Programme d'études 2002-2003 > Ecoles doctorales > AUSY

Ecole doctorale en automatiques et systèmes

Organisation et composition


CESAME - Bâtiment Euler, avenue G. Lemaître, 4-6 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Tél. 010472597
Télécopie 010472180

School Director : Paul Van Dooren

Graduate advisor : Denis Dochain

Secretary : Michèle Termolle

Organization of the Graduate School
Participating institutions

Facultés polytechniques de Mons

Facultés Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix de Namur

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Université catholique de Louvain

Universiteit Gent

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Université de Liège

Vrije Universiteit Brussel


The school is organized within the framework of the Interuniversity Poles of Attraction (IAP P5/10/29) on "Dynamical Systems and Control : Computation, Identification and Modelling" and (IAP P5/1/7) on " Advanced Mechatronic Systems (AMS)" funded by the Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC/SSTC/DWTC).

Objective of the Graduate school

The aim of the Graduate School in Systems and Control is to provide basic and advanced courses in systems and control theory and to give an overview of recent research developments and applications in this field.

The school is primarily intended for doctoral students and researchers in various fields of engineering sciences such as automatic control, mechanical and electrical engineering, robotics, signal processing, process engineering, biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Academics, engineers from industry and researchers from related areas are also welcome to attend selected courses.

Programme management

The programme committee of the graduate school is composed of academics from the different participating universities. The committee defines the programme of each academic year.

Research themes

The graduate school is mainly concerned with the following research themes : linear systems and robust control, system identification, stochastic processes, mechatronics, numerical methods for systems and control, and applications of systems and control.

Admission and registration

Participants who require an evaluation should be registered in a graduate programme at one of the Belgian universities; their admission is free. Other students and researchers from Belgian academic institutions may attend the courses at no cost.

A detailed schedule and a registration form may be found on the Graduate School webpage or can be distributed via normal mail. Completed registration forms must be received by the secretariat two weeks prior to the beginning of each course.


Every academic year, the graduate school offers 4 courses of 18 hours each. The courses are given in English and are independent of each other and as self-contained as possible. In principle, the programme does not require extensive experience in control theory and could be followed by people with an undergraduate degree in engineering or mathematics.

Lectures normaly take place at one of the following two locations :

CESAME, Bâtiment EULER, 4, av. Georges Lemaître, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, and Arenbergkasteel, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94, 3001 Heverlee - Leuven.

Fall 2002

AUSY 3005 Mathematical Models of Systems (18) J. Willems (Kath. Univ. Leuven)

AUSY 3006 Modeling and Regulation of Biochemical Processes (18) D. Dochain (Univ. cath. de Louvain), J. Van Impe (Kath. Univ. Leuven)

Spring 2003

AUSY 3007 Hybrid Systems (18) A. van der Schaft (Twente Univ., The Netherlands), H. Schumacker (Tilburg Univ., The Netherlands)

AUSY 3008 Numerical Linear Algebra for Systems and Control (18) P. Van Dooren (Univ. cath. de Louvain), D. Sorensen (Rice University, USA)

Details of theses courses can be found on the web site of the graduate school :

In addition, UCL doctoral students are strongly encouraged to attend the following course :

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Principes de communication scientifique[15h+15h]

and to participate in the weekly departmental seminar :

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Séminaire de théorie des systèmes[60h]


The courses of the Graduate School can be taken in partial fulfilment of the PhD requirements in several universities and an evaluation is organized for those students. A pass/fail grade will normally be given but a more detailed score can be provided upon request.

Diploma and certification

The doctoral student who graduates, receives a doctoral diploma from the university and " faculté/faculteit " where he is registered.

Currently, there is no certification of the doctoral degree specific to the graduate school. However, for each course that is passed successfully, a certificate is delivered by the graduate school.

Programme d'études 2002-2003 > Ecoles doctorales > AUSY

Recherche - Aide - Renseignements généraux

[UCL] [Pointeurs utiles]

Responsable : Jean-Louis Marchand