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Minor in Computer Sciences [30.0]

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The aim of the minor in computing science is to equip the student with the basic concepts of IT. To be more specific, s/he should: 


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

The minor in computing science is directly accessible  for students taking a baccalaureate in mathematical science. 

A modified version of the minor in computing science is intended for other students who have sufficient qualifications in mathematics (e.g. students enrolled on a baccalaureate in science, pharmacy, bio-engineering, economic and management science). In this case, the admission procedure will include an application-based selection, respecting a maximum quota of 20 students. Selection criteria are based on the student having previously acquired a certain level of mathematics and IT as well as the student's motivation.

Minor activities must be taken in an order which respects the following requirements: 

- The following 4 activities must be taken in the order indicated: SINF1150C, SINF1150D, SINF1121, INGI1131
- SINF1124 (on the program for students taking the MATH baccalaureate) must come before SINF1121
- SINF1252 must come before INGI1113

Detailed course structure
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryCours obligatoires de la mineure en sciences informatiques (25credits)
Mandatory SINF1161A

Introduction à l'algorithmique et programmation, partie 2A  (in French) N.30h + 30h 5credits 1q x 
Mandatory SINF1252

Introduction to computer systems  (in French) Marc Lobelle30h + 30h 5credits 2q x 
Mandatory SINF1121

Algorithmics and data structures  (in French) Pierre Dupont30h + 30h 5credits 1q  x
Mandatory INGI1113

Operating systems 1  (in French) Olivier Bonaventure, Marc Lobelle (supplée Olivier Bonaventure)30h + 30h 5credits 2q  x
Mandatory INGI1131

Computer language concepts  (in French) Peter Van Roy30h + 30h 5credits 1q  x

OptionalVariante générale de la mineure en sciences informatiques. (5credits)
Les étudiants autres que ceux inscrits en baccalauréat en sciences mathématiques complètent leur programme avec le cours suivant.
Mandatory SINF1160A

Introduction à l'algorithmique et programmation, partie 1A  (in French) N.30h + 30h 5credits 1q x 

OptionalVariante de la mineure en sciences informatiques pour les étudiants inscrits en baccalauréat en sciences mathématiques. (5credits)
Les étudiants inscrits en baccalauréat en sciences mathématiques complètent leur programme avec le cours suivant.
Mandatory SINF1124

Programming project  (in French) Marco Saerens0h + 60h 5credits 2q x 

Training accessible at the end of the minor
Students who have passed the minor in computing science have access to the master's in IT science.  

Students who have taken a minor in computing science and who are continuing their training with a master's in computing science, must enroll as part of their master's course on 4 basic IT courses (20 credits) which were not taken as part of their baccalaureate. The courses are listed below:

 COURSE TITLE [30h+30h] (5 credits)2q
 Alain Pirotte
 COURSE TITLE [30h+30h] (5 credits)2q
 Baudouin Le Charlier
 COURSE TITLE [30h+30h] (5 credits)2q
 COURSE TITLE [30h+30h] (5 credits)1q

This addition to the master's program will be made without adding more than 5 credits to the total volume of the student's master's program (the 'balance' of the basic courses which have not been taken will be added to the master's program as a replacement for the options courses).

Useful contacts

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Academic in charge

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Contact person

Practical information
How the minor is run and how to enroll

Academic in charge: P. Dupont - email : pdupont@info.ucl.ac.be
Contact person : C. Poncin - email : cponcin@info.ucl.ac.be

Enrollment details

The Baccalaureate Committee for computing science is in charge of the academic side of the minor in computing science. The secretariat of the student's faculty of origin is in charge of the student's file. 

Students who are not taking the baccalaureate in mathematical science and who wish to enroll on the computing science minor as part of their baccalaureate program must send their files via the secretariat of their faculty to C. Poncin at the latest by 15 July of the student's first year of his/her baccalaureate studies (even possibly provided the student is successful in September).

The file must include :
- The report listing the final results for every BAC1 course. Students who pass their first year in September must hand in the marks from June by 15 July and must take the initiative to send the September report in the 2 days following deliberation if they wish for their application to be considered.  
- a letter explaining why they are interested in the minor in IT science. 
- a CV indicating any information relevant to their interest in IT  (experience of Windows or Linux, knowledge of programming languages or specific software) and their level of mathematics in BAC 1st year (list of courses) and at secondary school-level (hours/week).

Any student who is interested in the minor in computing science must provide an email address. This address will be the only means of communication used.

Organizational details

A minor course in computing science for students who are not taking the baccalaureate program in mathematical science must be followed over the first quadrimester of their second year of the baccalaureate.