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Minor in Human and Social Sciences [30.0]

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

- to provide students with a sound introduction to the domains of human and social sciences and to the methods used to tackle them;
- to allow the student to get more out of his/her training by later changing his/her course of study;
- to allow the student to add obtain a better understanding of human and social sciences as well as adding another subject to their course of study.


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

All baccalaureate students ( apart from SOCA1BA and SPOL1BA students) are admitted on to the course of training. The minor in human and social sciences is recommended to students who are looking to 'add something' to their training in human science, who want to 'get a feel for' another subject, and are seeking to enrich their baccalaureate course by adding a rigorous approach to current political phenomena and issues.

Detailed course structure
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryProgramme détaillé (30credits)
30 crédits minimum parmi :
Optional COPS1124

Philosophy  (in French) Heinz Leonardy30h 5credits  xx
Optional COPS1311

Social Philosophy  (in French) Mark Hunyadi-Buzas30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional COPS1125

Psychology and Social Psychology  (in French) Olivier Corneille, René Zayan30h 5credits  xx
Optional PSY1406

Psychology and politics  (in French) René Zayan30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional POLS1113

Anthropology: of the observation to the theory  (in French) Olivier Servais30h 4credits  xx
Optional POLS1234

Theories and concepts in sociology  (in French) Luc Van Campenhoudt30h 4credits  xx
Optional ESPO1114

Political Science  (in French) André-Paul Frognier, Jacques Herman30h 5credits  xx
Optional POLS1212

Contemporary political systems  (in French) Lieven De Winter30h 5credits  xx
Optional COPS1113

Modern and Contemporary History  (in French) Michel Dorban, Paul Servais30h 5credits  xx
Optional ECGE1121

Economic and Social History  (in French) Paul Servais, Jean-Marie Yante (coord.)30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional ESPO1122

Foundations of Law  (in French) Thomas Bombois, Damien Jans, François Jongen, Olivier Mignolet40h 5credits  xx
Optional COPS1211

Public Law  (in French) Nicolas Bonbled (supplée Yves Lejeune), Yves Lejeune60h 5credits 1q xx
Optional POLS1314

Social Law  (in French) Bernard Nyssen30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional ECGE1221

Commercial law and taxation  (in French) Michel De Wolf, Patrick De Wolf60h 5credits 2q xx
Optional POLS1112

Accounting of the Non-Market Sector  (in French) Karine Cerrada Cristia (coord.), Michel Gatz30h + 15h 4credits  xx
Optional ECGE1321

Human Management  (in French) Nathalie Delobbe30h + 15h 4credits 2q xx
Optional ECGE1317

Organisational Theory  (in French) Thomas Périlleux (supplée Matthieu de Nanteuil-Miribel), Matthieu de Nanteuil-Miribel30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional COPS1115

Economic Policy  (in French) Philippe De Villé, Céline Poilly45h + 15h 5credits  xx
Optional POLS1114

Formalization for the social sciences  (in French) Pierre Dehez30h + 15h 4credits  xx
Optional COPS1212

Qualitative data analysis  (in French) Marc Zune30h + 20h 5credits 1q xx
Optional POLS1221

Quantitative Data Analysis  (in French) Jacques Marquet30h + 20h 5credits 2q xx

Training accessible at the end of the minor
- Direct access to the Master's in Labour Sciences, the Master's in Human Resources and the Master's in Population and Development for bachelors in political science and bachelors in sociology and anthropology. 
- Access on conditions for other bachelors (with the agreement of the person in charge of the program) : consideration will be given to all of the courses the student has taken as part of his/her baccalaureate, and, should some courses not have been taken, they can be added to the Master's in Labour science, master's in human resources and the master's in population and development science programs.  (maximum 15 credits).

Useful contacts

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Academic in charge

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Contact person

Practical information
Enrolling for the minor

1. Organizational details
Minor courses take place during the day on Tuesday morning, all day Wednesday and Thursday and Friday morning. 

Academic in charge: C. de Visscher
Contact person : Ch. Herman (POLS) c.herman@pols.ucl.ac.be

Enrollment procedure :
1st level

2. Admission to the minor
Not applicable

3. Enrolling on the minor
Once s/he has enrolled in BAC12, the student enrolls on the elective on the Web:  

In BAC13, the student is automatically enrolled on the minor on which s/he was enrolled in BAC12.

4. Follow-up to the minor enrollment
Students can follow the progress of their enrollment request via the enrollment application in BAC12 which is available on the Web. 

5. Changes to the minor enrollment 
Any student who wishes to change his/her choice must consult the conseiller aux études (course adviser) from his/her own faculty. 

Course times

1. Consulting the course times

2. Resolving timetable clashes 
Once s/he starts on the BAC12 course, the student puts together his/her BAC12 and BAC13 timetable, paying attention to the minor course times. 

If a timetable clash arises, several solutions are possible :

Postponing courses :
Should a timetable clash arise in BAC12 (major course/ and elective course), the student may ask to postpone one of the two course until the following year, taking account of the sequences of the courses (requirement). The course to be postponed may be the major course or elective course. 
Students are not obliged to follow the 15 elective credits every year. Each year of study should ideally include 60 credits. The student must set out his/her program evenly over the two years in order to be in the best position to obtain, for the BAC13, 30 elective credits and 150 major credits. 
The student must obtain the consent of the conseiller aux études (course adviser) to postpone course until the next year.The course adviser will also look at how evenly the program is spread out over the two years.  

Bringing courses forward :
Should there be a timetable clash in BAC13 (major course/ and elective course), the student may bring forward one of the two courses. The course to be brought forward may be the major course or elective.
Students are not obliged to take the 15 elective credits each year. Each year of study should include 60 credits. The student must spread his/her program out evenly over two years of study in order to obtain, for the BAC13, 30 elective credits and 150 major credits.
The student must ask the conseiller aux études (course adviser) for permission to bring a course from the next year forward. The course adviser will also check that courses are spread out evenly over the two years.

Accepting the clash :
In some cases, the student may benefit from pedagogical alternatives when there is a clash of course and thus not have to attend the class in question.
If the student cannot attend the class, s/he must obtain the prior consent of the teacher.
Information on alternative pedagogical arrangements, if such arrangements exist, is available in every detailed course description  (above).

Finding an equivalent course that does not lead to a timetable clash:
Useful information is available in every detailed course description (above). The student must obtain the prior consent of the conseiller aux études (course adviser) for the choice of equivalent course.

Contact people:
Conseillère aux études (course adviser) : Cécile Delannay delannay@sesp.ucl.ac.be
: Frédérique Rotsaert, rotsaert@sspo.ucl.ac.be tel. : 010474996

Signing up for for minor activities 

1. Information on entry requirements
This information is available in the detailed elective program (above).

2. Signing up for minor program activities 
Students sign up on a paper form which is available on the site: http://www.uclouvain.be/optionbac .

The form must be returned to the secretariat of the student's own faculty.

3. Obtaining a  "visa" from the person in charge of the minor 
The 1st level secretariat will deal with matters relating to "visa" requests.

Available support

1. Information on the course service
Useful information will be given in class

2. Consulting the table of available support for each activity 
Useful information is available in each detailed course program (above).

Organization of exams

1. Registering for exams 
Students follow the same procedure to register for exams as for when they register for major course exams.

2. Consulting exam times
Elective course exams take place over the course of a special week in the session, in order to avoid timetable clashes.

The time grid is available on the website:  http://www.uclouvain.be/espo-mineures.html