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Advanced Master in Occupational Medicine [120.0]

AnnéesFormations à horaire aménagé afin de faciliter l'accès des adultesTravail de fin d'étudeStage

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

This complementary master's programme aims to prepare doctors to become officially recognised holders of the specific
professional title of Specialist Doctor in Industrial Medecine (Ministerial Decree of 11th May 1995, published on 23rd June

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The specialist degree course in Industrial Medecine covers two years of studies, spread over a duration of 4 years.
The first year of studies comprises theoretical sessions and practical sessions (see below), plus the accomplishment of an
apprenticeship lasting 8 weeks in a medical service approved by the programme committee. At the end of this first year of
studies, a certificate is awarded in conformity with the conditions stipulated by the Royal Decree of 5th March, 1970, relating
to the practice of Industrial Medecine in Belgium.
The second year of studies comprises the writing and defence of an original piece of work (thesis), participation in seminars,
lectures and scientific conferences and symposiums as well as practical, complementary training sessions in industrial
medecine services or similar, in accordance with an apprenticeship project previously approved by the programme Committee.
At the end of the second year of studies, the specialised degree title in Industrial Medecine is awarded. This diploma responds
to the requirements of the "CEE Council Directive 89/594" and the Royal Decree of 11th May, 1995.
A detailed brochure describing the programme content can be obtained from the secretary's office for the Toxicology and Industrial Medecine Unit.
The course takes place at the "Ecole de Santé Publique" (School of Public health). The majority of the lectures are
concentrated into two days a week.
Post-university cycle of ongoing training
Each year, the Centre of Industrial and Environmental Medecine and Hygiene organises post-university training cycles in
Industrial Medecine. This programme comprises 8 conferences - one per week, in the evening - from October to May.
All complementary information can be obtained from the secretary's office for Industrial Toxicology and Medecine.

Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits

Core courses

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme


See the general admission requirements

Procédures particulières :

• The applicant must hold the degree title of Doctor in Medecine or be a Doctor from a member country of the European
Union authorising medical practice in Belgium.
• The applicant must have obtained approval from the Teaching Committee, on the basis of analysis of his enrolment
Degree holders or graduates from outside the European Union may only enrol on this programme with the aim of obtaining a
university certificate.
The Royal Decree of 30th May, 2002 relating to the planning of the medical offer for the public, published on 14th June, 2002,
does not apply to the candidates wishing to obtain the title of Specialist Doctor in Industrial Medecine (those candidate
specialists are therefore not included among the generalist or specialist candidates in the context of the numerus clausus).
Certain courses can be followed as from the Ph.D year in medecine (c.f. the Industrial medecine orientation of that
Admission to the course is subject to a selection procedure carried out by the programme Committee.
Admission procedures
Application for admission must be addressed to the academic supervisor of the programme.

Ouverture aux adultes


MDTE Committee for Industrial and Evironmental Medecine and Hygiene
Academic Supervisor : Dominique Lison
Contact person : Patricia Bamps
Tel. 027643220
E-mail : bamps@toxi.ucl.ac.be
Teaching Committee
President : P. Hoet
Members : F. Brusco, F. Denis, P. Farr, T. Lejeune, D. Lison, H. Nielens, A. Robert, E. Schleich.
Selection Committee
The Selection Committee for candidate specialist assistant doctors (MACCS, in French) is composed of the members of the
teaching Committee.

Core courses
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryPremière année d'études (60credits)
Lorsque l'étudiant étale cette première année d'études sur 2 années (au maximum), il suivra 28 crédits la première année et 32 crédits la seconde année de l'étalement.

MandatoryCours obligatoires
Mandatory MDTR3340

Séminaire de médecine du travail  (in French) Philippe Farr, Eveline Schleich22.5h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR2160A

Visites d'entreprises  (in French) N.60h 3credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR2160B

Visites d'entreprises  (in French) N.60h 3credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3350

Technologie du travail  (in French) Jacques Malchaire15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3140

Leçons d'ophtalmologie  (in French) Michel Hoebeke, Michel Hoebeke15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3150

Leçons d'oto-rhino-laryngologie  (in French) Marc Remacle15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3160

Physiologie du travail  (in French) Henri Nielens15h 2credits 2q x 
Mandatory MDTR3290

Accidents du travail  (in French) Olivier Barbier, Marie-Pierre Dawance15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3270

Législation médico-sociale  (in French) Jacques Van Drooghenbroeck, Luc Van Hamme15h 2credits 1q x 
Mandatory MDTR3190

Hygiène du travail  (in French) Perrine Hoet15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3201

Pathologie et clinique des maladies professionnelles  (in French) Perrine Hoet, Dominique Lison45h 5credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3211

Toxicologie industrielle  (in French) Dominique Lison15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3230

Dermatoses professionnelles  (in French) Dominique Tennstedt15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3180

Evaluation d'incapacité de travail et invalidités  (in French) Frédéric Bonbled15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3240

Réadaptation professionnelle  (in French) Thierry Lejeune15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3280

Systèmes de travail et gestion des ressources humaines  (in French) Christine Delhaye30h 3credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3360

Psychopathologie industrielle et psychiatrie professionnelle  (in French) Eric Constant, Jean-Paul Roussaux30h 3credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3370

Ergonomie  (in French) Bénédicte Schepens15h 2credits  x 
Mandatory RPR2001

Notions de base de radioprotection  (in French) Vincent Grégoire (coord.), Patrick Smeesters10h + 5h 2credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3202

Exercices pratiques de pathologie du travail  (in French) Fiorella Brusco, Perrine Hoet, Florence Laigle, Dominique Lison (coord.)60h 3credits  x 
Mandatory MDTR3212

Aspects réglementaires en toxicologie  (in French) Dominique Lison, Violaine Verougstraete22.5h 2credits  x 
Mandatory ESP2235

Biostatistique  (in French) Jean Macq, Niko Speybroeck35h + 20h 6credits 2q x 

Mandatory MDTR3001C

stage 8 semaines dans un service medical agree  (in French) N. 4credits  x 

MandatoryDeuxième année d'études (60credits)
Lorsque l'étudiant étale cette deuxième année d'études, il suivra 45 crédits la première année et 15 crédits la seconde année de l'étalement.
Mandatory MDTR3291

FORMATION THEORIQUE  (in French) N. 2credits   x
Mandatory MDTR3292A

STAGE DE DEUX ANS (formation pratique avec Maître de Stage)  (in French) N. 28credits   x
Mandatory MDTR3293A

ETUDES DE POSTES (ou rapports d'études)  (in French) N. 10credits   x
Mandatory MDTR3294

TRAVAIL DE FIN D'ETUDES  (in French) N. 20credits   x

Course evaluation takes the form of a written and/or oral exam.
The thesis is presented before a public audience.
The practical course work is evaluated by the work placement Committee.
Upon fulfilment of the above-described training requirements, the teaching committee will award the academic title in
Industrial Medecine.
This title does not replace official recognition by the ministerial validation committee. It attests the successful completion of an
academic and scientific study programme in the context of specialised university training leading to this validation.