Architecture, town and territory: theories and methods of urbanism

ltarc2142  2021-2022  Tournai

Architecture, town and territory: theories and methods of urbanism
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Grosjean Benedicte;
Main themes

This course builds on knowledge already covered in the Bachelor's degree.
  • the relationships between town planning (imagined and applied) and urbanisation (produced)
  • the relationships between geography, networks and urban forms
  • the relationships between regions and social cohesion
  • the relationships between town planning and natural and  landscape resources
  • the forms of interaction : economic arguments, stakeholder systems, political decision making
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, students are able to
  • recognise and understand the models and theories which inform the way in which we look at urbanised regions.
  • analyse a complex construction situation
- by referring to its structural elements (topic 2), the underlying theoretical and political models (topics 1 and 4)
- by making hypotheses on the technical, social and economic interactions which have produced it (topics 3 and 5).
  • contribute to the collective formulation of  planning projects, understanding the issues for each of the players and being familiar with the general processes of development planning.
Contribution to the learning outcomes reference network:
Build knowledge of architecture
  • Be familiar with and analyse the discipline's basic references
  • Develop knowledge and become an active participant in the learning process
Place the action
  • Recognise, observe and produce critical assessments of the targeted environments and contexts
  • Identify and analyse the paradigms on which the study is based according to various given methods and starting from various points of view
  • Formulate questions relating to the development of the context being studied to make working hypotheses
Make use of other subjects
  • Seek out other approaches, exchanges of views and ways of enhancing thinking about architecture
  • Make strategic use of other subjects to put into question the design and implementation of an architectural project
Express an architectural procedure
  • Express ideas clearly in oral, graphic and written form
Adopt a professional attitude
  • Act as an independent player able to understand the framework of his/her mission, and the responsibilities towards third parties as well as his/her legal obligations
Make committed choices
  • Activate and develop an ethical sense through approaches to architecture
  • Develop awareness of the political meaning of the work of an architect and his/her responsibility towards society
BARLES, Sabine, 2005, L’invention des déchets urbains, France, 1790-1970. Seyssel : Champ Vallon (coll. « Milieux »), 300 p.
BRENNER N. (dir.), Implosions/Explosions. Towards a study of planetary urbanization, Berlin : Jovis Verlag, pp. 160-163.
CALLON M., LASCOUMES P., BARTHE Y., 2001, Agir dans un monde incertain. Essai sur la démocratie technique, Paris : éd. du Seuil, 437p.
CHAPEL Enrico, 2010, L’œil raisonné. L’invention de l’urbanisme par la carte, Genève, MētisPresses.
CORIAT Benjamin (dir.), 2015, Le retour des communs. La crise de l'idéologie propriétaire, Paris : éd. Les liens qui libèrent, 250p.
CORNER James, "Terra Fluxus", 2006, in : WALDHEIM Charles (dir.), Landscape Urbanism Reader, Princeton University Press, pp.22-33.
COUTARD Olivier, LEVY Jacques P. (eds.), 2010, Écologies urbaines Paris : Economica / Anthropos (collection Villes), 371 p.
GROSJEAN Bénédicte, 2016, "L'urbanisme bottom-up : l'immersion du concepteur et l'émergence du projet", in Guillot X. (dir.). Ville, territoire, Paysage. Vers un nouveau cycle de pensée du projet, Presses Universitaires de St-Etienne, pp.148-155.
GROSJEAN Bénédicte, 2018, "Horizontal Metropolis: A Tool for a New Kind of Territoriality?", in : VIGANO Paola (dir. sc.), The Horizontal Metropolis Between Urbanism and Urbanization, Springer International Publishing, mai 2018, pp.135-138.
GROSJEAN Bénédicte, 2018, "La huitième condition : l’imbrication. Usages du territoire dans les communs d’Elinor Ostrom", Les Carnets du Paysage (coord. sc. J.-M. Besse) n°33, Actes Sud, pp.131-145.
HARVEY David, 2011, Le capitalisme contre le droit à la ville : Néolibéralisme, urbanisation, résistances, Amsterdam, 93 p.
KAIKA Maria, 2005, City of Flows: Modernity, Nature, and the City, Psychology Press, 200p.
LATOUR Bruno, HERMANT Émilie, 1998, Paris, ville invisible, Les empêcheurs de penser en rond ; Paris, La Découverte, 160p.
LATOUR Bruno, 1991, Nous n'avons jamais été modernes. Essai d'anthropologie symétrique, Paris, La Découverte, « L'armillaire », 211p.
LEFEBVRE H., Le droit à la ville suivi de Espace et politique, Paris, éd. Anthropos, 1972.
LEVY Jacques, FAUCHILLE Jean-Nicolas, POVOAS Ana, 2018, Théorie de la justice spatiale. Géographie du juste et de l'injuste, Paris, éd. O. Jacob, 344p.
MAGNAGHI Alberto, 2014, La biorégion urbaine. Petit traité sur le territoire bien commun, Paris, éd. Eterotopia France.
MERRIFIELD Andy, 2014, the new urban question, London: Pluto Press, 160p.
NEZ Héloïse, 2015, Urbanisme : la parole citoyenne, Lormont, Editions Le bord de l'eau, 284p.
OSTROM Elinor, 1990, Governing the Commons. The evolution of Institutions for Collective Actions, Cambridge University Press. Edition francophone : Gouvernance des Biens communs. Pour une nouvelle approche des ressources naturelles, Louvain-la-Neuve : éd. De Boeck, 2010,
REMY, Jean, 1966, La ville phénomène économique, Bruxelles : Editions Vie ouvrière.
RIFKIN Jeremy, 2014, La nouvelle société du cout marginal zéro. L'internet des objets, l'émergence des communaux et l'éclipse du capitalisme, Paris, Les Liens qui Libèrent, 509p.
SAUNDERS Peter, 1986, Social theory and the urban question, 2e edition, Publisher Routledge., 396p.
SECCHI Bernardo, 2009, La ville du 20e siècle, Paris : éd. Recherches, 218p.
SECCHI Bernardo, 2015, La ville des riches et la ville des pauvres. Urbanisme et inégalités, Geneve : Métis Presses, 90p.
SOJA Eward W. 2010, Seeking Spatial Justice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 256p.
TABOURET René, 2016, "Villes, Territoires, Paysages en devenir. Une responsabilité particulière", in : GUILLOT Xavier (dir.), Ville, territoire, paysage. Vers un nouveau cycle de pensée du projet, Presses Universitaires de St Étienne, 2016, pp. 303-309.
VIGANÒ Paola, 2012, Les territoires de l'urbanisme. Le projet comme producteur de connaissance, Geneve : MétisPresses (1e éd.: Roma: Officina Edizioni, 2010), 293p.
VIGANÒ Paola, 2013, « The Horizontal Metropolis and Gloeden’s Diagrams. Two Parallel Stories », in :I mages of the Mid-Size City, OASE, n° 89, 2013, p. 94-111.
VIVIANE Claude, 2006, Faire la ville. Les métiers de l'urbanisme au XXe siècle, Marseille : Éditions Parenthèses, Collection Eupalinos, 253p.
WALDHEIM Charles, 2016, The landscape as urbanism, Princeton University Press.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Architecture (Tournai)