Advanced Master in Geriatrics [360.0]
Study objectives
The objective of this Advanced 2nd cycle programme is to prepare doctors to gain professional status as specialist doctors in geriatrics (Ministerial Decree of 29/07/05 published 19/08/2005).
General presentation of the programme
The training comprises full-time placements in approved departments and a taught course. It lasts for at least six years on a full-time basis and comprises basic training of three years and advanced training for a further three years. The placements include duty activities. The proposed placements organized by the interuniversity placement coordinators must be approved by the ministerial committee for geriatric specialization for the whole course or by the committee for internal medicine for the core subjects and subsequently the geriatrics committee for the three years of specialization. This enables specialization to be chosen at the end of the core subjects. However, the committee for geriatric specialization may approve a full plan for candidates who specialize from the outset.
Positioning of the programme