5.00 crédits
20.0 h
Cette unité d'enseignement n'est pas dispensée en 2022-2023
Lorant Vincent;
introduction à la sociologie ou à la sociologie de la santé ;
Crédits et volume horaire : 5ECTS, 20h de T1.
Autres modalités : ce cours est donné en anglais, à Woluwé par séance de 3h.
Publics : WFSP2200 est un cours accessible aux BAC3 de la Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et politiques, au master en santé publique et au master en sociologie ;
Le(s) prérequis de cette Unité d’enseignement (UE) sont précisés à la fin de cette fiche, en regard des programmes/formations qui proposent cette UE.
Crédits et volume horaire : 5ECTS, 20h de T1.
Autres modalités : ce cours est donné en anglais, à Woluwé par séance de 3h.
Publics : WFSP2200 est un cours accessible aux BAC3 de la Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et politiques, au master en santé publique et au master en sociologie ;
Le(s) prérequis de cette Unité d’enseignement (UE) sont précisés à la fin de cette fiche, en regard des programmes/formations qui proposent cette UE.
Thèmes abordés
Soigner et informer des patients, financer les soins, prendre une décision médicale, travailler en équipe pluridisciplinaire et organiser les soins de santé sont autant de questions qui intéressent aussi bien la sociologie que l'anthropologie. Le cours vise à amener l'étudiant à comprendre et analyser l'organisation et la prestation des soins comme des problématiques sociologiques. Il aborde, sous différents angles et points de vue, les thématiques « classiques » de la sociologie de la santé et de la médecine que sont notamment les politiques publiques, les inégalités de santé, les professions médicales, les relations patient-médecin, les pratiques de collaboration et de coordination interprofessionnelles et les mécanismes de prise de décisions médicales.
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
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Au terme du cours l'étudiant sera notamment capable de :
The course is the follow-up of the introductory course wfsp2102, introduction to medical sociology. It trains the student in the use of social network research for analysing a health issue. This is a course where you will understand what social network research is about, you will practice social network analysis as applied to health, where you will use a software to perform your analyses.
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
- To understand key societal challenges of current medical sociology.
- To analyse health or medical issues with social network research.
- To design and collect social network data.
- To use UCINET for exploring and analysing social graphs.
- To communicate about a paper in social network analysis as applied to health.
- Introduction to Medical sociology and the relevance of social network analysis
- Key concepts in social network analysis
- Design of social network analysis
- Exploring the network: graphs
- Ego-level Metrics
- Groups and communities
- Topology
- Contagion and peer-effects
Méthodes d'enseignement
- Lecture
- Practice of UCINET and practice of data management.
- Every week, each student briefs the group on his/her essay: concepts, data, analyses. At least once, each student presents two slides with the concept and method of the research question.
- Weekly Assignments
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
Assessment is based on an essay (see below, 50%), and the weekly assignments (50%). The oral examination is devoted to the discussing your essay in relation with the course.
The essay aims to confront the student to the practice of social network research. The student shows his/her skills to formulate a research question in relation with the literature, design a method, collect and/or analyze data and conclude about the relevance of the work done. Team of two students is allowed but this is not compulsory.
The essay has the following outline: introduction (issue, literature review, research question); method (population, setting, sample, who-what-when; measures); results (descriptives stats, exploratory graphs; statistical analysis; topology of your networks); Discussion-conclusion (main findings; consistency with the literature; limits; conclusion). The essay is assessed against 5 criteria: relevance of the research question; data collection effectiveness (even if using secondary source); quality of the graph exploration; appropriateness of data analysis; conclusion and reflexivity; the essay has a maximum of 6 pages (excluding references, appendices and TOC); he is uploaded on moodle.
The essay aims to confront the student to the practice of social network research. The student shows his/her skills to formulate a research question in relation with the literature, design a method, collect and/or analyze data and conclude about the relevance of the work done. Team of two students is allowed but this is not compulsory.
The essay has the following outline: introduction (issue, literature review, research question); method (population, setting, sample, who-what-when; measures); results (descriptives stats, exploratory graphs; statistical analysis; topology of your networks); Discussion-conclusion (main findings; consistency with the literature; limits; conclusion). The essay is assessed against 5 criteria: relevance of the research question; data collection effectiveness (even if using secondary source); quality of the graph exploration; appropriateness of data analysis; conclusion and reflexivity; the essay has a maximum of 6 pages (excluding references, appendices and TOC); he is uploaded on moodle.
Autres infos
The course is demanding : it requires regular homeworks, it involves the practice of data management and analysis, including the use of social network analysis software (ucinet and/or Igraph ) and it is taught in English.
en ligne
en ligne
- Carrington, P. J. and J. Scott (2011). The SAGE handbook of social network analysis. London, SAGE.
- Centola, D. (2011). "An experimental study of homophily in the adoption of health behavior." Science 334(6060): 1269-1272.
- Christakis, N. A. and J. H. Fowler (2010). Connected : the amazing power of social networks and how they shape our lives. London, HarperPress.
- Crossley Nick, Bellotti E, et al. Social Network analysis for ego-nets. Sage, Thousand Oaks, 2015. Ebook disponible sur https://dial.uclouvain.be/ebook/object/ebook%3A154140
- Dimaggio, P. and F. Garip (2012). "Network effects and social inequality." Annual Review of Sociology 38: 93-118.
- Knoke, D., et al. (2008). Social network analysis. Los Angeles, Sage Publications.
- Oakes, J. M. and J. S. Kaufman (2006). Methods in social epidemiology. San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass.
- Pescosolido BA. Of Pride and Prejudice: The role of sociology and social networks in integrating the health sciences. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 2006;47(3):189-208.
- Provan, K. G., et al. (2005). "The Use of Network Analysis to Strengthen Community Partnerships." Public Administration Review 65(5): 603-613.
- Robins, G., et al. (2007). "An introduction to exponential random graph (p *) models for social networks." Social Networks 29(2): 173-191.
- Robins, G. (2015). Doing social network research : network-based research design for social scientists. London, SAGE
- Valente, T. W. (2010). Social networks and health models, methods, and applications. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Valente, T. W. (2012). "Network Interventions." Science 337(6090): 49-53.
- Sweet D, Byng R, Webber M, Enki DG, Porter I, Larsen J, et al. Personal well-being networks, social capital and severe mental illness: exploratory study. The British journal of psychiatry 2017.
- Bogatti S, Everett M, Johnson J, Analyzing social networks, Sage, 2013.
Support de cours
- none
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Intitulé du programme
Bachelier en sciences humaines et sociales
Master [120] en sociologie
Bachelier en sociologie et anthropologie
Mineure en sociologie et anthropologie
Master [60] en sociologie et anthropologie