Séminaire de psychologie clinique de l'adulte

lpsys2743  2022-2023  Louvain-la-Neuve

Séminaire de psychologie clinique de l'adulte
6.00 credits
45.0 h
Douilliez Céline; Zech Emmanuelle;
Sixteen different themes will be studied during the seminar. Among them, to illustrate, the following themes will be used: dark thoughts-suicide; psychologist's self-care; non violent communication; identity and life transitions. Beyond the themes suggested by the teachers, the students can suggest and work on personal themes (subject to the authorization of the professors).
These themes will be addressed in order to fit the learning objectives of the course across the semester so that the different dimensions of a the psychological care of adults are studied.
Teaching methods
During the first session, the learning objectives, methods and specific themes to work on will be presented. Themes will deal with difficulties in clinical psychology of adults that clinical psychologists regularly encounter in their practice, whatever the setting (e.g., private consultations, in the hospital, individually and in groups).
In subgroups, students choose a theme. They have min. 1 month to prepare the training of the other students. It will include :
(1) min. 1 tp 2 clinical illustrations/cases/vignettes provided from their probation period(s) or the literature (The clinical vignettes are chosen so as to sufficiently illustrate the complexity of real cases) ;
(2) activities that mobilize competences of (a) case analyses/interpretations; (b) intervention and its underlying reasoning based particularly on the scientific literature ; and (c) personal reflexivity. The sharing of reflexions during exchanges in the group should be sought.
The manuscript will refer to at least 5 references among which 2 at least will date later than the year 2000 and 2 at least will be in English. The manuscript will be posted on MoodleUCL to facilitate learning among the other students. It will also include a recommended bibliography section (further readings) to allow afin further reflections on the chosen theme.
The professors will supervise the group work.
Each activity of the seminar is subject to rules of ethics and deontology of the practice of the psychologist.
Depending on the epidemiological situation and the number of enrolled students, the seminar will take place in person or remotely.
Evaluation methods
June session
The evaluation of the course consists of three parts:
-Part 1 (worth 15% of the final grade): students are asked to give constructive feedback on each of the seminar presentations. Students must participate in 80% of the peer review activities to obtain the three points. If less than 80% participation is achieved, the student will receive 0 point.
-Part 2 (worth 45% of the final mark): oral presentation and facilitation of the seminar and exchanges between its members: in sub-groups of 4 to 6 students, each sub-group prepares and leads a session on a specific clinical theme.
-Part 3 (worth 40% of the final mark): written group synthesis, which takes into account the intermediate feedback and debates (see specific instructions on Moodle regarding deadline and content).
The sum of the marks for the three parts constitutes the final mark for the EU in the June session. Arithmetical rounding is done when the final grade is >= 10/20 (= the pass mark, e.g. 10.5 = 11 but 10.49 = 10). Below 10/20, the final mark is rounded down (e.g. 9.78 = 9/20)
September session
The assessment for the second session is different. In case of failure in June, a paper will be submitted on a topic chosen by the course co-holders. The format will be decided according to the situation of the student concerned.
Other information
Clinical concepts studied in the 2nd, 3rd bachelor and 1st master are expected to be learned.
This course is given in an “English-friendly” format. The course is given in French, however, the oral presentation and the written report can be delivered in English, with the agreement of all group members.
Online resources
Registration to MoodleUCL is required; guidelines and works will be posted on MoodleUCL.
https://moodleucl.uclouvain.be/course/view.php?id=12127 (in French only)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Psychology