Analyse des dispositifs médiatiques

lcomu1239  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Analyse des dispositifs médiatiques
4.00 credits
22.5 h
Jacques Jerry; Tilleul Camille;
Main themes
- Definition and understanding of the notion of "dispositif" in relation to several other central concepts: media, media objects, means of communication, technique, technology, tools, etc.  
- Inventory and typologies of today's main media devices
- Contextual analysis of the conditions under which these devices are invented and used, particularly when the aim is to mediate knowledge.
- Description and technical analysis of the media objects composing these devices
- Description and semiotic analysis of the sign systems and languages that constitute these devices.
- Assessment of the common and specific factors of the devices studied, and their implications in terms of design and reception.  
- Description and analysis of contexts of use and user participation in these devices
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  • articulate the analysis of a media platform from a semiotic point of view as well as from the point of view of its usage by users
  • identify the challenges of the existing platform
  • envisage educational responses to the issues raised
  • formulate recommendations for improving the existing platform
This course is based on two parts, each taught by one of the two teachers: 
1. "Semiotics" section: the aim of this section is to introduce a few general concepts ("dispositif", "médiation", "média", etc.) that can be used to organize the analysis of contemporary digital media. It then aims to analyze digital media as part of a particular practice of writing and reading, mobilizing diverse systems of representation, interpretative and cognitive activities, user actions and relations between the actors involved in communication. 
2. "Use and participation" section: the aim of this section is to understand how these technologies are used by their users. This part will focus on the fields of "sociologie des usages"and participatory culture. In particular, this section will focus on :
  • the appropriation of media platforms by their users
  • Relationships and exchanges between users (offline/online relationships, creation of online communities, exchange of best practices, etc.).
  • the participative, contributory and creative practices enabled by these technologies.
Teaching methods
  • Lectures by teachers, discussions with students 
  • Solicitation of knowledge acquired by students in their experience of using technologies 
  • On an ad hoc basis, short video clips presenting a specific point in the course can be used to release session time for exchanges and discussions, or to compensate for the cancellation of a class session.
Evaluation methods
The evaluation consists of a group project aimed at analyzing and then formulating recommendations for improving an existing media device. The practical details of the project will be explained to students at the beginning of the course and will be available on Moodle. In the case of a second session, the assessment procedures are identical, but the work must be carried out individually. 
As part of ongoing assessment, teachers may ask students to submit additional works, which will be used to stimulate discussion on the topics covered in the course sessions.
Other information
English-friendly Course
  • Reading: bibliographical references in English can be provided
  • Questions: students can ask their questions in English
  • Evaluation: students can do presentations and answer exam questions in English
  • Dictionary: students are allowed to use a dictionary (monolingual French dictionary or bilingual French-mother tongue dictionary, as specified by the teacher), including for exams.
Online resources
Presentation materials, useful links, assignment instructions and other external resources are made available to students on the Moodle platform.
Gomez-Mejia, G. (2016). Les fabriques de soi ? Identité et industrie sur le web. MkF éd. 
Meunier, J.-P., & Peraya, D. (2010). Introduction aux théories de la communication. Armando Editore. 
Jewitt, C. (Éd.). (2014). The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (2nd ed). Routledge.
Souchier, E., Candel, E., Jeanne-Perrier, V., & Gomez-Mejia, G. (2019). Le numérique comme écriture - Théories et méthodes d’analyse : Théories et méthodes d’analyse. Armand Colin. 
Cardon, D. (2019). Culture numérique. Presses de SciencesPo.
Jauréguiberry, F., & Proulx, S. (2011). Usages et enjeux des technologies de communication. Editions érès.
Jenkins, H., Purushotma, R., Clinton, K., Weigel, M., & Robison, A. J. (2006). Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture : Media Education for the 21st Century (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning) [White paper]. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in numerical technologies and society

Bachelor in Information and Communication