Italian : Mastering Spoken

bmhit1121  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Italian : Mastering Spoken
5.00 credits
0 h + 60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Ferrari Sebastiano; Fontana Milena;
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

This course is intended to introduce students to basics and particularities of phonetics, vocabulary and pragmatics of Italian in order to enhance students' listening and oral skills from beginner to intermediate level (i.e. from Breakthrough level, A1 to Threshold level, B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Mastery of the Italian language goes hand in hand with discovering culture of contemporary Italy.
Language activities will be based on the 4 communication axes identified by the CEFR i.e. personal, public, educational and occupational domains.

On completing this Unit, students will be able to:

- understand authentic texts (interviews, news reports, descriptions, dialogues) in order to boost their listening and oral skills though exercises of increasing difficulty (from level A1 to level B1 of the CEFR),

- express themselves fluently and accurately, by means of exercises aiming at improving pronunciation, stress and intonation,

- practice of oral expression (dialogues, descriptions, summaries, presentations etc.) in a range of situations/topics related to everyday life and personal experience (activation of prior knowledge in the domain of vocabulary and grammar also with the aid of intercomprehension between romance languages (FR>IT), use of turns of phrase suitable for a varied set of communication situation,

- have a better insight into social and cultural aspects of contemporary Italy (habits and customs, Italy's regions and cities, etc.).
Teaching methods
Face-to-face, First and Second Term, the number of hours' tuition per year is 60 equally divided between the 2 Semesters (30 hours in Semester 1 - 30 hours in Semester 2).Language tuition; pronunciation and intonation exercises with individual correction; exercises focusing on oral expression (individual & pair work) using varied audio and visual supporting materials; including both in-class and home oral comprehension activities.
Evaluation methods
To obtain the credits related to a UE, the student must pass all parts of the examination related to the UE.

As regards Mr Ferrari’s part:
A written examination at the end of each term (Q1 and Q2) during the examination sessions (50% of the overall grade of the UE).

For Ms Fontana's part:
Q1: Continuous assessment including 2 presentations on assigned topics according to a schedule set in the first course of the year (15% of the overall UE grade).
Q2: Continuous assessment (15% of the overall grade of the course) including 2 presentations on topics assigned according to a schedule set in the first course of the second Term and oral examination in the last week of the course (15% of the overall grade of the course) and 5% for class participation.
In the August session, students must prepare two topics of their choice from those covered in each semester and must also be familiar with the whole year's programme on which the professor may question the students. Oral examination.

Attendance is compulsory: 2 unjustified absences are allowed per term. Beyond these absences, each new absence must be justified by a medical certificate or a solid written justification duly substantiated.

If health measures related to Covid-19 require it, the organisation of the examination will be carried out remotely.
Pour la partie de M. Ferrari (Q1 et Q2) : le syllabus «Italien : maîtrise de la langue orale ».
Ce support de cours est disponible au service d'impression de la Faculté.

Pour la partie de Mme Fontana (Q1 et Q2) : photocopies distribuées aux cours.
Teaching materials
  • Pour la partie de M. Ferrari (Q1 et Q2) : le syllabus «Italien : maîtrise de la langue orale ».
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting