Séminaire d'intégration B

lsrel2912  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Séminaire d'intégration B
6.00 credits
30.0 h

  This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2021-2022 !

Christians Louis-Léon; Leclercq Jean (coordinator); Saroglou Vassilis;
Main themes
In order to achieve these aims, - each seminar will address a fresh research issue - the various theories devised to study the contemporary transformations of religion (such as secularization or post-modernity) will be taken up and put to the test of factual data and specific interpretations.
From a methodological point of view, the seminar work will focus among other on
- (a) the case study under its multiple forms (e.g. participant observation, interview),
- (b) the quantitative approach (e.g. questionnaires and tests), and
- (c) the hermeneutics of texts and content analysis (e.g. historical-critical method, structural analysis).
Exercises will provide the opportunity to understand in a practical way the logic proper to each method (passive understanding of all three types of methods and ability to use at least one of them).
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 - analyse a religious fact from interdisciplinary approaches
2 - grasp the contributions of the various disciplines and paradigms to the concrete analysis of a religious fact
3 - show the complexity of religious phenomena.
4 - understand the different methodological approaches, qualitative as well as quantitative, required for the analysis of religious facts within the main disciplines of the sciences of religions
5 - identify the specific character of these approaches and their complementarity
6 - use at least one of these approaches, particularly in the preparation of the thesis required for the Master degree (see also "Other information").
In 2020-2021, the seminar will be devoted to the interaction of a dual approach of religious studies around the notion of "norm", based on the resources of legal, philosophical and religious traditions. Legal theory and philosophy of the norm will examine the origins of "normativity" in religion and the genealogy of contemporary forms of normativity. Law, justice, salvation, constraint, sanction, regulation, government, governance, Foucault, Rawls, Legendre, Habermas... What reconstructions at the junction between various prescriptive universes of meaning?
Our daily life is organised on the basis of norms that establish the conditions and limits of our capacity to act, that is to say, what we must and must not do. In a secularized world in which we live, these normative frameworks seem to be free of any religious content. But can we really understand the basis and functioning of these norms without appealing to the realm of the religious? This seminar questions the religious dimension of norms from a double perspective: that of the philosophy of law and that of contemporary philosophy, in particular the investigations of Michel Foucault. In doing so, the seminar proposes to question a Christian genealogy of the norm whose aim is to understand the origin and functioning of the norms that organize our daily conduct from a rich, diversified and complementary approach according to which the norm is conceived both as a dimension that traces the limits between the permitted and the forbidden and as the standard from which the mechanisms of knowledge and power that define the degrees of integration and deviation of individuals in the environment in which they live are organized.
Teaching methods
After two introductions in philosophy and legal theory, students present their own work and readings in an interactive seminar setting.
COVID: Face-to-face will be encouraged wherever possible.
Teams webinar will be chosen when necessary. 
Evaluation methods
The evaluation is based on a personal written work integrating two approaches of philosophies and theory of law on a theme chosen in agreement with the teachers, for 80% of the final grade. The active participation of the students is necessary and is integrated into the evaluation, for 20% of the final grade.
In September, 100% of the final grade is a personal written work.
Other information
Student participation is mandatory and is part of the final evaluation.
Online resources
See the course moodle website.
Pour l'approche en droits religieux :
Collectif, Les principes des droits des religions, Revue de droit canonique, Strasbourg, tome 57/2, , 2009, 240 pp.
BERKMANN, The Internal Law of Religions. Introduction to a comparative discipline, Routledge, 2020, 196 pp.
DOE, N., Comparative Religious Law: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 468 pp.
FERRARI S. (dir.) Introduzione al diritto comparato delle religioni. Ebraismo, islam e induismo, Bologna, Il Mulino, Collana Itinerari, 2008, 232 pp.
FERRARI, S., Lo spirito dei diritti religiosi. Ebraismo, cristianesimo e islamo a confronto, Bologne, Mulino, 2002, 300 pp.
HUXLEY, A. Religion, Law And Tradition (Comparative Studies In Religious Law), Routledge/Curzon, 2002, 240 pp.
NEUSNER, J., SONN, T., Comparing religions through Law, Judaism and Islam, Londres, Routledge, 1999, 264 pp.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Sciences of Religions