Legend Mandatory Optional Courses not taught during 2015-2016 Periodic courses not taught during 2015-2016 Periodic courses taught during 2015-2016 Activité avec prérequis Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...) > Legend Annual block 1 2 LPHY2111 Introduction à la dynamique non linéaire Jean Bricmont 30h+15h 5 credits 1q x LMAT2120 Galois theory and groups representtions Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Jean-Pierre Tignol 45h+15h 5 credits 2q x LMAT2130 Partial differential equations : Poisson and Laplace equations Augusto Ponce, Jean Van Schaftingen 30h+30h 5 credits 1q x LMAT2140 Algebraic topology Pedro Dos Santos Santana Forte Vaz, Pascal Lambrechts 45h 5 credits 2q x LMAT2150 Category theory Marino Gran, Enrico Vitale 45h 5 credits 2q x LMAT2999 Mémoire N. 26 credits 2q x LMAT2997 Thesis tutorial Pedro Dos Santos Santana Forte Vaz 15h 2 credits x LMAT2430 Eléments de théorie de Lie et géométrie riemannienne Pierre Bieliavsky 30h+15h 5 credits 1q x Philosophy (2 credits) Students will choose from the following LSC2001 Introduction to contemporary philosophy Nathalie Frogneux, Vincent Israel-Hoenen (compensates Nathalie Frogneux) 30h 2 credits 2q x LSC2220 Philosophy of science Alexandre Guay 30h 2 credits 2q x LFILO2003E Ethics in the Sciences and technics (sem) Bernard Feltz, Hervé Jeanmart, René Rezsohazy 15h+15h 2 credits 2q x