
lchm1391  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

6.00 credits
45.0 h + 45.0 h
Elias Benjamin; Fustin Charles-André; Robiette Raphaël; Troian-Gautier Ludovic; Vlad Alexandru;
Main themes
The project is a personal work of bibliographic research on a theme of modern chemistry.
The student will consider the problem under all aspects.
During his research work, he will benefit from the guidance of teachers, following a defined work plan, with three set meeting dates to help him spread the workload on the whole academic year.
The research will be presented in a written report and as an oral presentation in front of a lecture comity, followed by a short debate.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The main objective of this activity is to integrate all aspects of chemistry and sensitize the student to global control of acquired knowledge in different isolated areas.
Confronted to interdisciplinary treatment of a problem, a situation close to professional reality, the student will develop his analysis, his synthetic capability, and a critical mind.
The written and oral presentation of the work will value his communication skills.
This course consists of a personal bibliographic research project.
Teaching methods
This course is "project-based learning" and alternates between plenary sessions and individual tutoring sessions.
The teaching takes place in person for the introductory plenary sessions (see course schedule), the oral presentations and the weekly individual meetings. However, some sessions or individual meetings may be held remotely, depending on the time constraints of the speakers.
Evaluation methods
Participation in all the activities of the course is compulsory and indispensable for its validation.
The course is evaluated on a continuous basis, taking into account the quality of the bibliographical research carried out, the proactive behaviour, the oral presentations made during the academic year, the writing of the written document and the public oral defense of the research work.
There are no make-up sessions for the written report and oral defense.

Any unjustified absence will result in a penalty, which may go as far as the cancellation of the final grade for the year in question (0/20).
Online resources
Course materials are available on the Moodle platform. But most of the personal work will be done using bibliographic databases (such as Scopus).
Teaching materials
  • slides sur moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Chemistry

Additionnal module in Chemistry