Gasdynamics and reacting flows

lmeca2195  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Gasdynamics and reacting flows
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Papalexandris Miltiadis;
It is expected that the students have mastered the basics of thermodynamics, as covered in the courses LMECA1855 or  LPHYS1343, as well as the basics of fluid mechanics, as covered in the courses LMECA1321 or LPHY1213.
Main themes
  • Governing equations of compressible flows
  • Steady and unsteady compressible flows in one dimension
  • Steady compressible flows in two and three dimensions
  • Supersonic combustion, detonations
  • Subsonic combustion - deflagrations, explosions
  • Introduction of multiphase compressible flows.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 With respect to the reference  AA of the programme of studies "Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering", this course contributes to the development and acquisition of the following skills
  • AA1.1, AA1.2, AA1.3
  • AA2.2, AA2.4, AA2.5
  • AA3.2, AA3.3
  • AA4.1, AA4.2, AA4.3, AA4.4
  • AA5.1, AA5.4, AA5.6
  • AA6.1, AA6.4
More precisely, by the end of the course, the student will be capable
i) to use the main concepts of gas dynamics to the analysis of propulsion systems
ii) to apply the main concepts of compressible flows to the analysis of the aerodynamics of aircraft and rockets
iii) to perform thermo-mechanical calculations involving nonlinear waves of gas dynamics (shock waves, rarefaction waves and contact surfaces)
iv) to understand and use elements of supersonic combustion and detonation dynamics to the study of explosions and of systems for hypersonic propulsion.
  1. Steady and unsteady compressible flows in one spatial dimension. Variable-area flows, nozzle operation, rocket equation.
  2. Compressible potential flow; subsonic and supersonic regime. Applications to flow around airfoils.
  3. Normal shock waves. Rankine-Hugoniot relations. Oblique shocks. Weak shocks and rarefaction. Prandtl-Meyer equation.
  4. Steady supersonic flow in many dimensions.  Method of characteristics.
  5. Unsteady one dimensional flows. Shock formation. Piston-induced flow. Wave interactions. Shock tubes and Riemann problem.
  6. Detonations. Chapman-Jouguet theory. ZND theory. Multi-dimensional structure. Applications.
  7. Introduction to numerical methods.
Teaching methods
  • Course lectures
  • Session of exercices
  • Lectures in the classroom with physical presence.
Evaluation methods
  • i) Exam. The exam consists of exercises. It is written, with open books and notes,
  • ii)  3 homework assignments.
  • The grade on the exam counts for 70% of the overall grade on the course. The grade on each assignment counts for 10% of the overall grade on the course.  Overall = 0.7 exam + 0.1 HW1 + 0.1 HW2 + 0.1 HW3
  • The grades on the homework assignments count for the August session too.
  • We maintain the right to ask a student for an oral exam in case of technical problems or suspicion of fraude.
  • Failure to comply with the methodological guidelines defined on moodle, particularly with regard to the use of online resources or collaboration between students, will result in an overall mark of 0 for all homework assignment.
  • The use of artificial intelligence tools for the homework assignments or the exam is prohibited.
Online resources
  • M.V. Papalexandris, Gas Dynamics, 2022, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Mandatory.
  • P.A. Thompson, Compressible Fluid Dynamics, 1988. Recommended.
  • H.W. Lipmann and  A. Roshko, Elements of Gasdynamics, 2001, Dover. Recommended
Teaching materials
  • Homeworks, available on the moodle site of the course.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Mechanical Engineering

Master [120] in Electro-mechanical Engineering

Master [120] in Energy Engineering