Advanced level
Reading comprehension
- Can understand complex texts;
- Can understand specialised articles and technical instructions even if they are not related to his/his field of
- C1- level of the "Common European Framework for languages".
Listening Comprehension
- Can easily understand television programs and films
- Can understand a long lecture even if it is not well structured and the articulation is only implicit
- C1 level of the "Common European Framework for languages".
Speaking skills
. Individually:
- Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on complex subjects, integrating sub-themes, developing
particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.
. Interactive:
- Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without giving the impression to look for words.
- Can use the language in a smooth and effective way for his personal and professional relations.
. C1 level of the "Common European Framework for languages".
Writing skills
- Can write a simple and coherent text about familiar topics or other topics in which the student is interested.
- Can write personal letters to describe his/her experience and impressions.
- B2 level of the "Common European Framework for languages".

Main themes
- Ability to master the basic vocabulary (2000 words) and the basic structures of the German language. - Consolidation and extension of vocabulary.
- Special attention will be paid to pronunciation.
At all previously mentioned levels: sensitisation for the culture of the German speaking countries
- The course is centred around different topics (i.e. shopping, telephoning, world of work...).
- Learning with didactical or authentic material (listening and reading comprehension).
- Consolidation and extension of basic vocabulary and the basic structures of the German language by written or
oral exercises (drills, role-plays, interviews, discussion in small groups of 2 up to 4).

Content and teaching methods
ALLE 1500 - advanced level
- 3 hours per week during the whole academic year
- Course open to all students registered or not at UCL
Prerequisites: having passed the ALLE 1300
Level C1- of the CEFRL for reading comprehension, level C1 for listening comprehension and oral expression and level B2 for written expression
Methods and content:
- extension and consolidation of vocabulary and grammar structures
- listening and reading exercises
- oral exercises (individual and interactive)
- written exercises
- activities about general topics
Evaluation: continuous assessment, written and oral exam

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Work load:
- class hours: 90
- individual work: 20
General Framework
- class and groups of maximum 25 students
- teacher is available during his contact hours and can be reached via e-mail.
- Advice for the use of the Self-Learning Centre (C.A.A.) and the Multimedia Room
Didactic materials
- Learning method (to be specified)
- Syllabus
- audio- and video-tapes (available at C.A.A.)
Different points enter into the final evaluation:
- continuous assessment
- written and oral examination

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil
(3 credits)
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Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil
(9 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil
(2 credits)
Master en sciences du travail (option européenne)
(9 credits)
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