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Minor in Engineering Sciences : biomedical [30.0]
Study objectives
The aim of the minor is to help students taking a baccalaureate in engineering science - civil engineering to gain an introduction into the multidisciplinary domain of biomedical engineering. Thanks to this introduction, which will require an introduction to the living world, future bachelors in engineering science - civil engineering will understand such concepts as the bioinstrument, biomaterial, artificial organs, medical imaging, modeling biological systems, etc, and will later be able to apply them to solving basic problems in the biomedical engineering field. In particular, students should be able to go on to study for a master's in the field of biomedical engineering.
Admission Requirements
The minor in biomedical engineering is mainly intended for students taking a baccalaureate in engineering science - civil engineering or some other baccalaureates (SC and BIR).
Detailed course structure
Legend |
 | Mandatory |  | Optional |  | Courses not taught this academic year |  | Periodic courses not taught this academic year |  | Periodic courses taught this academic year |  | Two year courses |
Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) |
| Year |
| 1 | 2 |
Les étudiants qui auraient déjà suivi LMECA 1901 dans leur majeure le remplaceront par un des cours au choix de 5 crédits minimum de la majeure en biomédical |
| Biologie cellulaire et éléments d'histologie (partim A FSA) | Patrick Henriet | 45h | 4credits | 2q | x | |
| Cellular physiology | Marc Francaux (coord.), Norman Heglund | 30h | 3credits | 1q | | x |
| Systems Physiology | Nicolas Tajeddine | 30h | 3credits | 2q | | x |
| Fundementals of neurophysiology and neuropsychology in motor control and motor learning | Julie Duque, Marcus Missal (coord.) | 45h + 0h | 5credits | 1q | | x |
| Introduction to biomedical engineering | Philippe Lefèvre | 45h | 5credits | 2q | x | |
| Biochemistry I | Michel Ghislain, Yvan Larondelle (coord.) | 30h + 15h | 5credits | 2q | | x |
| Continuum mechanics. | François Dupret | 30h + 30h | 5credits | 1q | | x |
Training accessible at the end of the minor
The minor in biomedical engineering provides access to the future master's in biomedical civil engineering for students who have obtained the bachelor's qualification in engineering science - civil engineering.
Useful contact
Curriculum management
Academic in charge
M. Philippe Lefèvre, prof. ordinaire
SST/EPL - Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain SST/ICTM - Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM) INMA - Pôle en ingénierie mathématique (INMA) SSS/IONS - Institute Of NeuroScience (IoNS)
Adresse courrier |
INMA - Avenue Georges Lemaître 4-6 bte L4.05.01 à 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve |
Email |
Useful contacts
Practical information
How the minor is run and how to enroll
Academic in charge : Professeur
Philippe Lefèvre
Contact person : Nathalie Ponet - tel. : 010/47 25 97
Organizational details
Daily timetable.