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Minor in Dutch Studies [30.0]

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

To introduce students to the Dutch language, culture and literature. Students will leave the course with better communication skills (Cf the mandatory part of the program) and, depending on the student's personal choices, they will also have acquired linguistic, literary and/or cultural skills in the broader sense of the term.


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

The minor in Dutch studies is open to students enrolled on baccalaureates in "languages and literature" (modern or ancient or combined).  Students interested in taking this minor course must demonstrate the necessary motivation and possess a certain amount of knowledge (and skills) from the outset.

Indeed, in order to get onto the minor course, students need to meet the minimum standard as defined by the Council of Europe as "A2" or "Basic user" (cf. "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages : Learning, teaching, Assessment", Council of Europe, CUP, 2001). This minimum knowledge should - in theory - be a given if the student has performed well in this language in the humanities section over a four year period during which the language was taught on at least a two-hour weekly basis.

Detailed course structure
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryFirst year (15credits)
Mandatory FLTR1730

Dutch language  (in Dutch) Philippe Hiligsmann30h + 30h 5credits 1q x 
Mandatory GERM1131

Dutch language : listening and speaking skills  (in Dutch) Pierre Godin15h + 15h 3credits 2q x 
Mandatory GERM1132

Dutch language : reading and writing  (in Dutch) Jean-Pierre Colson15h + 15h 4credits 2q x 
Mandatory GERM1133

Dutch grammar  (in Dutch) Pierre Godin30h + 15h 3credits 1+2q x 

OptionalSecond year (15credits)
15 credits chosen from :
Optional NEER1211

Dutch - Advanced productive skills I  (in Dutch) Hilde Bosmans30h + 30h 3credits 1+2q  x
Optional GERM1332

Dutch: advanced receptive skills I  (in Dutch) Pierre Godin15h + 15h 4credits 1q  x
Optional GERM1333

Introduction to Dutch linguistics : phonology and morphology  (in Dutch) Philippe Hiligsmann22.5h + 5h 4credits 2q  x
Optional GERM1334

The History of Dutch Literature I  (in Dutch) Sonja Vanderlinden30h 4credits 1q  x
Optional GERM1335

Civilisation of the Dutch-speaking countries : cultural aspects  (in Dutch) Ludovic Beheydt30h 4credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional GERM1531

Dutch: advanced productive skills II (contrastive analysis and translation)  (in Dutch) Ludovic Beheydt15h + 15h 3credits 1+2q  x
Optional GERM1532

Dutch : advanced receptive skills II (stylistics)  (in Dutch) Ludovic Beheydt15h + 15h 3credits 1+2q  x
Optional GERM1533

Introduction to Dutch linguistics: syntax and contrastive linguistics  (in Dutch) Philippe Hiligsmann22.5h + 5h 4credits 1q  x
Optional GERM1534

The History of Dutch Literature II  (in Dutch) Sonja Vanderlinden30h 4credits 2q  x
Optional GERM1535

Civilisation of the Dutch-speaking countries : The present  (in Dutch) Ludovic Beheydt30h 4credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x

Training available at the end of the minor
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English

Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English [120.0]
Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English [60.0]
Master in Multilingual Communication [120.0]
Student includes in his master programme two of the three Germanic languages studied during the first level


Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English [120.0]
Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English [60.0]
Student includes in his master programme the two Germanic languages studied during the first level

Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : General [120.0]
Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : General [60.0]
Student includes in his master programme one of the two Germanic languages and the Romance language studied during the first level
  Master in Multilingual Communication [120.0] Student includes in his masters programme the two Germanic Languages included in the bachelor programme, or one Germanic Language and French


Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : General [120.0]
Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : General [60.0]
Master in Multilingual Communication [120.0]
Student includes in his masters programme French and the Germanic language studied in the minor

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General

Master in Multilingual Communication [120.0]
Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : General [120.0]
Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : General [60.0]
Student includes in his masters programme French and the Germanic language studied in the minor
In this case, the choice of the two languages (one Romance language and one modern non-Romance language) to be studied is left to the student's discretion (in other words, the language chosen as the minor can replace one of the two Germanic languages from the bachelor without any other previous requirement)


Other Bachelor, if he has achieved, in the second germanic language which he wishes to include in his masters programme, passive communicative skills (listening and reading comprehension) of level "B1+"  ('independent user' level ) of the Common European Framework of Reference

 Master in Multilingual Communication [120.0] Student continues in the master with the Language studied in the minor and with the Germanic language for which he has achieved passive communicative skills (listening and reading comprehension) of level "B1+" ('independent user' level )


Useful contacts

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Responsable académique


Practical information
Academic in charge : Philippe HILIGSMANN
Contact people : Annie TROOST and Marie-Christine MEERT, administrative secretaries in the Department for Modern Languages, Collège Erasme, office c 359, email : , tel. : 010/47.49.40. 

Enrolling on the minor course

1. Organizational details
Students are required to attend courses in communication skills and the accompanying exercises if they want to make the most of the training on offer. Various exercise sessions will be proposed at different times.

2. Admission to the minor course
The student (who meets the entry requirements set by the GERM department) sends proof of his/her minimum knowledge in the language, in the form of a certificate issued by the secondary school, to the contact person in the relevant department.

3. Enrolling on the minor

In Year 2 of the bachelor’s degree
Students may enrol online for their minor after having enrolled for their year of study.
Students who are retaking their second year are automatically re-enrolled for the same minor.

In Year 3 of the bachelor’s degree
When they enrol for the third year, students are automatically enrolled for the second part of the option course. The same applies to students retaking their third year (BAC3).

All requests for exemption from this rule must be submitted to the adviser from the relevant programme.

4. Changes to the minor registration form
Requests to change the registration form, with supporting reasons, must reach the conseiller aux études (course adviser) of the faculty to which the student belongs before 10 October.

Course timetable

1. Consulting the course timetable
The timetable can be consulted at this address: http://www.uclouvain.be/232660.html.

Last-minute changes are included in the section "valves étudiants" (student bulletin board) on the site

2. Resolving timetable clashes using an equivalence table
The equivalence table can be consulted at the secretariat of the department which is running the minor course. Contact person: the person in charge of the minor, for advice and approval of possible changes.

Registration form for minor activities

1. Information on entry requirements
This point is not applicable to this minor.

2. Signing up for activities on the minor program
Enrolment for activities (courses) in the minor should be done at the same time as enrolment for activities (courses) in the main subject.
Enrolment for courses is done by using the special menu in the virtual office.

3. Obtaining a visa from the person in charge of the minor
Once the registration form for activities has been filled in, the student is required to ask for a visa from the person in charge of the minor before handing it in to the secretariat of his faculty.

Available support

1. Information on the course service
Over time, a certain number of lectures should be available on the Web and should preferably also be accompanied by self-study exercises.
For further information, please contact a permanent member of the course staff.

2. Consulting the table of available support for each activity
Please contact a permanent member of the course staff for further information.

Where alternative pedagogical arrangements being suggested for a given activity, please note that such arrangements are only intended for students who have enrolled on the activity in question as part of their minor and who have demonstrated that they are unable to attend classes. The teacher's written consent will be required.

Organization of exams

1. Registering for exams
Registering for minor course exams is done on the registration form for the main year of study (your department's secretariat).

2. Consulting exam times
Exam times can be consulted at the following address: http://www.uclouvain.be/232697.html

N.B. : to sign up for the "open" lists for exams, students must make direct contact with the central secretariat of the Faculté de philosophie et lettres.