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Minor in History [30.0]

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The course aims to provide students enrolled on a baccalaureate program in a different discipline with the opportunity to obtain a minimal, but sound introduction to the basic disciplines of history. Students are invited to further develop the methods they use to approach the subject or acquire new know-how.


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

The program is intended for all baccalaureate students, regardless of their main course of study.

Detailed course structure
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

Students must gain a total of 30 credits over two years; ideally they should aim for 15 credits per year.

MandatoryTwo compulsory courses (7credits)
Mandatory HIST1430

General heuristics  (in French) Guy Zelis15h + 15h 3credits 1+2q xx
Mandatory FLTR1430

Historical Criticism
(If this course has already been taken for the major, students may replace it with a course from the list of Optional Courses)  (in French)
Laurence Van Ypersele30h + 10h 4credits 2q xx

MandatoryOne compulsory course (4credits)
To be chosen from the following courses :
Optional HIST1431

Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history : antiquity  (in French) Françoise Van Haeperen15h + 15h 4credits 1q xx
Optional HIST1432

Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history : the Middle Ages  (in French) Jacques Pijcke, Jean-Marie Yante15h + 15h 4credits 1q xx
Optional HIST1433

Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history : modern times  (in French) Eric Bousmar15h + 15h 4credits 2q xx
Optional HIST1434

Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history : the contemporary period  (in French) Michel Dumoulin15h + 15h 4credits 2q xx

MandatoryOptional courses (19credits)
To be chosen from :
Optional FLTR1291

Computer Applications in the Humanities
(Compulsory for students wishing to enrol for a Master in history.)  (in French)
Michel Dorban, Cédrick Fairon15h + 15h 3credits 1q xx
Optional HIST1130

Exercises on questions in history
(Compulsory for students wishing to enrol for a Master in history.)  (in French)
Michel Dumoulin, Jean-Marie Yante30h 7credits 2q xx
Optional HIST1411

Historiography I
(Compulsory for students wishing to enrol for a Master in history.)  (in French)
Jacques Pijcke15h 2credits 2q xx
Optional HIST1421

Historiography II
(Compulsory for students wishing to enrol for a Master in history.)  (in French)
Jacques Pijcke22.5h 3credits 1q xx
Optional FLTR1420A

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Antiquity  (in French) Françoise Van Haeperen22.5h 3credits 2q xx
Optional FLTR1420B

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Middle Ages  (in French) Jean-Marie Yante22.5h 3credits 2q xx
Optional FLTR1420C

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Modern Times  (in French) Jean-Marie Cauchies22.5h 3credits 2q xx
Optional FLTR1420D

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Contemporary Period  (in French) Laurence Van Ypersele22.5h 3credits 2q xx
Optional HIST1500

Economic and social history from antiquity to the industrial revolution - 1500  (in French) Michel Dorban, Patrick Marchetti30h 3credits 1q xx
Optional ECGE1121

Economic and Social History  (in French) Paul Servais, Jean-Marie Yante (coord.)30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional HIST1381

Fundamentals of institutional and political history : antiquity  (in French) Françoise Van Haeperen15h 3credits 1q xx
Optional HIST1382

Fundamentals of institutional and political history : the Middle Ages  (in French) Jean-Marie Yante15h 3credits 1q xx
Optional HIST1383

Fundamentals of institutional and political history : Early modern times  (in French) Michel Dorban15h 3credits 1q xx
Optional DROI1008A

Histoire des institutions - 1ère partie  (in French) N.30h 3credits 2q xx

Training available at the end of the minor
All Bachelor in Arts and Letters

Master in History [120.0]
Master in History [60.0]
  For the success of the Preparotory year for Master in History [58.0]

Master in History of Art and Archaeology : General [60.0]
Master in History of Art and Archaeology : General [120.0]

Master in History [120.0]
Master in History [60.0]
  Direct access with 15 credits prerequisites

Useful contacts

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Academic in charge

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Secrétariat du département d'histoire

Secrétariat du département d'histoire

Practical information

Academic in charge: Jean-Marie YANTE
Contact people : Sibylle D'HONDT and Chantal Marquet, administrative secretaries of the department of history, Collège Erasme, office b 241, , tel. : 010/47.49.35.

Enrolling for the minor

1. Organizational details
This point does not apply to this minor. 

2. Admission to the minor
This point does not apply to this minor.

3. Enrolling on the minor

In Year 2 of the bachelor’s degree
Students may enrol online for their minor after having enrolled for their year of study.
Students who are retaking their second year are automatically re-enrolled for the same minor.

In Year 3 of the bachelor’s degree
When they enrol for the third year, students are automatically enrolled for the second part of the option course. The same applies to students retaking their third year (BAC3).

All requests for exemption from this rule must be submitted to the adviser from the relevant programme.

5. Changes to the minor enrollment form
Requests to change the enrollment form, must be sent, with supporting reasons, to the conseiller aux études (course adviser) of the faculty to which the student belongs by 10 October.

Course timetable

1. Consulting the course timetable
The timetable can be consulted at this address: http://www.uclouvain.be/232660.html.

Students must also consult the general faculty timetable on the Zeus site: http://www.uclouvain.be/fltr.html
for courses which do not feature on the list of minor course times.  

Last-minute changes are included in the section "valves étudiants" (student bulletin board) on the following site:  

2. Resolving possible timetable clashes using an equivalence table
The equivalence table may be consulted in the secretariat of the department which is running the minor. Contact person : the person in charge of the minor, for advice and approval of possible changes. 

Enrollment form for minor activities

1. Information on entry requirements 
This point is not applicable to this minor.

2. Enrolling for minor program activities 
Enrolment for activities (courses) in the minor should be done at the same time as enrolment for activities (courses) in the main subject.
Enrolment for courses is done by using the special menu in the virtual office.

3. Obtaining a visa from the person in charge of the minor 
Once the activities form has been filled in, the student must ask the person in charge of the minor for a visa in order to pass it on to his/her faculty secretariat. 

Available support 

1. Information on the course service
A certain number of lectures should, over time, be available on the Web and should ideally be accompanied by exercises to aid self-study. 
Ask full-time course staff members for further information. 

2. Consulting the table of available support for each activity  
Please ask full-time members of staff for information. 

Where alternative pedagogical systems are proposed for an activity, they are only intended for students who are enrolled on the activity in question as part of their minor and who have demonstrated that they are unable to attend classes. The written consent of the teacher will be required. 

Organization of exams

1. Registering for exams
Registering for minor course exams is done on the registration form for the main year of study (your department's secretariat).

2. Consulting exam times
Exam times can be consulted at the following address: http://www.uclouvain.be/232697.html.

N.B. : to register on the "open" lists for some exams, students should make direct contact with the central secretariat of the Faculté de philosophie et lettres.