Psychology of education

lpsp1206  2022-2023  Louvain-la-Neuve

Psychology of education
6.00 credits
60.0 h
Nils Frédéric; Pirsoul Thomas (compensates Nils Frédéric);
The course in educational psychology begins with a contextualization based on the educational system of the French Community of Belgium, before reviewing the historical roots of educational psychology. Then, the contributions of the main paradigms of psychology to the field of education are detailed. Afterwards, it is about motivation and emotions in learning and finally about vocational guidance and counseling.
Teaching methods
The course sessions will take the form of interactive lectures supported by illustrations and case studies. Depending on the health situation, these sessions could be partly or totally remote.
Evaluation methods
The evaluation will take two forms. On the one hand, students will have to take part in a research project for which they will have to collect data from 10 people, participate in the analysis of these data and write a synthesis paper. On the other hand, there will be a written exam with multiple choice and multiple answer questions. These two forms of evaluation are each worth half of the final grade. If one of these forms of evaluation does not meet the pass mark, the final mark will be a maximum of 9/20.
Online resources
The slideshows used during the lessons and a reading portfolio are available on moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General

Bachelor in Psychology and Education : Speech and Language Therapy