Strategic Human Resource Management

llsms2073  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Strategic Human Resource Management
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Kessels Peter (compensates Taskin Laurent); Taskin Laurent;
1 bachelor's level strategy course, (LECGE1315 - Stratégie d'entreprise)
1 bachelor level course in organizational theory, (LECGE1317 Analyse critique des organisations et des marchés )
Main themes
This course analyzes how a resource management policy and the tools used to implement it fit into a particular corporate strategy and organizational context, and how these HRM policies and practices influence employee attitudes and behaviors and, ultimately, the organization's results.
The theoretical models presented will equip students to comprehensively analyze complex human resource management situations and to propose appropriate courses of action and management tools.
The most widely used models today will be presented in three main chapters:
    From workforce planning to the search for human resource flexibility
    The different faces of competency management;
    The advent of strategic human resources management.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  • Identify the major orientations and operational options of a human resources management policy and situate them in the context of strategic and organisational choices specific to each company or institution.
  • Explain and critically assess the contributions and limitations of the different models, tools and indicators that are used to anticipate and meet the human resource needs of the company.
  • Analyse, in both its strategic and operational dimensions, the human resources management policy implemented in a given company and formulate appropriate priorities for action, based on real or pedagogical case studies.
With regard to the competence framework of this LSM programme, this teaching unit contributes to the development and acquisition of the following competences
1. Act as a socially responsible actor :
  • 1.1 Demonstrate intellectual independence in reasoning, take a critical and reflective look at knowledge (academic and common sense) and managerial practices, taking into account their context of emergence and their purposes
2. Mastering knowledge :
  • 2.2 Master knowledge otherwise specialised in one or two areas of management: knowledge and methods that are specialised and recent, derived from scientific research.
3. Apply a scientific approach :
  • 3.2 Collect, select and analyse relevant information using rigorous, advanced and appropriate methods.
7. Managing a project :
  • 7.3 Make and assume decisions in a context of uncertainty: take initiatives and engage in action; anticipate and be proactive, demonstrate discernment and judgement to make rapid decisions taking into account multiple and uncertain factors; assume the risks and consequences of one's decisions.
8. Communicate:
  • 8.3 Convince and negotiate: understand the needs and points of view of the interlocutor(s), put forward arguments in an adapted, relevant and convincing way, be able to reach points of agreement, including in conflict situations.
The connections between Strategy and HRM are studied through three different lenses:
I. Understanding. Existing traditional (Context, Best Fit, Resource-based...) and emerging (Stakeholders, Managing Humanly model...) conceptualization and models in strategic HRM are discussed, including in the assumptions they share on the roles and contributions of HRM, work, and workers.
II. Analyzing. Students must be able to identify what kind of strategic HRM is at stake in different organisations.
III. Contributing. Based on a case study, conducted in an organization, students are asked to formulate recommendations in terms of SHRM.
Teaching methods
Mix of classes, readings, presentations, discussions, conferences and learning expeditions.
Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment, both collective and individual.
No second session is organized due to the continuous assessment dispositive
Online resources
Slides, texts and other material available on Moodle
Teaching materials
  • Moodle: slides, texts and references, information about the organization of the classes and activities (shedule, places...)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Business Management

Master [120] in Management

Master [120] in Human Resources Management

Master [120] in Motor Skills: Physical Education