The course objective is to develop students' capacity to apply micro-economic concepts to real-world problems, even if most of those applications are intended to be part of the option courses.
Cahier des charges
The aim of the courses is to develop the basic tools for analysing problems of resource allocation used by economists working in research, organisation and business. The course deals with basic positive and normative problems. It aims to include modern developments.
Example of possible contents: ch 1 (preference and choice), 2 (consumer choice), 5 (production), 7 (basic ele-ments of non-cooperative games), 10 (competitive markets) and 12 (market power), from Mas-Colell, Winston, and Green's book.
The principle is to reach quickly an advanced level, especially for the topics that are covered in undergraduate courses. Exercises and home works are assigned to students, and a feedback is provided during the course on their solution.
Autres informations du cahier des charges
Prerequisites : Economics and mathematical tools at the level of an undergraduate program in economics.
Evaluation : Written or oral exam, closed book.
Support : Mas-Colell Whinston Green 'Microeconomic theory'. Other textbooks are Varian 'Microeconomic analysis' and Kreps 'A course in microeconomic theory'.
Le cours ECON3501 est mentionné dans les programmes suivants :
Diplôme d'études approfondies en économie et gestion - Master of Arts in Economics (sciences économiques)
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Valeurs ECTS de l'activité
Diplôme d'études approfondies en économie et gestion - Master of Arts in Economics (sciences économiques)
(7 ECTS)
Valeur ECTS par défaut
(7 ECTS)
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