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Minor in Criminology [30.0]

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The minor in criminology invites students to examine crime, deviance, marginality and the way society monitors these issues as well as  introducing them to the basic disciplines of criminology.

The minor offers students of legal sciences, political and social sciences, psychological and educational sciences and medical sciences an additional period of training in an field close to their own.It could be the prompt a student needs to change his/her study path and, in this case, reduces the number of mandatory lessons to take in the first year of the Masters in criminology.

Access conditions and criteria

Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

The course is open to all 1st level UCL students.

Detailed course structure
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
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MandatoryPremière année de la mineure (en BAC12) Pour tous les étudiants
Mandatory LECRI1501

History of Criminology  Dan Kaminski 30h  5credits  1q     
Mandatory LECRI1502

Introduction to biomedical Sciences in relation with Criminology  Frédéric Bonbled 30h  4credits  2q     
Mandatory LECRI1503

Introduction to Criminology  Maria Luisa Cesoni, Marie-Sophie Devresse 30h  6credits  2q     

MandatoryDeuxième année de la mineure (en BAC13)

MandatoryPour étudiants de DROIT
Mandatory LDROI1504

Law and conflict management  Stéphanie Demoulin, Mauricio Garcia Penafiel, Gilberte Marchal, Jean-Louis Renchon (coord.) 30h  5credits  1q  x x
Mandatory LPSY1407

Eléments de psychologie clinique  Susann Heenen-Wolff 30h  5credits  1q  x  

MandatoryCours au choix (5credits)
Un cours au choix
Optional LECRI1505

Criminology of Marginalized Populations  Marie-Sophie Devresse 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LECRI1506

Criminal Biology  Philippe De Witte 30h  5credits  1q  x x

MandatoryPour étudiants de PSYCHOLOGIE
Mandatory LECRI1504

Elements of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure  Damien Vandermeersch 60h  5credits  1q  x  
Mandatory LESPO1122

Foundations of Law  (in French) Nicolas Bonbled, Jérôme De Brouwer, François Jongen, Kris Wauters 40h  5credits    x  

MandatoryCours au choix (5credits)
Un cours au choix
Optional LECRI1505

Criminology of Marginalized Populations  Marie-Sophie Devresse 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LECRI1506

Criminal Biology  Philippe De Witte 30h  5credits  1q  x x

MandatoryPour étudiants ESPO
Un cours au choix
Mandatory LECRI1504

Elements of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure  Damien Vandermeersch 60h  5credits  1q  x  
Mandatory LPSY1407

Eléments de psychologie clinique  Susann Heenen-Wolff 30h  5credits  1q  x  

MandatoryCours au choix (5credits)
Un cours au choix
Optional LECRI1505

Criminology of Marginalized Populations  Marie-Sophie Devresse 30h  5credits    x x
Optional LECRI1506

Criminal Biology  Philippe De Witte 30h  5credits  1q  x x

MandatoryPour étudiants des AUTRES FACULTES
Mandatory LECRI1504

Elements of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure  Damien Vandermeersch 60h  5credits  1q  x x
Mandatory LESPO1122

Foundations of Law  (in French) Nicolas Bonbled, Jérôme De Brouwer, François Jongen, Kris Wauters 40h  5credits    x x
Mandatory LPSY1407

Eléments de psychologie clinique  Susann Heenen-Wolff 30h  5credits  1q  x x

Training available at the end of the minor
Majors-minors leading directly to a Masters program/s :

All 1st level UCL student who has taken the minor in criminology at UCL is permitted to study for a Masters in criminology.

Majors-minors leading to a Masters program/s provided other criteria are fulfilled:

All other students with a 1st level university qualification may study for a Masters in criminology provided certain conditions are fulfilled amounting to 15 credits maximum. Depending on his/her path of study, the student may be exempt from studying one of the following courses.

COURSE TITLE [45h] (5 credits)1q
Dan Kaminski

COURSE TITLE [30h] (4 credits)2q
Frédéric Bonbled

COURSE TITLE [60h] (6 credits)2q
Damien Vandermeersch

COURSE TITLE [45h+5h] (3 credits)1q

COURSE TITLE [40h] (3 credits)
Gilberte Marchal, Henri Simonart, Marc Verdussen

Useful contacts

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Copy of Academic in charge

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Copy of Contact Person

Practical information
Registering for the minor

1 Organizational details

Minor course take place during the day on Tuesday morning, Wednesday and Thursday all day and Friday morning.
Academic responsible for course: Professor Fabienne Brion Ecole de Criminologie - Collège Thomas More 010/47 46 74
Administrative head:  Jeanine Zaorski-Bedynek Ecole de Criminologie - 010/47 88 54 info@crim.ucl.ac.be
Practical information: Mireille Gérard, Reception Ecole de Criminologie - Collège Thomas More-1st floor, office C.124 - Every day from  10:30 until 12:00 and from 14:00 until 16:00 010/47 46 74

2 Admission to the minor course
The minor in criminology is available to all UCL baccalaureate student.

3 Registering for the minor and checks on the registration form 
In order to access the IT application program which you can use to sign up to an option (minor, approfondissement, optional course), please use the following page:

Checks are carried out by the conseiller d'etudes (course adviser) from the faculty of origin.

Information on the program's content: J. Zaorski-Bedynek - 010/47 88 54 or info@crim.ucl.ac.be

4 Checks on registration forms for the minor
Checks are carried out by the conseiller d'etudes (course adviser) from the faculty of origin.

5 Changes to the registration for the minor
Should you wish to make any changes to the registration, please consult the conseiller d'etudes (course adviser) from the faculty of origin. 

Course timetable

1 Consulting the course timetable

2 Resolving possible timetable clashes using an equivalence table
For any changes to a standard minor program where there is a timetable clash, the student must first obtain the agreement of the Conseiller aux études (course adviser) from his faculty of origin and permission from the academic responsible for the minor in criminology. 

Contact person for changes to the minor program: Jeanine Zaorski-Bedynek, administrative head - on-call time : Tuesday and Thursday, from 10:30 until 12:30 - tel. 010/47 88 54 or by email: info@crim.ucl.ac.be Collège Thomas More - Office C.148

Registration form for minor activities

1 Information on requirements...
This point is not applicable to this minor.

2 Registration for activities on the minor programme
To access the IT application program to register for minor program activities, use the following page:

3 Obtaining the "visa" from the person in charge of the minor
This point is not applicable to the minor..

Available support

1 Information on the course service 
Most support systems can be obtained from the DUC.

2 Consulting the table on support available for each activity  

Contact person: Jeanine Zaorski-Bedynek, Administrative head - on-call time : Tuesday and Thursday, from 10:30 until 12:30 - tel. 010/47 88 54 or by email: info@crim.ucl.ac.be Collège Thomas More - Office C.148

How exams are organized

1 Registering for exams
Information on the administrative procedures to go through in order to register for exams:  
The student registered for a minor in criminology obtains a registration form from his/her faculty of origin and completes the "customary" form which the faculty provides him/her with. .
In order to register for the oral exams for the minor in criminology, the student is asked to consult the bulletin board of the Ecole de Criminologie (Hall of the Faculté de Droit - bulletin board located near More 57) or the Ecole de Criminologie's site:

The student must then check the final exam time. The dates when the final exam dates will be posted up are indicated on the paper valves and on the electronic valves. 

2 Checking exam times
You can check exam times at the following address: