General didactic : theory and practice
- to lead the future teachers to develop a habit of reflexive practice argued in their professional life ;
- equip the future teachers on the conceptual way in order to be able to analyse, to build and to improve a didactic sequence in a given learning context.

Main themes
Main topics
- how do we learn ?
- what are the teaching aims ?
- how to conceive and organise the training ?
- why and how to assess ?
- how to help the students in trouble ?
- how to handle the class heterogeneity ?
Through these several topics we will particularly approach matters relating to the motivation, the metacognitive process, the consideration of the students conceptions, etc. The contents will be selected according to the actual research in the teaching and learning fields. The emphasis will be constantly put on the approach of the learner

Content and teaching methods
- active approaches : we will pay a particular attention to the consistency between the education methods used in the "General didactic" course and the conceptual tools developed ;
- analysis and questioning of the conceptions that the students have concerning education and training ;
- analysis of the teaching materials, tools and concrete cases ; summary report ;
- development of some key questions : the students will be allowed to train exercise analysis approaches ;
- a textbook will include documents concerning the main topics of the course.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
- before starting a course, the student will have observed the education in the class and, as much as possible, he will already have started a first teaching experience ;
- the course, will be closely linked to the seminary concerning the training integration ;
- the control level of the course aims will be appreciated through a personal synthetic written production which will give the student the opportunity to show his ability to describe, to analyse, to build, or even to improve, a didactic sequence and to explain its foundations

Other credits in programs
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences économiques, sociales et juridiques)
(2 credits)
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Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (histoire de l'art, archéologie et musicologie)
(2 credits)
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Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (éducation physique)
(2 credits)
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (langues et littératures germaniques)
(2 credits)
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Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (langues et littératures anciennes - modernes et anciennes - arts du spectacle)
(2 credits)
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (histoire)
(2 credits)
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Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences psychologiques et sciences de l'éducation)
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (sciences religieuses)
(2 credits)
Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (langues et littératures romanes)
(2 credits)
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