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Advanced Master in Anesthesia - Intensive Care [300.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The training course includes full time apprenticeships in recognised services and teaching centres. It lasts for at least five years, full-time, and is divided up into two years of foundation studies consisting of a specific university education, followed by three years of extended studies. The apprenticeship project established by the university promoter must be approved by the ministerial validation committee for the speciality. These periods of practical training include being on call.

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Teaching committee
President : DE KOCK Marc
Members : BAELE Philippe, COLLARD Edith, DOCQUIER Marie-Agnès, DUBOIS Philippe, LAVAND'HOMME Patricia, le POLAIN de WAROUX Bernard, MATTA Amine, MAYNE Alain, MOMENI Mona, PENDEVILLE Philippe, PIROTTE Thierry, RANDOUR Philippe, RENNOTTE Marie-Thérèse, ROELANTS Fabienne, SCHOLTES Jean-Louis, VAN BOVEN Michel, VAN DYCK Michel, VEYCKEMANS Francis, WATREMEZ Christine.


See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

Admission conditions
• The applicant must hold the degree title of Doctor in Medecine or be a Doctor from a member country of the European Union authorising medical practice in Belgium.
• The applicant must be in possession of a document attesting that, at the end of the selection exams, he was retained as a specialist candidate in Anaesthetics-Resuscitation, in a Belgian medical faculty.

The juridical context and practical procedures regarding these selection tests can be obtained from the secretary's office. Degree holders from outside the European Union are only allowed to register on the programme in the context of procuring a university certificate for partially specialised training for the duration of two years (if they are in the process of doing a specialisation in their country of origin) or for an in-depth specialised training course for the duration of one year (if they are already recognised as specialists in their own country).
The Royal Decree of the 30.05.2002, relating to the planning of the medical offer for the public, published on the 14.06.2002, applies to those candidates wishing to obtain the title of specialist doctor in Anaestetics-Resuscitation (those candidates are thus counted among the general practitioner candidates or specialists in the context of the numerus clausus).

Admission procedure
Applications for admission must be addressed to the academic supervisor. The organisation of the entrance selection tests is arranged in accordance with the calendar and the general examination rules and regulations.

Ouverture aux adultes

Programme management
CHIR Department of Surgery
Academic Supervisor : Marc De Kock
Service of Anaesthesiology - Cliniques universitaires St-Luc - Avenue Hippocrate 10/1821 - 1200 Bruxelles
Contact : Secretary's Office for the Unit of Anaesthesiology
Tel.: 027641821
E-mail : dekock@anes.ucl.ac.be

Selection Committee
The Selection Committee for candidate specialist assistant doctors ("MACCS", in French), is composed of the members of the teaching Committee, to which are added two guest members and two co-opted members.

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Aucun élément de recherche n'a été rempli.

Detailed programme
Parallel to the practical training, the speccialist candidate will follow a university training programme organised as follows :

part - Foundation studies
Inter-university training (75 hours)
Subject matter: General basics in Anaesthetics-Resuscitation.
university studies :
• Risk evaluation : medical pathology as applied to Anaesthetics and Resuscitation.
• Notions of emergency medecine
• Elements of Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Physiology as applied to Anaesthesics-Resuscitation.
• Anatomy and local-regional Anaesthesia
• Metabolism, hydro-electrical equilibrium, kidney functions, endocrine functions, the functions of the nervous system, blood groups.
• Cardiology and peripherical circulation, pneumology and respiratory functions.
• Professional stress management.

part - Extended studies
Inter-university training on intensive care
Subject : looking after intensive care patients
university training
• Anaesthesia-resuscitation of pedriatric, cardiac and neurological patients.
• Caring for patients in extreme and chronic pain.
• Post-operative care.
• Experimental approach methodology in anaesthesia-resuscitation

Inter-university exam at the end of the second study year.

Further to the application of the Royal Decree of 16 March, 1999, after the first two years of studies, the candidate will receive an attestation proving he has successfully accomplished a specific university training programme.

Evaluation of acquired knowledge at the end of the 5th year by the teaching committee. Ministerial evaluation in the 4th or 5th year. End of course piece of work in the form of a special communication in a scientific meeting or for the publication of an article. Pedagogical dossier of evaluation from the hospital.

Upon fulfilment of the above-described training requirements, the teaching committee will award the academic title in Anaesthesia - Resuscitation.

 This title does not replace official recognition by the ministerial validation committee. It attests the successful completion of an academic and scientific study programme in the context of specialised training leading to this validation.