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Advanced master in Public Notary Law

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The Advanced Master in Public Notary Law enables those who have gained the Belgian ‘licence’ degree or Master in Law to further their training in the specific areas related to the profession of a public notary and the requirements of the law on public notaries.

The Advanced Master in Public Notary law is therefore designed to provide students with :

There are two reasons for offering an Advanced Master in Public Notary Law : first, the law requires that the profession can only be exercised by those who have obtained the Belgian degree of ‘licence’in Public Notary Law ; second, special training is needed to carry out the activities of a public notary.

The Advanced Master Public Notary Law is therefore a condition of entry to the profession of public notary.
Article 35 of the Ventôse law, as amended by the law of 4 May 1999, stipulates that in order to be nominated as a candidate for a public notary, a degree in public notary law is necessary.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme is made up of nine compulsory courses and a final assignment. A work placement, which puts into practice the subjects that have been taught, completes the training.

Programme de cours obligatoires du Master complémentaire en Notariat

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme


See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

Special procedures :

The special admission conditions for this programme are as follows :

Mature students

An increasing number of students are Belgian ‘licence’ holders/Masters in law who are already working professionally and wish to acquire further training in inheritance and notarial law. The courses of the Advanced Master are held on two days of the week, making it possible for adults with professional duties to attend. In the past, students have been allowed to stagger their courses: this will continue.


Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

? (le nouveau président sera nommé à la rentrée académique 2010-L2009)

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts


Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

Students on this programme must do a notarial work placement  with a public notary who can act as their placement supervisor who either is on the list of public notaries approved by the Committee for the Master in Public Notary Law, or, having been chosen by a student, is approved by the Committee.  

The objectives of the placement are to :

The placement is therefore a learning activity which draws on the syllabus in such a way thatclasses, work and placement are all closely linked.

Conversely, the courses for the Master in Public Notary Law are shaped to take account of the individual work that students must do during their placement, both in understanding how legal rules are applied in practice and to bring together practical experience which sheds light on the theory.

The placement takes place at the beginning of the academic year and ends with the Easter holidays. It lasts for 75 working days, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays with a break for the Easter holidays and official holidays.

Students on the Master programme may be exempted from the placement if they can demonstrate previous or current activities or professional duties which are sufficiently close to the areas which feature in the programme for the Master in Public Notary Law.

Students who are exempted from the placement are nevertheless required to find elements in their professional duties which enable them, on one hand, to make the links between each of the courses and the practice of law and, on the other hand, to produce a dissertation drawing on their relevant professional activity or experience.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

Assessment varies depending on the course. It may take the form of a traditional examination, continuous assessment or handing in assignments.
Students must also produce a dissertation and do a placement.

Apart from the elements of comparative and international private law examined in the different courses, the lecturers usually organize a study visit abroad every year. Although not compulsory, students are strongly recommended to go on this visit given the individual and educational benefits.
During this visit, training activities are organized with universities, public authorities and notarial institutions.

Advanced master in Public Notary Law [60.0]
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
Mandatory LNOTA2001

Notary Private International Law  Jean-Louis Van Boxstael 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2002

Notary Family and Partners Law  Jean-Louis Renchon 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2003

Notary Law of Successions and Gifts  Jean Taymans 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2004

Notary Administrative Law  Damien Jans 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2005

Notary Law of Contracts  Etienne Beguin, Jean-Louis Van Boxstael, Pierre Van den Eynde 75h  9credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2006

Notary Company Law  Pierre Nicaise 45h  6credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2007

Judicial Notary Law  Christian Panier, Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck, Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck (supplée Christian Panier) 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2008

Fiscal Law  Lorette Rousseau 30h  4credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2009

Notary Law  Jean Taymans, Pierre Van den Eynde 45h  6credits    x
Mandatory LNOTA2200

Dissertation  (in French) N.   15credits  Courses not taught this academic year  x