Computer Hardware Principles

lsinc1102  2022-2023  Charleroi

Computer Hardware Principles
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Bonaventure Olivier;
Main themes
The course aims to introduce students to the operating principles of computers to enable them to understand how their programs are executed on a simple computer.
  •     Representation of information in binary form (integer and real numbers, characters, etc.)
  •     Combinatorial logic (logic gates, construction of simple circuits)
  •     Memory management (RAM, ROM, …)
  •     Synchronous digital circuits and role of the clock
  •     Construction of a simple microprocessor
  •     Inputs-Outputs and storage devices
  •     assembly language
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  • Describe the main components of a computer and their role
  • Explain how information and programs are represented in memory
  • Design a small logic circuit implementing a simple combinatorial function
  • Read and write simple assembly programs
  • Representation of information in binary form (integer and real numbers, characters, etc.)
  • Combinatorial logic (logic gates, construction of simple circuits)
  • Memory management (RAM, ROM, …)
  • Synchronous digital circuits and role of the clock
  • Construction of a simple microprocessor
  • Inputs-Outputs and storage devices
  • assembly language
Teaching methods
  • Lecture
  • Exercise sessions
  • Mini-projects for building the main components of a computer
Evaluation methods
First session
  •     Oral exam
  •     Continuous evaluation of mini-projects (these count for 50% of the points if they are favorable to the student)
Second session
  •     Oral exam only (mini-projects no longer count in the second session)
Students who actively contribute to educational materials can earn bonus points.
Teaching materials
  • Notes du cours LSINC1102: Principes de fonctionnement des ordinateurs
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Computer Science