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Advanced Master in Orthodontics [240.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The objective of this Advanced 2nd cycle programme is to prepare dentists to gain professional status as specialist dentists in orthodontics. (Ministerial Orders of 28 May 2001 and 11 June 2001 published 5 July 2001.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The full-time training lasts four years and comprises a theoretical part (at least 180 hours per year), a pre-clinical part (at least 30 hours per year) and a clinical part (at least 1,290 hours per year). In addition to the internal placement in the training centre under the direction of an approved placement supervisor-coordinator, the clinical training also includes an external independent professional practice placement of at least 500 hours in an approved location and under the direction of an approved placement supervisor. During the placements, candidates devote themselves entirely to practising a specialization, according to a plan approved by the ministerial committee. During training, candidates may not undertake any clinical activity outside their placement work.

Candidates must become involved in research work in an area of the specialization. Before the end of the training, they must present a paper to a scientific meeting as well as a dissertation or an article for publication in a leading international journal.

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Programme committee

President : Myriam DELATTE

Members : Catherine BEHETS, Pierre BERCY, Sami BOU SABA, Alain BRABANT, Hugo De Clerck, Charles PILIPILI, Hervé REYCHLER, José VREVEN and a representative from the DACCS.

Teaching committee
Président : Myriam DELATTE

Membres : Catherine BEHETS, Pierre BERCY, Sami BOU SABA, Alain BRABANT, Hugo De Clerck, Charles PILIPILI, Hervé REYCHLER, José VREVEN et un représentant des dentistes assistants cliniciens candidats spécialistes en orthodontie (DACCS).


See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

Further information about the legal requirements and the practical details of the selection examination may be obtained from the office.

The Royal Decree of 30 May 2002 on the availability of dentistry studies, published on 18 June 2002, applies to candidates who wish to gain professional status as general dentists. (These candidates therefore fall into the category of generalists or specialists in the restricted intake.)

Applications should be submitted to the academic in charge of the programme: the deadline is 1 July. The organization of the selection examination is in accordance with the timetable and the general examination regulations. 

Selection committee

The selection panel is composed of at least three members : the president of the programme committee of the two Advanced Masters (orthodontics and periodontics) and at least one other member from the programme committee of the relevant Master programme (orthodontics).

Ouverture aux adultes

Gestion du programme

MDEN Ecole de médecine dentaire et de stomatologie

Responsable académique et Maître de stage coordinateur :

Tél. : 02 764 57 07


Secrétariat de l’Ecole de médecine dentaire et de stomatologie

Tél. : 02 764 57 52

Fax : 02 764 57 22

E-mail :

Core courses

During the course, students’ knowledge and skills during the basic training in dentistry are deepened and further knowledge and skills are acquired in the following areas :

General medicine and biology

General orthodontics

Specialized orthodontics

Orthodontic techniques

Multidisciplinary treatments

Special procedures


orthodontics and root resorptions

There is an assessment of candidates’ theoretical and practical knowledge at the end of each year which enables the programme committee to validate the academic year. At the end of the course, assessment is based on a test of candidates’ theoretical and practical knowledge, on the report of the placement supervisors, on the presentation of twenty cases which have been treated and fully documents, on the presentation of a case at a public session as well as the defence of an original dissertation or article for publication in a leading international journal.

When the above requirements have been fulfilled, the programme committee will award the academic qualification of Advanced Master in Orthodontics.

This is not a substitute for recognition by the ministerial committee. It is evidence of academic and scientific training in the context of specialized training leading to the award of professional status.

To have their training period validated by the ministerial committee for orthodontics, candidates must submit their training record book, duly completed, at the end of each year of training.