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Advanced Master in Industrial Pharmacy [60.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étudeProgramme interuniversitaire

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The training programme in Industrial Pharmacy prepares the students in the practice of responsibilities linked to the production, control and analysis of medicaments, as well as in the registration, marketing and the pharmacovigilance of these same medicaments.

This programme offers the possibility for the student to complete the theoretical sessions with practical experience in a sector of the student's choice. The complementary master's in Industrial Pharmacy is the direction chosen by those who wish to acquire the qualified status of a pharmacist (pharmacist responsible for the conformity of the medicaments produced by a pharmaceutical firm - Royal Decree of 06 June, 1960) by completing a university training programme. In order to obtain this official recognition by the Ministry of Public Health, the degree course must be completed by a period of practical experience of 6 months in one or several pharmaceutical firms granted official authorisation for the industrial fabrication of medicaments in accordance with the directives laid down by the Royal Decree of 14th August, 1989.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The duration of the studies and the training programme is one year, full-time. On the recommendation of the Industrial Pharmacist Management Committee, the study programme can be spread over two academic years, subject to the authorisation of the President of the School of Pharmacy in the case where the student is professionally active elsewhere or if his particular situation is considered to justify this.

The programme comprises 2 parts :
• the first part is made up of a core syllabus organised by the three universities. This core syllabus is divided into 7 modules (A to G), each including theoretical sessions as well as seminars. The total timetable volume of this core syllabus amounts to 450 hours (45 ECTS), with each university taking in charge one third, or 150 hours of the programme.
• the second part consists of an individual piece of work that the student will prepare during the course of a 12 week training period of work experience carried out in one or several departments, either in one of the universities, or in a pharmaceutical industry proposed by the programme management committee, or yet again in the context of an inter-university SOCRATES/ERASMUS exchange scheme. The total timetable volume of this second part amounts to 150 hours (15 ECTS).

Core courses

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme


See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

This programme is accessible to pharmacists holding a diploma from the French-speaking Community in Belgium or a recognised equivalent.

Admission procedure
Enrolments are made at the university chosen by the student who pays the corresponding fee in the institution of his choice. The degree is awarded by this same institution. Applications for admission should be addressed to the secretary's office of the School of Pharmacy, by means of a special form issued by the latter. Applications are examined by the Admission Committee for complementary masters (3rd cycle) and then by the Programme Management Committee. Notice of refusal is given to the applicant by the academic secretary.

Ouverture aux adultes

FARM School of Pharmacy
This programme is inter-university and is organised by the Catholic University of Louvain, the University of Liege and the free University of Brussels
Academic Supervisor, UCL : Marie-Paule Mingeot
Contact person : Annie Celis
Tel. 02 764 73 62
E-mail :
The secretary's office is accessible to students every morning from 10 00 a.m. to 12 noon and on Mondays and Thursdays from 1 00 p.m. to 2 00 p.m.
Special timetable during the holidays
Responsable académique UCL

M. Roger-K. Verbeeck, prof. ordinaire

SSS/FASB - Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales (FASB)
SSS/LDRI - Louvain Drug Research Institute (LDRI)

Adresse courrier
  LDRI - Avenue Mounier 73 bte B1.73.13 à 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
  Téléphone : 02 764 73 53
  Secrétariat : 02 764 73 69
  Télécopie : 02 764 73 50
  Bâtiment : Van Helmont; Etage 03; Local 6045; Site Bruxelles Woluwe

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Responsable du programme

Mme Rita Vanbever, professeur, maître de rech. FNRS

SSS/FASB - Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales (FASB)
SSS/LDRI - Louvain Drug Research Institute (LDRI)

Adresse courrier
  LDRI - Avenue Mounier 73 bte B1.73.12 à 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
  Téléphone : 02 764 73 25
  Secrétariat : 02 764 73 20
  Bâtiment : Van Helmont; Etage 02; Local 5642; Site Bruxelles Woluwe

Core courses
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryModules (45credits)

MandatorySubstances actives (6credits)
Ce module est composé des matières suivantes : Substances issues des recherches parmacochimiques (10h ULg - 5h ULB)/ Substances issues des biotechnologies (15h ULB)/ Substances d'origine naturelle (5h UCL - 5H ULB)/ Produits pharmaceutiques (10h ULB). Les étudiants qui suivent ce module s'inscrivent pour cela au cours suivant :
Mandatory WFARI2100

Active molecules  (in French) Joëlle Leclercq 50h  6credits    x

MandatoryAspects cliniques (6credits)
Ce module est composé des matières suivantes : Métabolisme des médicaments et paramètres pharmacocinétiques (20h UCL)/ Aspects théoriques et pratiques des études cliniques (y compris les méthodes statistiques appliquées aux études cliniques)(20h ULg)/ Information et pharmacovigilance (10h ULg). Les étudiants qui suivent ce module s'inscrivent pour cela au cours suivant :
Mandatory WFARI2101

Aspects cliniques  (in French) Roger-K. Verbeeck 50h  6credits    x

MandatoryAssurance de qualité et management pharmaceutique (8credits)
Ce module est composé des matières suivantes : Aspects économiques du médicament (10h ULg)/ Principes de management pharmaceutique (10h ULg)/ Organisation et assurance de qualité dans l'industrie pharmaceutique & Technologie analytique des procédés et analyse des risques(27.5h UCL)/ Anglais appliqué à l'industrie pharmaceutique(ANGL3451) (20h UCL)/ Brevet et protection industrielle (5h ULB). Les étudiants qui suivent ce module s'inscrivent pour cela au cours suivant :
Mandatory WFARI2102

Assurance de qualité et management pharmaceutique  (in French) Xavier Marcelis, Jean Scouvart (coord.) 72.5h  8credits    x

MandatoryTechnologie pharmaceutique (8credits)
Ce module est composé des matières suivantes : Microbiologie pharmaceutique industrielle (15h ULB)/ Préformulation et sélection des formes galéniques (15h ULB)/ Production industrielle des formes galéniques (15h ULg)/ Génie pharmaceutique (15h UCL)/ Aspect industriel du développement technologique y compris le conditionnement (10h ULg). Les étudiants qui suivent ce module s'inscrivent pour cela au cours suivant :
Mandatory WFARI2103

Technologie pharmaceutique  (in French) Jean Gillard (coord.), Philippe Levêque 70h  8credits    x

MandatoryAnalyse des médicaments (7credits)
Ce module est composé des matières suivantes : Pratique des méthodes d'analyse et de contrôle pharmaceutique et biopharmaceutique (10h ULB - 15h ULg)/ Validation des méthodes d'analyse pharmaceutique et biopharmaceutique et qualification de l'appareillage (15h ULg)/ Méthodes statistiques appliquées à l'industrie pharmaceutique (15h UCL)/ Planification expérimentale (10h Ulg). Les étudiants qui suivent ce module s'inscrivent pour cela au cours suivant :
Mandatory WFARI2104

Analyse des médicaments  (in French) Bernadette Govaerts, Pierre Lebrun (supplée Bernadette Govaerts) 65h  7credits    x

MandatoryAffaires réglementaires et environnement médico-social (7credits)
Le module est composé de : Législation et procédures appliquées à l'industrie pharmaceutique (15h UCL)/ Environnement économique et médico-social du médicament (10h ULB)/ Dossier CTD (Common Technical Document) (15h ULB)/ Réglementations des études précliniques et clinique (15h ULB)/ Aspects réglementaires particuliers : médicaments et compléments alimentaires à base de plantes (5h ULg) & développement galénique (5h ULB). Les étudiants qui suivent ce module s'inscrivent à :
Mandatory WFARI2105

Affaires réglementaires et environnement médico-social  (in French) Catherine Druez 65h  7credits    x

MandatoryVisites et séminaires organisés dans les industries pharmaceutiques (3credits)
Ce module est composé des matières suivantes : Séminaires d'immersion en milieu industriel pharmaceutique (22,5h UCL - 25h ULB- 30h ULg). Les étudiants qui suivent ce module s'inscrivent pour cela au cours suivant :
Mandatory WFARI2106

Visites et séminaires organisés dans les industries pharmaceutiques  (in French) Roger-K. Verbeeck 77.5h  3credits    x

MandatoryTravail personnel (15credits)
Mandatory WFARI2109

Mémoire (dans le cadre d'un stage de 12 semaines)  (in French) N.   15credits    x

Student evaluation on the inter-university programme content will consist of a single oral session of exams per module (from A to F, described above).
An oral defence of the individual piece of work will also be organised and evaluated by an inter-university jury. In order to obtain official recognition by the Ministry of Public Health for the title "person responsible for the conformity of medication products by a pharmaceutical firm", the pharmacist who has obtained his inter-university degree as an industrial pharmacist is obliged to do a 6 months complementary apprenticeship in a pharmaceutical firm in accordance with the
procedures laid down by the Royal Decree of 14 August, 1989.