
- The oral exam consists of an interactive and an individual part (role plays, debate...) based on topics practised
during class.
- The application file (CV and cover letter) will be taken into account in the global grade.
Other credits in following programs:
DROI 21: First Licence in Law

Other credits in programs
Première licence en droit
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