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Master [120] of arts in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology


Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

On completing the Master in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology, students :

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme is made up of :
♦ core course (75 credits) made up of :
- 28 dissertation credits and 2 credits for the accompanying seminar;
- 45 credits of musicology courses;
♦ a professional focus (30 credits);
♦ and an option of 15 credits or electives worth 15 credits.

Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits

Core courses

One professional Focus

Options or optional courses

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Other accessible masters :
At the end of the master 120, each focus from the Master in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology, can be obtained in a new year of 30 credits only.

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) :
At the end of this master, a 30-credit programme in the Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - History of Art, Archaeology and Musicology is accessible.

Accessible doctoral training :
- 'Ecole doctorale en Histoire, art et archéologie';
- 'École doctorale art et sciences de l’art'.

General access conditions

1. Student must hold a first level university degree or have accredited the useful knowledge and skills he has acquired in his personal or professional life (VAE).

2. Provide proof of a sufficient level in French (B1 of the European Framework of Reference ) The 30 credits of the Minor in Philosophy [30.0] satisfy these requriements.

3. Student must demonstrate practical experience in music and/or in musicology acquired before starting the master (Minor in Musicology [30.0], Certificat universitaire en musicologie (fondements) [30.0], Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [60.0], participation in the activities of a 'conservatoire de musique', courses in music history, methodology, etc, taken at an academy or higher art institutions (IMEP Institut Supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie, Conservatoire royal de Musique, etc.). A student who has passed the Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [60.0] benefits from exemptions.

The 30 credits of the Minor in Musicology [30.0] satisfy these requriements.

If student does not have sufficient training, prerequisites will be added to the masters programme (maximum 15 credits).

Course equivalences are submitted for approval to the chairman of the jury, the secretary of the jury and the academic faculty secretary.

4. Students who cannot prove previous academic training (minor or certificate) must make an application for admission, including a file containing copies of degrees already obtained, a detailed list of courses taken in higher education, a curriculum vitae and three passport photos. The file must be sent to Professor Brigitte Van Wymeersch, Collège Erasme, Place Blaise Pascal 1, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve. An interview or admissions test will take place in September (just one session is foreseen).

University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
All Bachelor If student has taken :
- Minor in Musicology [30.0] ;
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (fondements) [30.0] ;
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [60.0] .   
Direct access  
All Bachelor Student must demonstrate practical experience in music and/or in musicology   On the file: direct access or access with additional training With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme   
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology   Direct access  
All Bachelor If student has taken :
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (fondements) [30.0] ;
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [60.0] .   
Direct access  
All Bachelor Student must demonstrate practical experience in music and/or in musicology   On the file: direct access or access with additional training With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Bachelor in de Musicology   Direct access  
All Bachelor If student has taken :
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (fondements) [30.0] ;
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [60.0] .   
Direct access  
All Bachelor Student must demonstrate practical experience in music and/or in musicology   On the file: direct access or access with additional training With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme   
Foreign Bachelors
All Bachelor If student has taken :
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (fondements) [30.0] ;
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [60.0] .     
Direct access  
All Bachelor Student must demonstrate practical experience in music and/or in musicology   On the file: direct access or access with additional training With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme  

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
Not relevant for this Master.

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
All holder of a “Licence History of Art and Archaeology” If student is specialized in musicology   Direct access An exemption of a maximum volume of 60 credits can be granted  
All holder of a “Licence” If student has taken :
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (fondements) [30.0] ;
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [60.0] .   
Direct access  
All holder of a “Licence” Student must demonstrate practical experience in music and/or in musicology   On the file: direct access or access with additional training With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme   
Master [60] of arts in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology [60.0]   Direct access An exemption of a maximum volume of 60 credits can be granted  
Master [120] of arts in History of Art and Archaeology : General [120.0]
Master [60] of arts in History of Art and Archaeology : General [60.0]
  On the file: direct access or access with additional training With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme  
All Master If student has taken :
- Minor in Musicology [30.0] ;
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (fondements) [30.0] ;
- Certificat universitaire en musicologie (approfondissement) [60.0] .   
Direct access  
All Master Student must demonstrate practical experience in music and/or in musicology   On the file: direct access or access with additional training With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
Les programmes de master de l’enseignement supérieur artistique et de l’enseignement supérieur hors université cités ci-dessous (catégorie 3) donnent un accès direct au master moyennant : (1) des connaissances théoriques et/ou une expérience pratique en arts du spectacle acquises antérieurement à l’entrée en master; (2) la remise d’un dossier; (3) un entretien d’admission obligatoire, à la mi-septembre, à l’issue duquel le jury peut décider d’un complément éventuel de 15 crédit maximum, à suivre durant la 1ère année du master.
> MA en musique Accès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits max Type long

Adults taking up their university training
> See the website www.uclouvain.be/vae
Pour accéder au master en arts du spectacle, les adultes en reprise d’études, s’ils ne sont pas titulaires d’un diplôme autorisant l’accès direct au master,  peuvent faire valoir les savoirs et compétences utiles acquis par leur expérience personnelle ou professionnelle (VAE). Cette expérience utile doit correspondre à au moins cinq années d’activités, compte non tenu des années d’études supérieures qui n’ont pas été réussies. Au terme d’une procédure d’évaluation, un jury juge si les aptitudes et connaissances des candidats sont suffisantes pour suivre le master avec succès et impose éventuellement un complément de cours de 15 crédits maximum (ces cours seront désignés par le jury parmi les cours de l’année préparatoire et suivis durant la première année du master). Le Centre d’études théâtrales favorise résolument la présence des adultes aux côtés des jeunes étudiants. Pour leur permettre de suivre les études tout en travaillant, les cours sont en majorité regroupés sur certains jours de la semaine. Les étudiants qui justifient d’une occupation professionnelle sont autorisés à étaler leur master sur trois ou quatre années, à condition que la décision soit prise avant l’inscription à l’année d’études et reçoive l’accord de la direction du Centre.

Personalized access
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

Toute demande d'admission doit être introduite avant le 5 septembre, accompagnée d'un dossier contenant la copie des diplômes antérieurement obtenus, la liste détaillée des cours suivis, un curriculum vitae, deux photos de format carte d'identité.

Un entretien ou examen d'admission aura lieu à la mi-septembre. 



Curriculum management 

Useful contacts

Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

The master 120 offers original and dynamic teaching: the links with the University of Liège and the higher education institutions IMEP and IHECS have helped us develop a unique set of courses in the French community, geared towards giving a more professional edge to the skills and knowledge acquired during the first level, depending in each case on the student's profile.

Alongside solid university training in musicology, the programme uses resources linked to an active teaching methodology which trains students in careers in music, particularly through internships (links with various Belgian cultural bodies: Théâtre royal de la Monnaie, asbl Flagey, Festival Ars Musica, Maison de la musique de Bxl, MIM, etc.), as well as providing contacts in the worlds of culture and music.

Moreover, the student is called upon to carry out numerous activities 'in the field' (internships, concerts, musical exercises, seminars, study days, etc) which put him in direct contact with current musicology and its associated careers. These activities are subject to continuous, regular assessment.

This master chooses a teaching method in which lectures are accompanied by a range of mandatory lectures. The professor/dissertation supervisor/director of research also takes on the role of tutor which guarantees intensive, one-on-one follow-up support for the student.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

The written and oral exams aim to measure knowledge acquired and the student's grasp of concepts, theory and his knowledge and skills in the different disciplines in question.

Pedagogical activities (exercises) are subject to permanent evaluation.

Courses are evaluated according to current university regulations (see General Examination Regulations). Students may find further information on specific evaluation methods in the course descriptions.

Mobility and/or international links
Several Belgian institutions are partners in the programme (student mobility agreements which do not lead to dual degrees) :

For more information :

Information on Erasmus exchange : http://www.uclouvain.be/17371.html

Core courses
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

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MandatoryDissertation and dissertation seminar (30credits)
Mandatory LMUSI2891

Dissertation (part 1)  (in French) N.   3credits    x  
Mandatory LMUSI2892

Dissertation (part 2)  (in French) N.   25credits      x
Mandatory LMUSI2890

Dissertation seminar  (in French) N. 15h  2credits    x  

MandatoryDisciplinary training (45credits)
Mandatory LMUSI2450

Art and Music  Brigitte Van Wymeersch 15h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x
Mandatory LMUSI2460

Paleography and languages of the early music  N. 15h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Mandatory LMUSI2470

Special questions of musical analysis  Brigitte Van Wymeersch 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x
Mandatory LMUSI2852

Sacred Music  John Philippe Van Tiggelen 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x
Mandatory LMUSI2861

Historical Musicology Research Seminar   N. 15h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Mandatory LMUSI2871

Aesthetic and philosophy of music  N. 15h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Mandatory LMUSI2881

Special questions on music history A  N. 15h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Mandatory LMUSI2882

Special questions on music history B  Christophe Pirenne 15h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x
Mandatory LMUSI2894

Musicology seminar  Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans 15h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x

The student chooses one of the following focuses :  

Professional Focus in Art and Music [30.0]
This focus is centred on the subject of study, whilst offering students a choice of courses which enable them to create bridges between music and the visual arts.
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

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30 credits chosen from :
Mandatory LMUSI2895

Professional practice in musicology  (in French) N. 240h  10credits    x x

Mandatory20 credits chosen from :
Optional LHART2360

Art and new media  N. 30h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Optional LHART2380

History of art criticism  Joël Roucloux 30h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x
Optional LGLOR2390

Typology and permanence of mythical imagineries  N. 30h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Optional LFLTR2150

History of Humanism   N. 22.5h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Optional LFLTR2292

Art and Literature  (in French) Ralph Dekoninck, Myriam Delmotte 22.5h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x

Professional Focus in Management and Music [30.0]
This focus offers students training based on the different musical professions.
Management, criticism, musical activities all form part of this focus organized jointly with the Department of Communication of the Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et politiques and the Institut des Hautes Etudes en Communication Sociale, Brussels (IHECS).
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

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30 credits chosen from :
Optional LCOMU2605

Analysis of cultural and mediatic productions  Sarah Sepulchre 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LCOMU2645

Communication in the Sector of Cultural Organisations  Fabienne Guilleaume 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5101

Animation et critique artistique (IHECS)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5104

Réalisations sonores (IHECS)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5105

Productions d'événements culturels (IHECS)   (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5107

Structures, institutions et problèmes culturels (IHECS)   (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5108

Sociologie, économie et droit de la musique et institutions musicales (IHECS)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5111

Questions spécialisées en communication (IHECS)  N. 30h  5credits  1q  x x
Optional LMUSI5112

Questions spécialisées en animation (IHECS)  N. 30h  5credits    x x

Professional Focus in Music and Musicology [30.0]
This focus offers students the opportunity to undertake practical studies in music, either in interpretation (instruments, singing) or writing (composition, analysis etc.) 
This focus is organized jointly with the Institut Supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie (IMEP).
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
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30 credits chosen from :
Optional LMUSI5201

Analyse et écriture (partie analyse) (IMEP)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5202

Analyse et écriture (partie écriture) (IMEP)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5203

Formations aux langages contemporains (IMEP)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5204

Musique assistée par ordinateur (IMEP)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5205

Auditions commentées (IMEP)  (in French) N. 15h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5206

Acoustique et facture instrumentale (IMEP)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5207

Formation musicale (IMEP)  (in French) N. 90h  10credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5208

Pratique instrumentale (IMEP)  N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5209

Pratique vocale (IMEP)  N. 30h  5credits    x x

Options or optional courses
Students choose one option or option courses worth 15 credits, with the agreement of the chair of the programme committee and the secretary of the examining board.

Option in Historical and Systematic Musicology [15.0]
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

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Mandatory LMUSI5001

Musicologie du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance (Ulg-MUSI0030-1)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Mandatory LMUSI5002

Musicologie du baroque et du classique (Ulg-MUSI0031-1)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Mandatory LMUSI5003

Musiques et représentations (ULG-MUSI0041-2)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x

Option in History of Art [15.0]
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
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15 credits chosen from :
Optional LHART2300

Special Questions of History of painting: from 15th to 18th centuries  Ralph Dekoninck, Joël Roucloux 30h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x
Optional LHART2310

Special Questions of History of Sculpture from the Middle Ages to the Neoclassicism  N. 30h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Optional LHART2320

History of Architecture of the Middle Ages and Modern Times  Philippe Bragard 15h  3credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Optional LHART2340

Special problems of modern art  N. 30h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Optional LHART2350

Special problems of contemporary art  Alexander Streitberger 30h  5credits  1q  x x
Optional LHART2410

Special Questions of Iconology  N. 30h  5credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Optional LHART2420

Art and Photography  Alexander Streitberger 30h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x

Option in Animation and Mediation [15.0]
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

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15 credits chosen from :
Optional LMUSI5102

Industries des loisirs et de la culture : enjeux de l'industrie culturelle (IHECS)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5103

Rédaction de projets, dossiers d'appels d'offre et de production (IHECS)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LMUSI5106

Industrie des loisirs et de la culture : médiation et animation culturelles (IHECS)   (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LHAGI2500

Practical Museology  Joël Roucloux 15h  4credits  2q  x x
Optional LHAGI2540

Special Questions of Museology  Joël Roucloux 30h  5credits  1q  x x
Optional LHAGI2550

Museum and Heritage Education  N. 30h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x x
Optional LHAGI2560

Seminar on methodology in Museum and Heritage Education  Marie-Cécile Bruwier, Marie-Emilie Ricker 30h  5credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x x

Option in Culture and Communication [15.0]
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

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15 credits chosen from :
Optional LMUSI5102

Industries des loisirs et de la culture : enjeux de l'industrie culturelle (IHECS)  (in French) N. 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LCOMU2200

Cultural Studies   Marc Lits, Alain Reyniers, Alain Reyniers (supplée Marc Lits) 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LCOMU2640

Media education  Thierry De Smedt 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LCOMU2601

Anthroposociology of mediation places  Alain Reyniers 30h  5credits    x x

Optional courses [15.0]
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

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To be chosen from the Faculty or University programmes, with the agreement of the chair of the programme committee and the secretary of the examining board. Students must check with the lecturer in charge that they may follow the course(s) in question. If certain courses are available in the professional focus, in the core subjects or in another option course, the credits may not exceed 6.