Work and organizational psychology

lpsp1204  2022-2023  Louvain-la-Neuve

Work and organizational psychology
6.00 credits
60.0 h
Casini Annalisa; Nguyen Nathan (compensates Stinglhamber Florence); Stinglhamber Florence;
Placing the psychology of work and organizations in perspective: general conceptions of work; evolution of forms of work organization in the 20th and 21st centuries; change and current working conditions.
  • The individual at work: approaches to psychological health at work and occupational stress; interpersonal relationships at work (e. g. harassment); group situations at work (e. g. gender, age, disability'); analysis of work activity.
  • The individual in the organization: approaches to job satisfaction; justice at work; commitment; perceived organizational support; leadership; organizational dehumanization; tools for observing and analyzing organizational behaviour
Teaching methods
A range of pedagogical methods will be deployed, from the ex-cathedra course to more participatory methods (e.g., serious game, group discussion, etc.) and formative (self-)assessments.
Evaluation methods
The assessment for LPSP1204 - Work and Organizational Psychology will be conducted via a written exam, using a multiple response questionnaire (MRQ). Each question will be accompanied by several answer options of which 0, 1, or several (or even all) may be correct. 1 point will be given if all correct options are chosen and no incorrect options are chosen. No points will be given if no answer is provided, or if all the correct options are not chosen, or if one or more incorrect options are chosen. The 1st and 2nd session exams will have the same content, format and scoring.
Other information
The courses listed below provide important foundations for understanding and integrating the material in this course.
LPSP1011 Statistiques : Analyse descriptive de données quantitatives OU LPSP1209 Statistiques : Inférences sur une ou deux variables,  
LPSP1210 Méthodologies de la recherche.
The standard written exam (see above) is in French. However, upon prior request, international students taking this course will be allowed to use a dictionary and will be given 33% more time to take the written exam in French.
Online resources
The course slides, readings and audiovisual material will be made available on Moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General