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Minor in Law [30.0]

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The minor in law is an additional " option " that students from other faculties may choose as of their second year of studies  with a view to learning more about law. The program includes a certain number of mandatory courses which aim to give students a basic grasp of the main legal domains. This knowledge will then help students to study the way other disciplines can intertwine with law (law and religion, ethics applied to law, etc) and gain a deeper knowledge of some aspects of law which are of particular interest to them (European Union law for a student of political science, for example, or commercial law for a management engineer student). 

Once the minor in law has been completed, the student will be able to assess the importance of the rule of law in our day-to-day lives and evaluate its impact on the basic discipline s/he has chosen.


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

The minor in law is proposed to any U.C.L. student who is not already following the baccalaureate in law.

Detailed course structure
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryEn deuxième année de baccalauréat,

MandatoryCours obligatoires
L'étudiant est tenu de suivre les cours suivants :
Mandatory ESPO1122

Foundations of Law  (in French) Thomas Bombois, Damien Jans, François Jongen, Olivier Mignolet40h 4credits  x 
Mandatory DROI1051

Elements of Private Law  (in French) Isabelle Durant, Olivier Jauniaux (supplée Isabelle Durant)30h 3credits 1q x 
Mandatory DROI1052

Elements of Public Law  (in French) Charles-Hubert Born30h 3credits 1q x 

MandatoryCours au choix :
L'étudiant complète son programme pour atteindre au minimum 15 crédits
Optional DROI1226M

Droit de l'Union européenne  (in French) Melchior Wathelet45h 5credits  xx
Optional DROI1301M

Droit de la personne et de la famille  (in French) Jean-Louis Renchon, Jehanne Sosson60h 6credits  xx
Optional DROI1302M

Droit social (relations du travail)  (in French) Filip Dorssemont, Pierre-Paul Van Gehuchten45h 5credits  xx
Optional DROI1303M

Droit commercial  (in French) Yves De Cordt60h 6credits  xx
Optional DROI1304M

Droit des contrats  (in French) Patrick Wéry30h 4credits  xx
Optional DROI1305M

Droit administratif  (in French) David Renders60h 6credits  xx
Optional DROI1306M

Real and intellectual law  (in French) Isabelle Durant45h 5credits  xx
Optional DROI1505

Fundamental and public liberty rights  (in French) Anne Roland30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional DROI1506

Law and foreigners  (in French) Sylvie Sarolea30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional DROI1510

Introduction to American Law  (in English) Cecelia Kye30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional DROI1511

Introduction to Islamic Law  (in French) Louis-Léon Christians, Baudouin Dupret30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional ECRI1504

Elements of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure  (in French) Damien Vandermeersch60h 6credits 1q xx
Optional SREL2230

Religions, law and societies in Europe  (in French) Louis-Léon Christians30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional DROI1515

Law and Economics  (in French) N.30h 6credits 2qCourses not taught this academic year xx

MandatoryEn troisième année de Baccalauréat, (15credits)
Le programme de la mineure pour BAC 3 est donné A TITRE INDICATIF.

MandatoryUn cours obligatoire au choix :
L'étudiant choisit au moins un des cours suivants :
Optional DROI1004M

Histoire du droit  (in French) N.60h 7credits 2q  x
Optional DROI1308M

Théorie du droit et de la pensée juridique contemporaine  (in French) Olivier De Schutter30h 4credits 2q  x
Optional DROI1309M

Ethique appliquée au droit  (in French) Philippe Coppens, Axel Gosseries30h 4credits 1q  x
Optional DROI1503

Natural Law  (in French) Jacques Lenoble30h 4credits 1q  x

MandatoryCours au choix :
L'étudiant complète son programme pour atteindre au minimum 15 crédits
Optional DROI1226M

Droit de l'Union européenne  (in French) Melchior Wathelet45h 5credits  xx
Optional DROI1301M

Droit de la personne et de la famille  (in French) Jean-Louis Renchon, Jehanne Sosson60h 6credits  xx
Optional DROI1302M

Droit social (relations du travail)  (in French) Filip Dorssemont, Pierre-Paul Van Gehuchten45h 5credits  xx
Optional DROI1303M

Droit commercial  (in French) Yves De Cordt60h 6credits  xx
Optional DROI1304M

Droit des contrats  (in French) Patrick Wéry30h 4credits  xx
Optional DROI1305M

Droit administratif  (in French) David Renders60h 6credits  xx
Optional DROI1306M

Real and intellectual law  (in French) Isabelle Durant45h 5credits  xx
Optional DROI1505

Fundamental and public liberty rights  (in French) Anne Roland30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional DROI1506

Law and foreigners  (in French) Sylvie Sarolea30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional DROI1510

Introduction to American Law  (in English) Cecelia Kye30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional DROI1511

Introduction to Islamic Law  (in French) Louis-Léon Christians, Baudouin Dupret30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional ECRI1504

Elements of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure  (in French) Damien Vandermeersch60h 6credits 1q xx
Optional SREL2230

Religions, law and societies in Europe  (in French) Louis-Léon Christians30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional DROI1515

Law and Economics  (in French) N.30h 6credits 2qCourses not taught this academic year xx

Training available at the end of the minor
The minor in law does not open up access to a Masters in law. 

Useful contacts

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Academic in charge

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Administrative Director

Deputy Administravive Director, in charge of student affairs

Conseiller aux études

Practical informations
Signing up for the minor

1 Organizational details
Minor courses take place during the day on Tuesday morning, Wednesday and Thursday all day and Friday morning. 
Academic in charge : Professor M-A. Beernaert
Practical information : Brigitte Stecchino and Catherine Brams ( Office hours: Every day from 10.30 until 12.00 and from 13.30 until 15.30 - Tel.: 010/47 86 00)

2 Admission to the minor
The minor in law is proposed to any U.C.L. student who is not taking the baccalaureate in law. The Faculté de droit does not require any application pack to be sent to it. .

3 Signing up for the minor and application checks:
In order to access the I.T. program which you need to sign up for an option (minor, approfondissement, optional courses), use the following page:

4 Changes to the minor enrollment form
To be decided

Course timetable

1 Consulting the course timetable http://www.drt.ucl.ac.be/adm/rentree_academique/rentree_anac_2005/horaires/mineure.pdf

2 Resolving possible timetable clashes using an equivalence table
Link to the equivalence table
For any changes to the standard minor program, should a timetable clash arise, the student must obtain the agreement of the    conseiller aux études (course adviser) from the Faculté de droit as well as the authorization of the person in charge of his/her program in his/her own faculty.  
Jacques Laffineur, conseiller aux études in the Faculté de droit :

Enrollment form for minor activities

1 Information on requirements
The student must start the minor in law by following the following three mandatory courses :

 COURSE TITLE [40h] (3 credits)
 Gilberte Marchal, Henri Simonart, Marc Verdussen
 COURSE TITLE [30h] (3 credits)1q
 Isabelle Durant
 COURSE TITLE [30h] (3 credits)1q
 François Jongen

2 Signing up for activities on the minor program
In order to access the I.T. programme required in order to sign up for activities on the minor program, use the following page:

3 Getting hold of the "visa" from the person in charge of the minor
The visa is not required for the minor in law if the student is following the standard program proposed by the Faculté de droit.
However, should the student encounter a timetable clash and the programme must be changed in order to solve the problem, the student must obtain the visa from the Faculté de droit. Should the change to the standard programme alter the number of credits allocated each year to the minor in law, the student must also obtain the visa from his/her own faculty.

Jacques Laffineur, conseiller aux études de la Faculté de droit :

Available support

1 Information on the course service
The Service-Cours du Cercle des étudiants de Droit (Course Service of the law students' group) is open on Tuesday from 13.00 until  15.00, Wednesday from 13.00 until 15.00 and Thursday from 16.15 until 18.00.

Rue P.J. Redouté, 1 (to the right of the Cercle de Droit - Chez Adèle)

2 Consulting the table of available support for each activity 
Alternative pedagogical arrangements can be made for some courses, intended solely for students who are following the activities as part of their minor and have demonstrated that it is impossible for them to attend courses due to a timetable clash with the major programme.

In order to familiarize him/herself with these alternative pedagogical arrangements, the student is invited to meet the conseiller aux études de la Faculté de droit (law faculty course adviser):

Jacques Laffineur, conseiller aux études de la Faculté de droit :

The student must obtain the written consent of the conseiller aux études in order to replace attendance in courses with alternative pedagogical arrangements when this is suggested by the professor.

Organization of exams

1 Registering for exams
In order to enroll for exams related to the minor, the student must fill in the "customary" registration form following the arrangements made by his/her own faculty secretariat. 

In order to "reserve" a time slot for an oral exam, the student is invited to consult the arrangements put in place by the Faculté de droit. This information will be posted up on the  Faculté de droit bulletin board as well as on the web pages of the faculty secretariat, at the following address: 

At the Faculté de droit, exam times are always posted up on two occasions:

In order to find out when the exam dates are posted, the student is invited to consult the Faculté de droit paper bulletins or the following address:

2 Consulting exam times