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Minor in Geography [30.0]

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The minor aims to provide students with an introduction to geographical problems and methods, in particular the study of the interaction between human activities, geographical space and the natural environment. This additional training attempts to embrace a variety of disciplines and approaches and the course aims to include the human and physical aspects of geography which contribute to the formation of landscapes.


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

The minor in geography is intended for students who hold a baccalaureate and who have basic training in science and, if possible, economics. It is thus open to all holders of baccalaureates in science and engineering science. It is also open, subject to the approval of the conseiller aux études (course adviser), to students who have received adequate training in basic sciences.

Detailed course structure
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
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OptionalCours accessibles dès la deuxième année de baccalauréat
Optional LBIR1130

Introduction to Earth sciences  Joseph Dufey, Philippe Sonnet (coord.) 45h + 30h  6credits  2q  x  
Optional LBIR1337

Bioclimatologie et écologie appliquée  Cathy Debier, Thierry Fichefet, Anne-Laure Jacquemart (coord.), Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou 45h + 15h  4credits  1q  x  
Optional LGEO1111

General geography  Marie-Laurence De Keersmaecker, Bas van Wesemael 30h + 30h  4credits  2q  x  
Optional LGEO1221

Elements of human geography  (in French) Marie-Laurence De Keersmaecker 30h + 62h  5credits  1q  x  
Optional LGEO1231

Elements of physical geography  (in French) Bas van Wesemael 30h + 30h  5credits  1q  x  
Optional LGEO1241

Cartography  (in French) Dominique Peeters, Isabelle Thomas 30h + 30h  5credits  2q  x  
Optional LGEO1242

Mathematical Geography  (in French) Michel Crucifix, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou 30h + 15h  4credits  2q  x  
Optional LGEO1251

Geology  (in French) Philippe Sonnet 30h + 60h  6credits    x  

OptionalCours accessibles dès la troisième baccalauréat
Optional LGEO1321

Human and Economic geography 1  (in French) Catherine Linard (supplée null), Sophie Vanwambeke 25h + 25h  4credits  2q    x
Optional LGEO1322

Human and economic geography 2  (in French) Marie-Laurence De Keersmaecker (coord.), Isabelle Thomas 25h + 25h  4credits      x
Optional LGEO1323

Human and economic geography (3)  (in French) Dominique Peeters 25h + 25h  4credits  1q    x
Optional LGEO1331

Geomorphology  (in French) Bas van Wesemael (coord.), Veerle Vanacker 30h + 30h  5credits  2q    x
Optional LGEO1332

Biogeography  Caroline Nieberding, Renate Wesselingh 45h + 24h  5credits  2q    x
Optional LGEO1341

Statistical modelling in geography  (in French) Dominique Peeters (coord.), Isabelle Thomas 30h + 30h  5credits  1q    x
Optional LGEO1342

Geographical Information Systems (GIS)  Sophie Vanwambeke 30h + 30h  5credits      x
Optional LGEO1343

Remote sensing  (in French) Eric Lambin 30h + 30h  5credits  1q    x
Optional LPHY1365

Meteorology  (in French) Michel Crucifix, Thierry Fichefet, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou 37.5h + 22.5h  5credits  1q    x

Training accessible at the end of the minor
Bachelors who have taken this minor are admitted onto the master's in geographical science, possibly with an adapted program, depending on their background. Nevertheless, any student who wishes to change his/her study path in this way is asked to contact the conseiller aux études (course adviser) of his/her own faculty as soon as possible as well as the course adviser for the department of geography.

Useful contacts

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Ecole de géographie
Academic in charge

Conseiller aux études

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Contact person for the 2nd year

Contact person for the 3rd year

Practical information
Contact people

Academic in charge : Bas van Wesemael, GEO President

Contact people :
for the 2nd year : Nathalie Micha - micha@sesc.ucl.ac.be
for the 3rd year : Dominique Peeters - peeters@geog.ucl.ac.be

GEO conseiller aux études (course adviser) : Dominique Peeters - peeters@geog.ucl.ac.be

Enrolling on the elective

Students enroll on the minor at the same time as they enroll on the 2nd year of the baccalaureate.

Course times

Course times can be consulted at the following address: http://www.sc.ucl.ac.be/sciences/http://www.uclouvain.be/index.html

Should a timetable clash arise, students are invited to contact:
- Nathalie Micha (micha@sesc.ucl.ac.be) for 2nd year courses
- Dominique Peeters (peeters@geog.ucl.ac.be) for 3rd year courses

Signing up for minor courses

The registration form for minor activities is available at the following address: http://www.ucl.ac.be/etudes/mineures/liste/formin.html

Organization of exams

1. Registering for exams
Students register for exams on the registration form for the year of studies of the major course.

2. Exam times
Exam times can be consulted at the following address: http://www.sc.ucl.ac.be/sciences/http://www.uclouvain.be/index.html