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Advanced Master in Transfusion Medicine [60.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étudeProgramme interuniversitaire

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

To enable students to acquire all the concepts in immunohaematology and transfusion practice necessary for the organization of a transfusion centre and a hospital blood bank, to lead the transfusion committee and to improve transfusion safety for patients.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme, which comprises a minimum of 300 hours of theoretical courses and practical work, lasts a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years. It is possible to defer, providing the request is made with the initial application.

The teaching, both theoretical courses and supervised work, takes the form of modules. Each module has a special topic and is held over a week for the 30 hour modules or half a week for the 15 hour ones. Each module is supervised by a coordinator and taught in their university.

Students must take the 10 compulsory modules : this represents 225 hours. They must bring this up to 300 hours with optional modules or practical work.

Core courses

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

This Advanced Master responds to special training needs arising from the cooperation and development programme. It is an inter-university programme, in partnership with the three Academies and with the participation of the Belgian Red Cross.


See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

Masters in medicine, in pharmacy, in biomedical sciences (120 credits) or in public health

Ouverture aux adultes

Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

The teaching, seminars and practical work bring together courses which are necessary in understanding the bases of immunological mechanisms involving transfusion and special courses in transfusion practice. Practical work enables students to gain real experience.
Placements are undertaken in the transfusion centres of the Blood Service of the Red Cross and/or in the blood banks of the University Hospital. There is no limit on the number of placements : this allows students from developing countries to take part in the activities of transfusion centres. For certain students, the type of placement may have already been decided by the authorities in their country.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

There will be an examination on the theory held after each module in accordance with arrangements recommended by the coordinator and with the current regulations. Practical work is assessed by the relevant placement director.

This Advanced Master is open to students from developing countries.


Core courses
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

S'il le souhaite, l'étudiant peut suivre, durant la troisième semaine de septembre, une semaine de propédeutique. Celle-ci est facultative.

MandatoryCours obligatoires et mémoire (54credits)
Mandatory WIHTR3010

Antigènes et anticorps des groupes sanguins. Notions approfondies  (in French) Véronique De Neys 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory WULG3320

Antigènes et anticorps de goupes sanguins: Notions approfondies  (in French) N. 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory WIHTR3020

Système HLA  (in French) Dominique Latinne 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory WULB7800

Systèmes plaquettaires et granulocytaires  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x
Mandatory WULB7801

Compléments d'immunologie  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x
Mandatory WULB7802

Compléments d'hématologie et hémostase  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x
Mandatory WULG3321

Processus de production des dérivés sanguins  (in French) N. 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory WULG3322

Maladies transmissibles par le sang  (in French) N. 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory WIHTR3030

Contexte légal éthique et responsabilité médicale  (in French) Philippe Baele 15h  2credits    x
Mandatory WULB7803

Transfusion clinique  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x
Mandatory WIHTR3090

Mémoire  (in French) N.   20credits    x
Mandatory WULB7804

Assurance qualité - Hémovigilance  (in French) N. 30h  4credits    x

MandatoryCours à option et stage (6credits)
L'étudiant choisira 6 crédits parmi les activités suivantes. Si l'étudiant opte pour un stage, suivant le nombre de semaines de stage effectuées, le stage vaudra entre 2 et 6 crédits.
Optional WIHTR3050

Gestion de banque de sang hospitalière  (in French) Stéphane Eeckhoudt 15h  2credits    x
Optional WIHTR3040

Organisation transfusionnelle  (in French) Véronique De Neys 15h  2credits    x
Optional WULG3324

Immunogénétique : applications médico-légales et biologie moléculaire appliquée à la transfusion  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x
Optional WULB7806

Thérapie cellulaire  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x
Optional WULG3325

Transfusion dans les pays en développement  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x

Stages  (in French) N.       x