Advanced Master in Transfusion Medicine [60.0]
Study objectives
To enable students to acquire all the concepts in immunohaematology and transfusion practice necessary for the organization of a transfusion centre and a hospital blood bank, to lead the transfusion committee and to improve transfusion safety for patients.
General presentation of the programme
The programme, which comprises a minimum of 300 hours of theoretical courses and practical work, lasts a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years. It is possible to defer, providing the request is made with the initial application.
The teaching, both theoretical courses and supervised work, takes the form of modules. Each module has a special topic and is held over a week for the 30 hour modules or half a week for the 15 hour ones. Each module is supervised by a coordinator and taught in their university.
Students must take the 10 compulsory modules : this represents 225 hours. They must bring this up to 300 hours with optional modules or practical work.
Positioning of the programme
This Advanced Master responds to special training needs arising from the cooperation and development programme. It is an inter-university programme, in partnership with the three Academies and with the participation of the Belgian Red Cross.