The main objective is to develop the student's ability to understand written or audio documents of general nature. The content of these documents will be whenever possible related to the students' field of study or interests. By the end of the course students will have reached the B1 Level of the CEFRL for the receptive skills only.
Reading comprehension
- Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interest with a satisfactory level of
- Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired information, and gather information from different parts of a text, or from different texts in order to fulfil a specific task.
- Can identify the main conclusions in clearly signalled argumentative texts
- B1 Level from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Listening comprehension
- Can understand straightforward factual information about common everyday or job related topics, identifying both
general messages and specific details, provided speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent
- Can follow in outline straightforward short talks on familiar topics provided these are delivered in clearly articulated
standard speech
- Can understand the main points of radio news bulletins and simpler recorded material about familiar subjects
delivered relatively slowly and clearly
- B1 Level from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Main themes
Can sufficiently master basic and complex grammatical structures and the basic vocabulary of the German language
Students will be asked to read original and/or edited articles (cf. course notes), as well as to listen to recorded documents on familiar topics and/or topics related to their field (short film excerpt, interviews, dialogues,¿)

Content and teaching methods
ALLE 1810 - Niveau intermédiaire
- 2 heures par semaine pendant toute l'année
- Cours réceptif pour les étudiants de BAC2 en FLTR
Prérequis : avoir suivi le cours FLTR 1710 ou équivalent
Objectifs : niveau B1 du CECR pour la compréhension à l'audition et la compréhension à la lecture
Méthode et contenu :
- exercices de compréhension à l'audition (audio et vidéo)
- exercices de compréhension à la lecture
- exercices de grammaire
- renforcement du vocabulaire en auto-apprentissage
Evaluation : tests de vocabulaire, examen écrit

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
- Contact hours: 58
- Homework and self-study:38
- Groups of 25 students
- The teacher is available during her office hours and can be contacted by e-mail.
- Guidance at the self-tuition centre (CAA) and multimedia room of the ILV.
Didactic material
- Course notes: ALLE 1810 - Intermediate Level
- Vocabulary book : Vocabulaire allemand de base published by Langenscheidt
- Self-tuition CD-Rom edited by the ILV
- audiovisuals available at the self-tuition centre of the ILV
- Continuous assessment based on 4 tests during the year on the basic vocabulary of German (2000 words)
- The final assessment in June or September consists of a written exam based on seen und unseen texts, seen and
unseen listening comprehensions as well as exercises on basic vocabulary and translations.
To have attended the FLTR 1710 course or any equivalent

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en histoire de l'art et archéologie
(3 credits)
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Deuxième année de bachelier en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation classiques
(4 credits)
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Deuxième année de bachelier en histoire
(4 credits)
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Deuxième année de bachelier en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation orientales
(4 credits)
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