1. a global view of the special features of the biology and ecology of bio-agressors as well as their interactions with plants and the environment,
2. a global and integrated view of different protection strategies,
3. the ability to think in terms of context and synthesis, to put theoretical knowledge and analytical procedures into practice in a perspective of taking action,
4. the ability to identify the biological, phytotechnic and socio-economic factors to take into account in the resolution of crop protection problems.
Compulsory courses and seminars : 42 credits, divided into two semesters of courses and distributed between the three major institutions of the Advanced Master, the Catholic University of Louvain, the Faculty of Agriculture in Gembloux and the National School for Higher Education in Agricultural Sciences in Montpellier.
The final assignment is a piece of research work or a professional work placement equivalent to 18 credits.
Schematic description of the programme :
The programme lasts for a complete academic year. It comprises two semesters of courses which represent two thirds of the programme, during which students take two additional course modules:
1. Characterization of bio-agressors and diagnosis techniques (21 credits). The first part (at the FUSAGx campus and UCL) introduces the general concepts in crop protection and examines the different kinds of losses caused by plant agressors, the main groups of agressors responsible for plant damage, special features in their biology and their relationship with plants.
2. Analysis of sustainable attack strategies and case study (21 credits). The seond part introduces protection strategies against bio-agressors. While there is a mainly monodisciplinary approach to the subjects on the first part of the syllabus, the second part examines topics differently, requiring students to adopt a systemic approach to problems. These special modules are made up of case studies which enable students to acquire cross-disciplinary skills through a series of learning situations focused on the solution of real problems.
3. Final assignment (18 credits). The third part requires students to demonstrate their ability to use the knowledge they have acquired in the context of either a research placement or the preparation of a project, depending on their choice:
§ the experimental research placement enables students to familiarize themselves with the work of a research team on a problem relating to the protection of tropical crops. It enables them to use the knowledge they have acquired in the context of a piece of scientific research (ability to analyze the context of the problem in every dimension, understand the methodology adopted and analyze the team’s results).
§ Each placement is supervised by a member of the teaching staff from the Advanced Master and the placement director (the scientist in charge of the laboratory). The placement forms the subject of a written report submitted to the placement director and an oral presentation. Individual assessment of students is undertaken by a group of lecturers (from at least two institutions) whose expertise relates to the subject area of the placement, together with the president of the examining board.
§ The list of research placements is available to students at the beginning of the year.
The project relates to an issue suggested by the student. It is supervised by a team of lecturers and/or researchers under the direction of a lecturer who acts as project director. The project enables students to make use, in a synthetic way, of the knowledge they have acquired to solve a problem relating to crop protection. Each project forms the subject of a written report submitted to the project director and an oral presentation. Individual assessment of students is undertaken by a group of lecturers (from at least two institutions) whose expertise relates to the subject area of the placement, together with the president of the examining board.
See the general admission requirements
Specific procedures :
Special procedures :
Mature students
The admission requirements state : "professional activity (teaching, research, administration) directly linked to the subject area of the placement; students undertaking a placement must be able to show evidence of three years’ professional experience." This programme is therefore clearly designed for mature students.
Strong points of the pedagogical approach
The target audience for which this Advanced Master is designed is also international. For example, in 2004 the Standing Committee for University Co-operation towards Development received 70 applications from North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco), West Africa (Senegal, Mali, Niger, Benin, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and Nigeria), Central Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda) and Haiti. The participation of foreign students with a wide range of professional experience enriches the syllabus, particularly in the courses based on making use of prior experience. The language of instruction for the Advanced Master is French. However a passive knowledge of English is required as a prerequisite.
Legend | ||||||||||||||||||
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Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) | ||||||||||||||||||
Year | ||||||||||||||||||
1 | ||||||||||||||||||
Stage-mémoire :stage de recherche ou de préparation d'un projet - réalisé dans une institution au choix (FUSAGx, UCL, ENSAM, CNEARC) (18credits) | ||||||||||||||||||
LTROP2990 | Travail de fin d'études | N. | 18credits | x | ||||||||||||||
Caractérisation des bio-agresseurs (7credits) | ||||||||||||||||||
LBIRA2106 | Principles of phytiatry | Claude Bragard (coord.), Anne Legrève | 30h | 3credits | 1q | x | ||||||||||||
LTROP2301 | Bactérioses en phytopathologie tropicale | Claude Bragard | 20h | 2credits | 2q | x | ||||||||||||
Agents phytopathogènes (5credits) | ||||||||||||||||||
LBRPP2101A | Biologie des bactéries : champignons, nématodes phytopathogénes | Claude Bragard, Stephan Declerck, Anne Legrève | 45h | 3credits | 2q | x | ||||||||||||
LPP3309 | Agents phytopathogènes : les virus | N. | 18h | 2credits | 1q | x | ||||||||||||
LPP3310 | Les plantes parasites | N. | 9h | 2credits | 2q | x | ||||||||||||
Techniques de diagnostic des bio-agresseurs (9credits) | ||||||||||||||||||
LBRPP2205A | Clinique des plantes: diagnostic et recommandations (partim) | Claude Bragard, Anne Legrève | 30h | 3credits | 1+2q | x | ||||||||||||
LZG3303 | Systématique et écologie des insectes | N. | 30h | 2credits | 2q | x | ||||||||||||
LZG3301 | Technique de diagnostic en entomologie | N. | 15h | 2credits | 2q | x | ||||||||||||
LPP3311 | Techniques de diagnostic en phytopathologie | N. | 18h | 2credits | 1q | x | ||||||||||||
Analyse des stratégies durables de lutte (4credits) | ||||||||||||||||||
Lutte biologique et protection intégrée (2credits) | ||||||||||||||||||
LBRPP2206A | Lutte biologique et protection intégrée | Claude Bragard, Thierry Hance, Anne Legrève | 18h + 0h | 1credit | 1q | x | ||||||||||||
LPP3313 | Lutte biologique et protection intégrée : partim 1 | N. | 18h | 1credit | 2q | x | ||||||||||||
LBRPP2207 | Epidemiology and warning systems in plant pathology | Anne Legrève | 30h | 2credits | 2q | x | ||||||||||||
LPP3312 | Aspects réglementaires de la protection des cultures | N. | 18h | 2credits | 1q | x | ||||||||||||
LCA2111 | Fondements en phytopharmacie | N. | 24h | 2credits | 1q | x | ||||||||||||
LZG3302 | Entomologie appliquée à l'agriculture | N. | 45h | 3credits | 1q | x | ||||||||||||
LZZ3327 | Protection intégrée des produits récoltés | N. | 27h | 2credits | 2q | x | ||||||||||||
Etude de cas (8credits) | ||||||||||||||||||
LENSA3301 | Modalité d'application de la protection intégrée aux cultures tropicales et subtropicales | N. | 90h | 8credits | 2q | x | ||||||||||||