5.00 credits
30.0 h
This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2021-2022
Fabry Geneviève;
Notions of hermeneutical tools for literary analysis. B2 level in Spanish.
Main themes
The course will examine first how can be defined the topic we can find in a determined corpus : the work of mourning.
After, we will analyze hispano-american literary works (poetry : Gelman ; novel : Fuentes) and see how they elaborate the selected topic.
After, we will analyze hispano-american literary works (poetry : Gelman ; novel : Fuentes) and see how they elaborate the selected topic.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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The aim of this course is to help the student acquire a scholarly method to read and analyse literary texts written by one or a few hispano-american author(s) that share a common theme, to analyse their poetics and its context. The theoretical reflexion will be stressed. At the end of the course, the students will be able to read and write essays in the studied field by relying on the literary knowledge they have acquired. |
This course proposes a journey through Latin American literature and film from the perspective of religious representations, products of a complex political and cultural history from the Conquest to the present. Beyond simplistic conceptions, literature and film examine these representations, questioning their political value or delving into the spiritual experience they entail. The aim of the course is therefore threefold:
1. to be able to identify and analyse religious representations on the basis of their scriptural, ritual or iconographic references;
2. to be able to contextualise these representations in a culture that generally implicitly or explicitly assumes these representations in a conflictive situation (colonial or post-colonial; dictatorial or post-dictatorial; environmental crisis, etc.);
3. be able to interpret these representations in the light of data from literary and cultural studies as well as conceptual and factual tools from history, sociology or philosophy of religion.
1. to be able to identify and analyse religious representations on the basis of their scriptural, ritual or iconographic references;
2. to be able to contextualise these representations in a culture that generally implicitly or explicitly assumes these representations in a conflictive situation (colonial or post-colonial; dictatorial or post-dictatorial; environmental crisis, etc.);
3. be able to interpret these representations in the light of data from literary and cultural studies as well as conceptual and factual tools from history, sociology or philosophy of religion.
Teaching methods
The course will work as a seminar and based on a reader incorporating both theoretical reflections literary works. The analytical approach will be a back and forth between classical textual and contextual reading and an interpretation in the light of theoretical sources.
Evaluation methods
Presentation of oral partial work during the semester and a final oral exam.
Other information
Support : Course notes and folder of reading material
Online resources
Anthologie de textes disponibles à la DUC, qui contient les principaux textes théoriques et poétiques.
Bibliografía primaria (orden del temario)
Branch, Lori. “The Rituals of our Re-Secularization: Literature between Faith and Knowledge”. Religion & Literature, summer-autumn 2014, Vol. 46, No. 2/3 (summer-autumn 2014), pp. 9-33. Published by: The University of Notre Dame Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24752897
Escobar, Arturo. Sentipensar con la tierra : nuevas lecturas sobre desarrollo, territorio y diferencia. Medellín: Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana UNAULA, 2014. 67-135.
Foffani, Enrique & Florencia Bonfiglio (ed.). Controversias de lo moderno : la secularizacion en la historia cultural latinoamericana. Buenos Aires : Ediciones Katatay, 2010.
Gutiérrez-Girardot, Rafael. “Secularización, vida urbana y sustitutos de religión”. Modernismo. Barcelona: Montesinos, 1983. 73-116.
Mignolo, Walter. “El pensamiento decolonial: desprendimiento y apertura. Un manifiesto”. El giro decolonial: reflexiones para una diversidad epistémica más allá del capitalismo global / compiladores. Santiago Castro-Gómez y Ramón Grosfoguel. – Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre Editores; Universidad Central, Instituto de Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos y Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Instituto Pensar, 2007. 25-46
Sánchez de la Yncera, Ignacio y Rodríguez Fous, Marta. “Prólogo. Las exigencias del pluralismo. La comunicación en un mundo postsecular”. Sánchez de la Yncera, Ignacio y Rodríguez Fous, Marta (eds). Dialécticas de la postsecularidad : pluralismo y corrientes de secularización. Barcelona–México: Anthropos–UNAM, 2012. 5–29
Sobrino, Jon. Jesucristo liberador : lectura histórico-teológica de Jesús de Nazaret. Madrid : Editorial Trotta, 1991
Bibliografía primaria (orden del temario)
- Guamán Poma de Ayala. GKS 2232 4º: Nueva corónica y buen gobierno (1615). Códice digitalizado. Biblioteca real de Dinamarca. Permalink: http://www5.kb.dk/permalink/2006/poma/titlepage/es/text/?open=idm45821230787600
- Darío, Rubén, poemas, in Obras completas I, J. Ortega (ed.), Barcelona, Círculo de lectores & Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007, pp.148-184.
- Agustini, Delmira, Los cálices vacíos. R. García Gutiérrez (ed.), Granada, Point de lunettes, 2013.
- Vallejo, César. Obra poética. Edición crítica de Américo Ferrari. Paris : ALLCA XX, 1988.
- Hijo de hombre de Augusto Roa Bastos
- Massís, Mahfud. Leyendas del Cristo negro. in Massís, Mahfud, Obra poética, ed. y pról. Naím Nómez, FCE, Santiago de Chile, 2013. 169-234.
- Gelman, Juan. de palabra. Madrid: Visor, 1994. Passim. La junta luz. Recuperado en: lamenna.com/PDFs/La junta luz-Juan Gelman.pdf
- Lihn, Enrique. La aparición de la Virgen y otros poemas políticos (1963-1987). Santiago de Chile: 2012. 109-130.
- Miranda Rupailaf, Roxana. Shumpall. Santiago de Chile: Pehuén, 2018.
- El Cristo ciego (The Blind Christ). 2016. Guión y dirección de Christopher Murray. Reparto: Michael Silva, Bastián Inostroza, Ana María Henriquez, Mauricio Pinto, Pedro Godoy
- La pasión de Michelangelo. 2012. Guión y dirección de Esteban Larraín.
- El río. 2012. Documental de J.C. Galeano. https://www.elriofilm.com/
Branch, Lori. “The Rituals of our Re-Secularization: Literature between Faith and Knowledge”. Religion & Literature, summer-autumn 2014, Vol. 46, No. 2/3 (summer-autumn 2014), pp. 9-33. Published by: The University of Notre Dame Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24752897
Escobar, Arturo. Sentipensar con la tierra : nuevas lecturas sobre desarrollo, territorio y diferencia. Medellín: Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana UNAULA, 2014. 67-135.
Foffani, Enrique & Florencia Bonfiglio (ed.). Controversias de lo moderno : la secularizacion en la historia cultural latinoamericana. Buenos Aires : Ediciones Katatay, 2010.
Gutiérrez-Girardot, Rafael. “Secularización, vida urbana y sustitutos de religión”. Modernismo. Barcelona: Montesinos, 1983. 73-116.
Mignolo, Walter. “El pensamiento decolonial: desprendimiento y apertura. Un manifiesto”. El giro decolonial: reflexiones para una diversidad epistémica más allá del capitalismo global / compiladores. Santiago Castro-Gómez y Ramón Grosfoguel. – Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre Editores; Universidad Central, Instituto de Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos y Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Instituto Pensar, 2007. 25-46
Sánchez de la Yncera, Ignacio y Rodríguez Fous, Marta. “Prólogo. Las exigencias del pluralismo. La comunicación en un mundo postsecular”. Sánchez de la Yncera, Ignacio y Rodríguez Fous, Marta (eds). Dialécticas de la postsecularidad : pluralismo y corrientes de secularización. Barcelona–México: Anthropos–UNAM, 2012. 5–29
Sobrino, Jon. Jesucristo liberador : lectura histórico-teológica de Jesús de Nazaret. Madrid : Editorial Trotta, 1991
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
Certificat universitaire en littérature
Master [60] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General