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Advanced Master in Clinical Biology [300.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

This complementary master's programme aims to prepare doctors to be recognised holders of the particular professional title of specialist doctor in Clinical Biology (Ministerial decree of the 15.09.1979, published on 26.09.1979, modified by the Ministerial decree of 26.04.1982, 03.09.1984 and 07.03.1985).

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The training course includes full time apprenticeships in recognised services and teaching centres and lasts for at least five years. The apprenticeship project established by the university promoter must be approved by the ministerial validation committee for the speciality. These periods of practical training include being on call. Candidates have the choice between 4 orientations :
• Medical Biochemistry
• Microbiology
• Haematological Biology
• Polyvalent Clinical Biology
The first part (2 years) is common to the four orientations.

Tronc commun BCMM2MC

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Teaching committee
President : J.-M. Scheiff.
Members : M. Bodeus, B. Chatelain, M. Delmée, V. Deneys, S. EEckhoudt, Ch. Fillée, L. Galanti, Y. Glupczynski, P. Goubau, C. Hermans, V. Haufroid, D. Latinne, T. Leal, D. Maisin, M. Philippe, P. Saussoye, A. Simon, J.-P. Tomasi, M.-Fr. Vincent et P. Wallemacq


See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

Admission conditions
• The applicant must hold the degree title of Doctor in Medecine or be a Doctor from a member country of the European Union authorising medical practice in Belgium.
• The applicant must be in possession of a document attesting that, at the end of the selection exams, he was retained as a specialist candidate in Clinical Biology, in a Belgian medical faculty.
• The entrance exam includes the evaluation of the study curriculum, compulsory work experience periods (2 months minimum) in Clinical Biology as well as an exam focussing on the three subject areas : medical biochemistry, microbiology and haematological biology.

The juridical context and practical procedures regarding these selection tests can be obtained from the secretary's office. Degree holders from outside the European Union are only allowed to register on the programme in the context of procuring a university certificate for partially specialised training for the duration of two years (if they are in the process of doing a specialisation in their country of origin) or for an in-depth specialised training course for the duration of one year (if they are already recognised as specialists in their own country).

The Royal Decree of the 30.05.2002, relating to the planning of the medical offer published on the 14.06.2002, applies to those candidates wishing to obtain the title of specialist doctor in Clinical Biology (those candidates are thus counted among the general practitioner candidates or specialists in the context of the numerus clausus).

Admission procedures
Applications for admission must be addressed to the academic supervisor. The organisation of the entrance selection tests is arranged in accordance with the calendar and the general examination rules and regulations.

Ouverture aux adultes

CBIM Committee of Medical Biology
Academic Supervisor : Jean-Marie Scheiff
Tel. 027645253 (027641832)
Contact : P. Vincken (Secretary's office for haematological laboratories)
Tel. 027641739

Teaching Committee
President : J.-M. Scheiff.
Members : M. Bodeus, B. Chatelain, M. Delmée, Philippe de Nayer, V. Deneys, L. Galanti, J. Gigi, Y. Glupczynski, P. Goubau, C. Hermans, V. Haufroid, J.-M. Ketelslegers, D. Latinne, M. Philippe, J.-P. Tomasi, M.-Fr. Vincent and P. Wallemacq

Selection Committee
The Selection Committee for specialist candidate assistant doctors (MACCS, in French) is composed of members of the teaching Committee, to which are added two guest members and two co-opted members.

Detailed programme
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
1 2 3 4 5

MandatoryFormation de base - Tronc commun à toutes les filières (60credits)
L'enseignement du tronc commun est prodigué de manière interuniversitaire en collaboration avec l'ULB et l'ULg. Il s'agit de deux années de formation comprenant :

Enseignement théorique
(85 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

(40 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

Formation clinique encadrée
(25 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

Il s'agit de 4 stages de 6 mois respectivement en chimie, hématologie et microbiologie, dans des laboratoires agréés par la Commission de biologie clinique.  (in French)
N.       x x x x

MandatoryCours obligatoires
Mandatory WBICL2100M

Compléments de biochimie médicale (partim)  (in French) N. 45h  5credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBCMM2330

Technics in microbiology  (in French) Monique Bodéus, Michel Delmée (coord.), Gerald Glupczynski, Patrick Goubau, Jean-Paul Tomasi 20h + 30h  4credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBCMM2101

Methods in Haematological Biology  (in French) Bernard Chatelain, Véronique De Neys, Jean-Marie Scheiff (coord.) 20h + 10h  3credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBCMM2102

Seminars in Haematological Biology  (in French) Véronique De Neys, Jean-Marie Scheiff (coord.) 20h  2credits    x x x x

OptionalCours à option
Optional WBICL2106

Informatique appliquée à la biologie clinique  (in French) Benoît Debande (coord.), Catherine Fillee, Marianne Philippe 15h + 15h  3credits    x x x x

MandatoryFormation avancée (60credits)
L'étudiant choisira l'une des 4 filières suivantes :

OptionalFilière Biochimie médicale
Il s'agit de trois années de formation comprenant :

Enseignement théorique
(18 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

(105 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

Formation clinique encadrée
(27 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

Il s'agit de 3 périodes de stages d'un an à temps plein en biochimie médicale dans des laboratoires agréés par la Commission de biologie clinique.  (in French)
N.       x x x x

MandatoryCours obligatoires
Mandatory WBCMM2200

Special topics on clinical chemistry  Vincent Haufroid, Marianne Philippe, Marie-Françoise Vincent, Pierre Wallemacq (coord.) 30h  5credits    x x x x
Mandatory WFARM2502

Further development in analytical toxicology and phytopharmacy  (in French) Pierre Wallemacq 20h + 10h  3credits  2q  x x x x

Mandatory WBCMM2900

Mémoire  (in French) N.   18credits    x x x x

OptionalCours à option
Optional WBICL2107

Principe et méthodologie des dosages immunologiques  (in French) Diane Maisin, Marianne Philippe (coord.) 15h + 40h  3credits  2q  x x x x

OptionalFilière Microbiologie
Il s'agit de trois années de formation comprenant :

Enseignement théorique
(150 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

Il s'agit de 3 périodes de stages d'un an à temps plein en microbiologie dans des laboratoires agréés par la Commission de biologie clinique.  (in French)
N.       x x x x

MandatoryCours obligatoires
Mandatory WBICL2102M

Compléments de microbiologie (partim M)  (in French) N. 60h  5credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBICL2104

New aspects on the use of autoimmune serology  (in French) Jean-Paul Tomasi 15h  2credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBICL2103M

Compléments de virologie (partim M)  (in French) N. 45h  4credits    x x x x
Mandatory WFARM2182M

Génétique moléculaire des procaryotes et notions de génie génétique (partim M)  (in French) N. 30h  3credits    x x x x

Mandatory WBCMM2900

Mémoire  (in French) N.   18credits    x x x x

OptionalCours à option
Optional WMED1264

Hygiène hospitalière  (in French) Anne Simon 15h  2credits  2q  x x x x
Optional WBICL2106

Informatique appliquée à la biologie clinique  (in French) Benoît Debande (coord.), Catherine Fillee, Marianne Philippe 15h + 15h  3credits    x x x x
Optional WESP2121

Epidemiology  (in French) Niko Speybroeck 20h + 20h  4credits  2q  x x x x
Optional WSBIM2216

Immunologie expérimentale  (in French) Pierre Coulie (coord.), Laure Dumoutier, Sophie Lucas, Jean-Christophe Renauld 30h  3credits    x x x x

OptionalFilière Biologie hématologique
Il s'agit de trois années de formation comprenant :

Enseignement théorique
(15 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

(135 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

Il s'agit de 3 périodes de stages d'un an à temps plein en biologie hématologique dans des laboratoires agréés par la Commission de biologie clinique.  (in French)
N.       x x x x

MandatoryCours obligatoires
Mandatory WBCMM2201

Morphologie des organes hématopoïétiques et cytologie clinique  (in French) Jean-Marie Scheiff 15h  2credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBCMM2202

Protocoles de morphologie hématologique  (in French) Jean-Marie Scheiff 45h  4credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBICL2101

Questions spéciales d'immunologie, d'immunohématologie et de transfusion  (in French) Véronique De Neys, Dominique Latinne (coord.), Pascale Saussoy 45h  4credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBCMM2203

Questions spéciales d'hémostase  (in French) Stéphane Eeckhoudt, Cédric Hermans (coord.) 45h  4credits    x x x x

Mandatory WBCMM2900

Mémoire  (in French) N.   18credits    x x x x

OptionalCours à option
Optional WINTR2181

Compléments d'hémostase  (in French) Christian Chatelain, Christian Chatelain, Stéphane Eeckhoudt, Cédric Hermans (coord.) 15h  2credits  2q  x x x x
Optional WINTR2182

Complements in Haematology  Chantal Doyen, Chantal Doyen, Carlos Graux, Laurent Knoops (coord.), Lucienne Michaux, Anne Sonet, Eric Van Den Neste, Marie-Christiane Vekemans 15h  2credits  2q  x x x x
Optional WBCMM2204

Séminaires d'hématologie postgradués  (in French) N. 8h  2credits    x x x x
Optional WSBIM2216

Immunologie expérimentale  (in French) Pierre Coulie (coord.), Laure Dumoutier, Sophie Lucas, Jean-Christophe Renauld 30h  3credits    x x x x

OptionalFilière Biologie clinique polyvalente
Il s'agit de trois années de formation comprenant :

Enseignement théorique
(50 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

(100 heures)  (in French)
N.       x x x x

Il s'agit de 3 périodes de stages d'un an à temps plein respectivement en biologie médicale, en microbiologie et en biologie hématologique, dans des laboratoires agréés par la Commission de biologie clinique.  (in French)
N.       x x x x

MandatoryCours obligatoires
Mandatory WBCMM2200

Special topics on clinical chemistry  Vincent Haufroid, Marianne Philippe, Marie-Françoise Vincent, Pierre Wallemacq (coord.) 30h  5credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBICL2102C

Compléments de microbiologie (partim C)  (in French) N. 29h  3credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBICL2103C

Compléments de virologie (partim C)  (in French) N. 21h  2credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBCMM2202M

Protocoles de morphologie hématologique (partim)  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBICL2101M

Questions spéciales d'immunologie, d'immunohématologie et de transfusion  (in French) N. 20h  2credits    x x x x
Mandatory WBCMM2203M

Questions spéciales d'hémostase (partim)  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x x x x

Mandatory WBCMM2900

Mémoire  (in French) N.   18credits    x x x x

Cours à option
Tous les cours mentionnés dans les autres filières du master complémentaire.  (in French)
N.       x x x x

Presentation for the exam for compulsory courses at the end of the 2nd and 5th year. Presentation of a thesis based on a publication in an international magazine of which the candidate is the first author. The subject of the thesis must be approved by the Committee.

Further to the application of the Royal Decree of 16 March, 1999, after the first two years of studies, the candidate will receive an attestation proving he has successfully accomplished a specific university training programme. Upon fulfilment of the training requirements, described above, the teaching committee will award the academic title in Clinical Biology, specifying the orientation chosen.

This title does not replace official recognition by the ministerial validation committee. It attests the successful completion of an academic and scientific study programme in the context of specialised training leading to this validation.