Personnel psychology: evaluation and development of competences

lpsys2307  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Personnel psychology: evaluation and development of competences
6.00 credits
60.0 h
Caesens Gaëtane;
Part 1. Competency assessment
  1. The notion of “competency”
  2. Main assessment methods: references, CV and biographical data, traditional interview, structured interviews, cognitive skills (general aptitude and specific aptitudes), 360° feedback, assessment center, personality test.
  3. Assessing skills: psychometric qualities, social acceptance (justice), and so on.
  4. Competency assessment in organizations: recruitment and selection, performance management, career management
Part 2. Competency development
  1. History and actors of training
  2. Training as a process (needs analysis, training design, training evaluation)
  3. Principles of learning
  4. Digitalization and training
  5. Motivation in training
  6. Transfer of training
  7. Organizational socialization
Teaching methods
Part 1. Competency assessment
The course is based on the active participation of students and alternates :
- Lectures
- Carrying out work in sub-groups (oral presentation in front of students and the teacher) that involves a case analysis and an interview with a professional
- Supervisions with the teacher
- The intervention of a professional
Part 2. Competency development
The course is based on the active participation of students and alternates :
- Lectures giving the students the necessary theoretical basis
- Case analysis and practical exercises
- The intervention of a professional
Evaluation methods
Part A. Competency assessment
First session :
The evaluation covers:
1. Carrying out work in sub-groups (Case analysis, interview with a professional, oral presentation, active participation) [35% of the grade for the part « Competency assessment »]
2. Individual written exam with closed notebooks composed of an open question aiming to evaluate the knowledge and mastery of the different concepts, theoretical models and the application of these models [65% of the grade for the part « Competency assessment » ]
The final grade will therefore take into account the achievement and active participation in groups and preparation sessions.
Second session :
The evaluation covers:
1.            Carrying out individual work (Case analysis, interview with a professional) that will be presented in an oral exam (with questions on the work) [35% of the grade for the part « Competency assessment »].
2.Individual written exam with closed notebooks composed of an open questions aiming to evaluate the knowledge and mastery of the different concepts, theoretical models and the application of these models [65% of the grade for the part « Competency assessment » ]
Part B. Competency development
For both sessions (January and September), the evaluation will be done through an individual written examination with closed booklets composed of open-ended questions aimed at evaluating the knowledge and mastery of the different concepts, theoretical models and the application of these models.
Final Grade
For psychology students, the final mark is the weighted average of the marks for Part A (“Competency assessment” part) and for Part B (“Competency development” part). In the overall final grade, part A is worth 10/20 and part B is worth 10/20.
All the modalities related to the certification evaluation are available on the course website on the Moodle platform
Other information
The following course(s) provide important foundations for understanding and integrating this course:
LPSP1321: Psychology of human resources
LPSP1211: Psychometrics
LPSP1011: Statistics: descriptive analysis of quantitative data
LPSP1209: Statistics, inference on one or two variables
The course is given in French, but a set of English slides is available for international students: no
The core reading for the course is in French, but equivalent core reading is available for international students in English: yes 
The written exam and oral presentations are in French.
However, international students taking this course:
  • Will be allowed to use a dictionary when taking the written exam in French: yes
  • Will be allowed 33% more time when taking the written exam in French: no
  • Are provided with the opportunity to take the written exam in English: no
  • Are provided with the opportunity to take an alternative oral exam in English : no
Online resources
Partie Evaluation des compétences
  • Laberon, S. (2011). Psychologie et recrutement: Modèles, pratiques, et normativités. Bruxelles: De Boeck
  • Lévy-Leboyer (2007). Evaluation du personnel: Quels objectifs? Quelles méthodes? Paris: Editions d’Organisation.
Partie Développement des compétences : 
  • Carré, P. & Caspart, P. (2017). Traité des sciences et des techniques de la formation (4ème édition). Paris: Dunod
  • Rivard, P., & Lauzier, M. (2013). La gestion de la formation et du développement des ressources humaines. Presse de l’Université du Québec.
  • Saks, M. A., & Haccoun, R. (1995). Managing performance through training and development. Scarborough, Canada : Thomson.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Psychology

Master [120] in Human Resources Management