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Master in Chemistry [60.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The Master in Chemistry (60 credits) is clearly different from the 120 credit Master in Chemistry ; although it only takes a year of study, it is inspired by the same objectives, but aims in a more modest way to build on and refine the training in the bachelor’s degree.


Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The Master in Chemistry (60 credits) is clearly different from the 120 credit Master in Chemistry ; although it only takes a year of study, it is inspired by the same objectives, but aims in a more modest way to build on and refine the training in the bachelor’s degree.


Detailed programme

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

The only university training directly accessible from the 60 credit Master is teacher training. (30 credits).
It is also possible, in one year, to gain the 120 credit Master in Chemistry. This gives access to doctorates and Advanced Masters. In this case, 42 credits may be valid, as well as a part of the work for the dissertation.



University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Bachelor in Biology [180.0] Si l'étudiant a suivi la Minor in Chemistry [30.0]   Access with additional training  
Bachelor in Bioengineering [180.0]   Access with additional training  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Foreign Bachelors
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
> BA en chimie (toutes finalités)
> BA en chimie finalité biochimie
Accès au master moyennant réussite d'une année préparatoire de max. 60 créditsType court
> BA en sciences agronomiques - type long
> BA en sciences industrielles - type long
Après vérification de l'acquisition des matières prérequises, soit accès moyennant la réussite d'une année préparatoire de 60 crédits max, soit accès immédiat moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits maxType long

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
> MA en sciences agronomiques
> MA en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel en agronomie
> MA en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel, finalités chimie et biochimie, emballage et conditionnement, industrie et textile
> MA en sciences industrielles, finalités chimie et biochimie
Accès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits maxType long

Adults taking up their university training
> See the website www.uclouvain.be/vae

Personalized access
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

See the general admission requirements


Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Département de chimie
Aucun élément de recherche n'a été rempli.

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Secrétariat du Département de chimie
Aucun élément de recherche n'a été rempli.

Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

The programme has been designed to 


Retour en début de pageEvaluation

Students will mainly be assessed on the basis of individual work (e.g. reading, consultation of databases and bibliographic references, writing monographs and reports, presentation of seminars, dissertation and work placement). Where necessary, students will also be assessed on how much they have learned from lectures. As far as possible, there will be continuous assessment, including regular ‘open book examinations’. Certain activities will not be given a precise mark but will be officially certified. Assessment of the dissertation is in two stages : a ‘progress report’ at the end of the first year of the Master and the final presentation.


Core courses
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryFormation disciplinaire de base (36credits)

MandatoryCours de formation disciplinaire générale (27credits)
Mandatory LCHM2120

Analytical Chemistry II and exercises Yann Garcia30h + 40h 6credits 1q x
Mandatory LCHM2130

Inorganic chemistry II and Exercises Michel Devillers30h + 45h 6credits 1q x
Mandatory LCHM2140

Organic chemistry IV and exercices Benjamin Elias (coord.), Istvan Marko, Olivier Riant30h + 40h 6credits  x
Mandatory LCHM2150

Physical chemistry II Tom Leyssens, Daniel Peeters (coord.)45h + 10h 5credits 1q x
Mandatory LCHM2180

Integrated practical exercises Michel Devillers, Benjamin Elias, Yann Garcia, Daniel Peeters, Olivier Riant (coord.) 0h + 45h 4credits  x

MandatoryCompléments de cours obligatoires (9credits)
Mandatory LCHM2181

Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis Eric Gaigneaux, Olivier Riant (coord.)22.5h + 7.5h 3credits 1q x
Mandatory LCHM2170

Introduction to protein biotechnology Pierre Morsomme, Patrice Soumillion22.5h + 7.5h 3credits  x

Mandatoryun cours de spectroscopie choisi parmi (3credits)
Optional LCHM2151

Advanced mass spectrometry Charles-Andre Fustin22.5h + 7.5h 3credits 1q x
Optional LCHM2152

NMR Complements Michel Luhmer22.5h + 7.5h 3credits 1q x
Optional LCHM2122

Analysis physical methods of solids Patrick Bertrand, Yann Garcia (coord.)30h 3credits 1q x

MandatoryCompléments de cours disciplinaires (3credits)
Choix de cours dans la liste comprenant :

Optionalles enseignements à option de bac3 non suivis
Optional LCHM1343

Industrial organic chemistry Istvan Marko22.5h + 7.5h 3credits 1q x
Optional LCHM1353

Quantum Chemistry Daniel Peeters22.5h + 7.5h 3credits 1q x
Optional LCHM1382

Nuclear chemistry Pascal Froment22.5h + 7.5h 3credits 1q x
Optional LCHM2143

Physical organic chemistry Olivier Riant, Raphaël Robiette22.5h + 7.5h 3credits 1q x
Optional LCHM2153

Applied chemical kinetics N.22.5h + 7.5h 3credits  x
Optional LBBMC2101

Biochimie structurale et fonctionnelle Pierre Morsomme, Patrice Soumillion30h 3credits  x

Optionaldes enseignements du programme BIR12BA, BIR13BA ou FSA12BA

MandatoryCompétences transversales
2 crédits à suivre obligatoirement

Mandatoryun cours de philosophie parmi (2credits)
Mandatory LSC2001

Introduction to contemporary philosophy Gilbert Gérard30h 2credits 2q x
Mandatory LSC2220

Philosophy of science Michel Ghins30h 2credits 2q x
Mandatory LFILO2003E

Ethics in the Sciences and technics (sem) N. 2credits  x
Mandatory LCHM2995

Mémoire N. 16credits  x
Mandatory LCHM2290

Thesis tutorial Annick Sonck 0h + 30h 3credits  x