Physiologie cellulaire

wmds1210  2021-2022  Bruxelles Woluwe

Physiologie cellulaire
6.00 credits
55.0 h + 10.0 h
Gailly Philippe;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
The teaching is essentially oriented in a physical and physico-chemical perspective: the knowledge acquired in the first year is therefore fundamental. Moreover, physiology is an experimental science: it is from the description of observations that the theories explaining the basic cellular functions are deduced. Finally, special emphasis will be placed on the cellular bases of certain diseases.
The practical work is done in large audiences and consists of exercises and demonstrations. Their purpose is to illustrate and explain theoretical concepts. They also introduce the students to the experimental approach and the adequate and precise description of results obtained with simple methods and a critical analysis of the observations. 
Teaching methods
The teaching activity consists of a lecture (55 hours) in the auditorium where the different contents are explained by the teacher in charge of the course. Exercises and demonstrations are carried out in the auditorium (TD 10h).
Evaluation methods
The student will demonstrate his/her learning outcomes in a written exam: questions with short answer (QSA) and/or multiple choice (QMC).
When QMC are presented, one or more answers are proposed. The student must have all the correct answers to obtain the point. No negative points are counted. 
When QSA are offered, the student must answer in a structured and concise manner in the space provided for the answer. Care and precision are required (remember to give the units of the values used, etc).
Online resources
Course materials: 3 syllabi (Moodle and/or paper copies)
Bibliographie de référence recommandée aux étudiants Ouvrages généraux
Purves et al. Neurosciences. De Boeck
Blaustein, Kao & Matteson : Cellular physiology. Elsevier Mosby
Sperelakis : Cell physiology. Academic Press
Boron & Boulpaep : Medical physiology. Saunders
Flux de matière
Glaser : Biophysics. Springer
Hille : Ion channels of excitable membranes. Sinauer
Schultz : Basic principles of membrane transport. Cambridge University Press
Flux d'information et d’énergie
Aidley : The physiology of excitable membranes. Cambridge University Press
Cowan, Südhof & Stevens : Synapses. Johns Hopkins
Kandel, Schwarz & Jessel : Principles of neural science. Appleton & Lange
Kayser : Physiologie. Livre deuxième : Système nerveux. Muscle. Flammarion
Meunier & Shvaloff : Neurotransmetteurs. Masson Abrégés
Tritsch, Chesnoy-Marchais & Felz : Physiologie du neurone. Doin

Teaching materials
  • Supports de cours : 3 syllabi (Moodle et/ou copies papier)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Medecine