Travaux pratiques d'introduction à la chimie analytique

wfarm1244  2021-2022  Bruxelles Woluwe

Travaux pratiques d'introduction à la chimie analytique
3.00 credits
0 h + 105.0 h
Herent Marie-France; Muccioli Giulio (coordinator);
general chemistry ; organic chemistry ; introduction to analytical chemistry

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
The teacher(s), helped by graduate students and technicians, will discuss the different types of particle exchange in a solution. The aim is first to give the practical basis that will help to understand the theoretical notions studied during WFARM1243 ; second to form the students to the analytical reasoning.  
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 At the end of the activity the student will be able to
  • Behave in an analytical lab environment
  • To understand notions such as 'trueness, accuracy, experimental error'
  • To understand and use an experimental protocol
  • To discuss the results he has obtained during the experiment
The activities focus on the preparation and resolution of exercises, as well as practical manipulations to illustrate the concepts addressed in the EU WFARM2143. The themes summarized below are discussed.
  • General aspects of an analytical lab ("good laboratory practices")
  • Gravimetry and precipitometry
    • Quantification of sulfates and chlorides by several techniques, and quantification of iodide based on the European pharmacopoeia
  • Acidimetry
    • Titrations in aqueous media
    • Titrations in non aqueous media
  • Complexometry
    • Measure of the drinking water hardness
    • Screening for toxics (Bi ' Pb)
  • Oxydimetry
    • Quantification of several ions (iron, iodides, calcium) and of pharmaceutical substances (chloramine T, sulfanilamide)
Teaching methods
the activity takes place in didactic labs
the actual experiments are preceded by theoretical  exercises (that need to be prepared by the student)  
Evaluation methods
Continuous evaluation based on the post-experiment reports, on the evaluation of the student preparation to the experiment, and a final exam.
Other information
Participation in practical work, tutorials and exercise sessions is mandatory and indispensable to validate the teaching unit.
Any unjustified absence leads to a penalty for the course exam which can go as far as the cancellation of the exam mark for the year of study in question (0/20).
In case of repeated absences, even if justified, the teachers may propose to the jury to oppose the registration to the course exam in accordance with article 72 of the RGEE.
Following the particular situation (COVID19) teachers will adapt the activities and practical instruction to the current situation. The communication of the modalities will be ensured by the EU moodle (to be consulted regularly) and orally at the beginning of the session.
Translated with (free version)
Online resources
The  book relative to the pratcial exerices is available online on the moodle platform. 
Teaching materials
  • Le manuel TD/TP est disponible sur la plateforme moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Pharmacy