3.00 credits
45.0 h
Q1 and Q2
De Plee Marie (compensates Verhaert Marianne); De Rycke Katrien (coordinator); Delghust Jean-Luc; Houdmont Dag; Verhaert Marianne;
Students must have attended a course corresponding to the B1 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages', such as the course LNEER1330 of the second bachelor.
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
The course is structured around subjects related to the general domain and field-related subjects.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 |
Reading Comprehension At the end of this teaching unit: The student should be able to
Listening Comprehension - Individual: At the end of this teaching unit:
At the end of this teaching unit:
Speaking Skills - Individual: At the end of this teaching unit: the student should be able to
At the end of this teaching unit: the student should be able to
Writing Skills At the end of this teaching unit: The student should be able to
Code At the end of this teaching unit:
This teaching unit aims to Develop the comprehensive skills (reading and listening) and the speaking and writing skills thanks to role plays, debates, discussions etc' Themes: Politics, values, discrimination, carreer, Belgium and Europe, etc.
This teaching unit also aims at extending the general and filed-related vocabulary and the consolidation of the command of this vocabulary and the structures of the Dutch language.
This teaching unit also aims at extending the general and filed-related vocabulary and the consolidation of the command of this vocabulary and the structures of the Dutch language.
Teaching methods
The UE (course) is mainly given face-to-face with e-learning support.
- Development of comprehensive skills (reading and listening) based on authentic (written and spoken) documents on subjects of general interest and field-related subjects.
- Development of the speaking and writing skills: extension of the general and specific vocabulary in context and consolidation of the command of this vocabulary and the structures of the Dutch language by means of written and oral production (role-plays, small debates, small presentations, etc. ).
Evaluation methods
If the (health) situation allows it, i.e.: face-to-face lessons, then:
Continuous assessment:
--> vocabulary tests = 25% of final mark
--> listening comprehension = 15% of final mark
--> writing + grammar = 15% of final mark
--> oral assessment based on a bucket list + press articles linked to the themes of the course and questions on content of the course = 45% of final mark
Participation in all the tests / parts of the continuous assessment (vocabulary, listening and writing part and bucket list) is a prerequisite for participation in the oral examination. Therefore, a student who does not take certain parts of the assessment will not be allowed to take the oral part. The student will receive an absence mark for the entire assessment. Art.72.
Students who don't succeed in january or who handed in a medical certificate, must retake the exam in june. This means they will be examinated on both the parts of january and june. If they don't take the exam, they will lose the benefit of this part of the exam and be given 0/20 for this part.
August exam: written part (vocabulary, grammar, written part and listening comprehension) + oral part (press articles linked to the themes of the course and questions on content of the course). Students who haven't done the (certain parts of) the Bucket List, have to do it again in August.
If students don't take the oral and/or written exam in june, they will be given an "unjustified absence", even if they have taken all the other parts of the exam.
If students don't take the test in April, even with a valid excuse, he will have to retake the exam in August.
Attendance at the course is compulsory. If the teacher deems it useful, he/she may askt the jury to prohibit students who have not regularly attended the learning activities to register for the exam (RGEE - art. 72).
If the (health) situation does not allow for permanent evaluation (e.g. we need to switch to hybrid or online and distance learning), then:
The continuous assessment will be replaced by a written exam (vocabulary, listening comprehension, writing and grammar = 45% of the final mark) with a platform using remote monitoring (proctoring) AND by an oral (continuous) assessment based on the bucket list and press articles related to the topics covered in the course and questions related to the course content (55% of the final mark). Vocabulary questions may also be asked during this oral examination.
If the proctoring platform for the written examination cannot be used for any reason, the written examination will be cancelled and replaced by the oral assessment based on the bucket list and press articles related to the course topics, questions about the course content and vocabulary questions. This mark will then constitute 100% of the final mark.
Taking into account the health situation, if the possibility is however left to us to organise a face-to-face written examination, we will opt for this possibility and will organise a face-to-face written examination.
If the teacher has doubts about a student's performance in a written certification assessment, the teacher will question the student orally on the same subject in the days following the assessment in order to verify the student's competence.
Continuous assessment:
--> vocabulary tests = 25% of final mark
--> listening comprehension = 15% of final mark
--> writing + grammar = 15% of final mark
--> oral assessment based on a bucket list + press articles linked to the themes of the course and questions on content of the course = 45% of final mark
Participation in all the tests / parts of the continuous assessment (vocabulary, listening and writing part and bucket list) is a prerequisite for participation in the oral examination. Therefore, a student who does not take certain parts of the assessment will not be allowed to take the oral part. The student will receive an absence mark for the entire assessment. Art.72.
Students who don't succeed in january or who handed in a medical certificate, must retake the exam in june. This means they will be examinated on both the parts of january and june. If they don't take the exam, they will lose the benefit of this part of the exam and be given 0/20 for this part.
August exam: written part (vocabulary, grammar, written part and listening comprehension) + oral part (press articles linked to the themes of the course and questions on content of the course). Students who haven't done the (certain parts of) the Bucket List, have to do it again in August.
If students don't take the oral and/or written exam in june, they will be given an "unjustified absence", even if they have taken all the other parts of the exam.
If students don't take the test in April, even with a valid excuse, he will have to retake the exam in August.
Attendance at the course is compulsory. If the teacher deems it useful, he/she may askt the jury to prohibit students who have not regularly attended the learning activities to register for the exam (RGEE - art. 72).
If the (health) situation does not allow for permanent evaluation (e.g. we need to switch to hybrid or online and distance learning), then:
The continuous assessment will be replaced by a written exam (vocabulary, listening comprehension, writing and grammar = 45% of the final mark) with a platform using remote monitoring (proctoring) AND by an oral (continuous) assessment based on the bucket list and press articles related to the topics covered in the course and questions related to the course content (55% of the final mark). Vocabulary questions may also be asked during this oral examination.
If the proctoring platform for the written examination cannot be used for any reason, the written examination will be cancelled and replaced by the oral assessment based on the bucket list and press articles related to the course topics, questions about the course content and vocabulary questions. This mark will then constitute 100% of the final mark.
Taking into account the health situation, if the possibility is however left to us to organise a face-to-face written examination, we will opt for this possibility and will organise a face-to-face written examination.
If the teacher has doubts about a student's performance in a written certification assessment, the teacher will question the student orally on the same subject in the days following the assessment in order to verify the student's competence.
Other information
Training staff
- Lessons in groups of max. 20 students.
- The teacher is available during his office-hour(s) and can be contacted by e-mail.
- Classroom hours: 45h
- Self-study: 45h
Online resources
- Syllabus du cours "Nederlands voor sociale en politieke wetenschappen"
- Plate-forme Moodle.
Faculty or entity