Marketing Studies

mgest1328  2022-2023  Mons

Marketing Studies
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 10.0 h
Masset Julie (compensates Poncin Ingrid); Poncin Ingrid;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
This course is an introduction to Marketing Studies.  The objective is
  • on the one hand to present a set of methods and tools for the collection and analysis of primary and secondary data,
  • and on the other hand to involve students in a market research process
It also aims at making participants aware of the need to be demanding - and give them the means to do so - with regard to market research and marketing consultancy companies, to services which they may be required to call upon.
Qualitative methodologies
Market study approach
Causal study
The panels
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Given the « competencies referential » linked to the LSM Bachelor in Management and Business Engineering, this course mainly develops the following competencies:
  • 1. Adopt a socially responsible mindset: Think and take decisions responsibly, taking account of ethical and civic values.
  • 1.1. Demonstrate the ability to reason independently and adopt a considered and critical approach to knowledge (academic and common sense).
  • 2. Acquire a knowledge base: Actively acquire a knowledge base in different subjects (management, human science, economics, law, quantitative methods) that are essential for analysing issues in the various fields of management.
  • 2.1. Understand the basic concepts and theories in each of the fields of management and economics.
  • 2.2. Acquire a knowledge base in human science and law.
  • 2.3. Acquire a knowledge base in quantitative, IT and digital methods.
  • 2.4. Apply knowledge gained from different subjects to solve a simple but concrete management problem.
  • 3. Apply a scientific approach: Use a scientific approach to analyse concrete management problems and situations.
  • 3.1. Understand and selectively use scientific texts and works in French and English.
  • 3.2. Apply clear and structured analytical reasoning, conceptual frameworks and science-based models to describe and analyse a simple but concrete problem and offer a solution.
  • 3.3. With the help of dedicated software tools, collate, select and analyse relevant information using basic statistical and data analysis methods.
  • 3.4. Analyse and interpret results or proposals, and provide a well-argued critique, for a simple but concrete management problem.
  • 3.5. Demonstrate rigour and discernment (validity and relevance) in the collation of information sources, and precision in their referencing.
  • 6. Become a team player: Become a team member and player.
  • 6.1. Know and understand the principles of collaborative learning.
  • 6.2. Recognize and take into account the different points of view of team members.
  • 6.3. Manage group relations in a joint project.
  • 7. Manage a project: Organise and complete a project, taking into account the pre-defined objectives and the constraints of the project environment.
  • 7.1. Organise the process: working as a team, and with consideration for the pre-defined objectives, plan and develop all the stages of a project and commit to it collectively, having allocated the tasks.
  • 7.2. Share information and expertise to help progress the project and contribute to the team's success with a view to effectively achieving the objective set.

At the end of the class, the student will be able to:
  • define an object or objects of marketing study in relation to a particular management problem.
  • master the methods and tools of qualitative study in marketing.
  • master the basic methods and tools of quantitative study in marketing.
  • implement a complete approach to a marketing study.
  • produce and present in a synthetic way the results of the marketing study and the managerial recommendations.
  • understand the specificities of causal studies in marketing.
  • understand and analyze data from panels.
  • understand the basics of webanalyptics.
  • evaluate the qualities and rigor of a study proposal or the results of a study carried out by a market research or marketing consulting company.
This course aims to introduce you to Marketing Studies
-The objective is to present a set of methods and tools for the collection and analysis of primary and secondary data
-The objective is also to involve you in a market research process
-It also aims to make participants conscious of the need to be rigorous - and to give them the tools to do so - with regard to market research and marketing consulting firms, whose services they may need to call on.
Teaching methods
Case studies
Conducting a marketing survey and writing a report
Participation in marketing studies/research
Evaluation methods
10% Google Analyptics Certificate
30% Continuous assessment
  • Collective work in class
  • -Participation in a marketing research
  • -Marketing study report
-60% - Written exam
NB: In case of failure in January, the grade of the continuous control will be automatically postponed to September, only the written exam (60%) can be retaken.
Online resources
Course materials and online resources are available on the student corner.
MALHOTRA, N. Études marketing, 6e édition, Pearson
JOLIBERT A., DELACROIX E., MONNOT E., et JOURDAN P. (2020), Marketing Research : Méthodes de recherche et d’études en marketing (ouvrage collectif), 2ème édition, Dunod
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Management