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Advanced Master in Emergency Medicine [360.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

This programme in the Advanced 2nd cycle is designed to prepare doctors to qualify for the professional status of specialist doctor in emergency medicine (Ministerial Decree of 14 February 2005, published on 4 March 2005).

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

Full time training takes at least six years and includes theoretical teaching, full time placements and a paper or the publication of an article.

Prior training for the Advanced Master in Intensive Medicine may count towards this, for three years.

The plan for the placement drawn up by the university placement coordinator must be approved by the ministerial qualification committee for the relevant specialization. These placements include duty activities.

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Teaching committee
President : F. THYS
Vice-President : VANPEE Dominique
Members : Bodart Eddy, Danse Etienne, Dubois Vincent, EL GARIANI Abdul Wahed, GILLET Jean Bernard, MARION Eric, MEERT Philippe, MOULIN Didier, VANDENBOSSCHE Pierre, VERSCHUREN Franck, VEYCKEMANS Francis. Un représentant des MACCS.


See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :


NB : Prior training for the Advanced Master in Intensive Medicine may count for three years.

Further details of the legal requirements and the practical procedures involved in the selection examination may be obtained from the administrative office.  Holders of a degree from outside the European Union may not enrol for this programme except in the context of a university certificate in partial specialized training lasting two years (if they are studying a specialization in their home country) or advanced specialized training for a year (if they have already gained the status of specialist in their country).

Applications should be submitted to the lecturer in charge of the programme. The organization of the selection examination is in accordance with the timetable and the general examination regulations. 

Selection committee

Bodart Eddy, Danse Etienne, Dubois Vincent, EL GARIANI Abdul Wahed, GILLET Jean Bernard , MARION Eric, MEERT Philippe, MOULIN Didier , Reynaert Marc, THYS Frédéric, VANDENBOSSCHE Pierre, VANPEE Dominique, VERSCHUREN Franck, VEYCKEMANS Francis, two coopted members (Zech Francis, Delloye Christian) and two invited members (Jacques Jean Marie, Pelgrim Jean Pierre). A representative from the MACCS.

Ouverture aux adultes


Detailed programme
full time placements in various approved emergency departments

a paper to a recognized scientific meeting or the publication of an article on a subject involving emergency medicine in a scientific journal


Candidates’ knowledge will be tested through continuous assessment by the placement supervisor and by examinations on the subjects taught. In addition, candidates must produce a piece of scientific work to present in a public class and to a national or international emergency medicine convention and/or published in a recognized scientific journal.

When the above requirements have been fulfilled, the programme committee will award the academic qualification in emergency medicine. 
This is not a substitute for recognition by the ministerial committee. It is evidence of academic and scientific training in the context of specialized training leading to the award of professional status.

Training as a specialist doctor in intensive medicine may count for three years towards the total of six years’ training required to become a specialist doctor in emergency medicine.