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Advanced Master in Water Resources [60.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étudeProgramme interuniversitaire

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

This inter-university programme, organized jointly by the Wallonia-Europe Academy and the Louvain Academy is designed to provide advanced French-speaking training in the field of water resources. There is special emphasis on understanding the processes which determines the flows in the terrestrial hydrosystem (quantitative and qualitative), characterization (data acquisition and processing) and predictive modelling and, overall, the best possible management of the resource that is water. It offers a special combination of subjects currently available in a very different selection of training courses.

The programme is designed to train specialists in the field of water who are capable of working in institutions in the public sector (e.g. ministries and international institutions) private companies, research departments and other different organizations.  

It also enables students to acquire in-depth knowledge which is both useful and necessary to lead on to a doctoral programme in this area.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme, which lasts one year and is worth 60 credits, comprises :

A refresher course of a maximum of 15 credits for additional activities may be required by the programme management committee. These prerequisite subjects would be taken in the framework of Master programmes offered by the partner institutions.

Tronc commun

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

This programme may only be taken after gaining a first Master’s degree for 2nd cycle studies worth at least 300 credits. It may lead to doctoral training.


Students who hold the following academic degrees may gain direct entry ([1] ) to the Advanced Master in Water Resources, subject to a possible modification of the programme (up to 15 additional credits) :

- Master in the field of engineering;

- Master (120 credits) in the field of science;

- Master in the field of agriculture and bio-engineering;

- 2nd cycle degree corresponding to one of the above-mentioned degrees and awarded before the decree of 31 March 2004;

- 2nd cycle degree corresponding to one of the above-mentioned degrees and awarded in the Flemish Community.

( [1] ) Before enrolment, students should make contact with the local programme director to seek approval from the programme management committee. Candidates are required to submit their c.v. and a list of courses already taken.  

Students who hold the following academic degrees may gain entry to the Advanced Master in Water Resources, subject to the approval of the academic authorities and any additional requirements they may impose :

- Master in industrial engineering (L);

- a degree similar to those mentioned above and awarded by the Royal Military School ;

- a foreign degree recognized as equivalent to one of those mentioned above;

- a foreign degree judged by the panel to be comparable and validated as being worth 300 credits.

When the additional entry conditions consist of one or more additional courses worth more than 15 credits, the panel must, if they accept the student’s application, require an extra year of study (preliminary programme for Advanced Master). The preliminary programme does not lead to an academic degree. However, on satisfactory completion of this programme, a certificate is awarded and the student may enrol for the Advanced Master.

Where entry to the Advanced Master is not direct, and for applications which do not fall into the above-mentioned categories, students should submit their files to he Admissions Office of the relevant institution.

Before enrolment, students should make contact with the local programme director to seek approval from the programme management committee. Candidates are required to submit their c.v. and a list of courses already taken.  


Gestion du programme

Les personnes de contact dans les universités partenaires sont les suivantes :

- Prof. Alain DASSARGUES       ULG                  Alain.Dassargues@ulg.ac.be

- Prof. Marnik VANCLOOSTER   UCL                  Marnik.Vanclooster@uclouvain.be

- Prof. Jean-Pierre DESCY         FUNDP              jean-pierre.descy@fundp.ac.be
- Prof. Dimitri XANTHOULIS        FUSAGx           xanthoulis.d@fsagx.ac.be


Contacts utiles à l'UCL:

Secrétariat facultaire SAGR

Croix du sud 2, bte1
tél :010/47.37.19 – fax : 010/47.47.45

Teaching method

The control and sustainable management of water resources are primarily based on understanding all the processes which determine hydrological flows in terrestrial ecosystems. They also rely on different techniques and technologies for characterization, modelling and management, all of which relate different disciplines.


There are various institutions involved in the organization of the Advanced Master. This enables the different aspects necessary for the study of the processes and techniques in water resource management to be thoroughly covered. The collegial nature of the teaching, based on teaching teams (cfr. programme) should help students to acquire the necessary cross-disciplinary skills. In addition, the experience of our partners in applied studies in water resource management in the Walloon Region, internationally and especially in the Southern hemisphere, ensures that the training is closely allied to the needs of the sector, both at regional and international levels. There are currently many other forms of exchange between students, staff and the countries of the Southern hemisphere: the Advanced Master is also expected to rapidly become one of them.

First, the Master offers advanced training and techniques in the area of characterization and modeling of water resources, focussing on the physical, chemical and biological functions of the hydrosystem,  as well as the pressures on the resource, especially the climate. Subsequently, the programme goes on to develop interdisciplinary skills through compulsory cross-disciplinary seminars. These seminars tackle issues raised by the study of practical cases, introduced by experts in water management from the region and elsewhere.


Depending on the prerequisites, students may complete their programme with optional subjects from other Master programmes.


E-learning aids used at different institutions such as iCampus at UCL are used for coordinating special teaching sessions.


The partner institutions enjoy an international reputation in this area.  

Up until 2005, some of them organized specialized studies in hydrology. The new programme for the Advanced Master has adapted this content to reflect changes in the subject. The subject and the focus of the training should attract international students.

The expertise of the teaching staff means that activities on this programme will include case studies likely to be of international interest, particularly in the context of the compulsory interdisciplinary seminars. Final dissertations may include some experimental work carried out abroad.

Detailed programme
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
Mandatory LREAU2399

Mémoire de fin d'études  N.   15credits    x

MandatoryCours obligatoires (36credits)
Mandatory LFUGX2303

Water in soils: measurements and interpretation  (in French) N.   2credits    x
Mandatory LFUGX2304

Hydraulic watershed management   (in French) N.   3credits    x
Mandatory LULG2305

Surface hydrology and hydraulics  (in French) N.   4credits    x
Mandatory LULG2306

Applied hydrogeology   (in French) N.   4credits    x
Mandatory LULG2307

Antropic perturbations of aquatic ecosystems  (in French) N.   4credits    x
Mandatory LULG2309

Climatology and hydrology  (in French) N.   3credits    x
Mandatory LFNDP2308

Ecological state of surface water  (in French) N.   4credits    x
Mandatory LREAU2301

Vadoze zone hydrology   Mathieu Javaux, Marnik Vanclooster 30h + 15h  4credits    x
Mandatory LBIRE2101

Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal data  Patrick Bogaert 22.5h + 15h  3credits  2q  x
Mandatory LBRES2204

Integrated water management of water resources  Olivier Cogels, Marnik Vanclooster (coord.) 30h + 22.5h  5credits  1q  x

MandatorySéminaire obligatoire (4credits)
Mandatory LREAU2302

Integrated modeling of the water cycle : a tool for integrated water management  Marnik Vanclooster 30h + 15h  4credits    x

MandatoryCours au choix (5credits)
Cours à choisir pour 5 crédits minimum dans les programmes des institutions partenaires, en fonction de la formation antérieure de l'étudiant et du choix du thème du mémoire et en accord avec le comité de gestion du programme.