5.00 credits
30.0 h
Aust-Gronarz Ina; N'Gom Gaël;
None. This course is designed for LSM incoming exchange students and for students who will not go on exchange
Main themes
Working with people from diverse cultural backgrounds has become part of the daily activities in organizations today for employees at all levels. The global pressure for competitiveness and effectiveness has increased the number of strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, with the objective of having access to resources, capital and new market opportunities. The Covid-19 pandemic increases situations in which people who have never met each other need to work together in multicultural virtual teams.
In this context, it is no longer sufficient, that managers, entrepreneurs or employees are able to communicate effectively and work with people from one culture and that they understand and learn how to adapt to this particular culture. Instead, all employees must be able to interact simultaneously and effectively with people from multiple cultural backgrounds – at home, abroad and in virtual communications.
This course is based on research and insights from diverse disciplines, including cross-cultural psychology, social psychology, cultural anthropology, organizational behaviour, international human resource management, business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
In this context, it is no longer sufficient, that managers, entrepreneurs or employees are able to communicate effectively and work with people from one culture and that they understand and learn how to adapt to this particular culture. Instead, all employees must be able to interact simultaneously and effectively with people from multiple cultural backgrounds – at home, abroad and in virtual communications.
This course is based on research and insights from diverse disciplines, including cross-cultural psychology, social psychology, cultural anthropology, organizational behaviour, international human resource management, business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
This course contributes to the development of key competences expected from all graduates at the Louvain School of Management. This course will contribute in particular to developing the following competences: (P) Priority is given to cross-cultural competences and knowledge in this course - that will enable you to work effectively with people from multiple and diverse cultural backgrounds, - that will develop your communication and interpersonal skills, - your ability to work in and lead a diverse team and - advance your personal development with regard to cross-cultural competences (cultural intelligence). (S) Secondary competences also developed in the course are a scientific and systematic approach for complex cross-cultural management situations. General course objectives: Getting to know your own culture and how it impacts your behavior and interacting and communicating with people from different cultural backgrounds are the two key objectives of this course. Specific learning goals: At the end of this course you will be able to
The following themes are examples of what will be addressed in this course:
- Key components of culture (language, time, space, basic values, context) and cross-cultural management
- Culture theories and perspectives
- Working effectively in diverse (virtual) teams
- Intercultural competence and cultural intelligence
- Culture in M&A’s, Joint Ventures etc.
Teaching methods
We will apply different teaching methods such as lecture input, case analysis, videos, guided readings, group discussions and guest speakers. We expect you to prepare the required readings and cases (see course schedule) before class in order to be able to contribute in a competent way to the discussions and exercises.
This course will be in a blended learning format, using both face-to-face sessions (if the pandemic situation permits) AND e-learning whenever relevant or necessary.
This course will be in a blended learning format, using both face-to-face sessions (if the pandemic situation permits) AND e-learning whenever relevant or necessary.
Evaluation methods
Students’ learning will be assessed continuously (continuous evaluation/évaluation continue) and the following deliverables are expected in English language:
- Team evaluation (50%):
- Oral presentation of a cultural analysis (ppt/poster presentation following our guidelines),
- Written team paper of a cultural analysis (following our guidelines)
- Written peer review of other team’s cultural analyses (following our guidelines)
- Individual evaluation (50%):
- Active course preparation and participation (following our guidelines)
- Reflective journal, continuously written (following our guidelines)
Online resources
On the course website and in the university library a number of regularly updated resources will be available, such as ppt slides, readings, cases, links to blogs, videos and other online teaching material.
A list of required and voluntary readings will be provided (see course outline on the Moodle website from this course) and it is expected that students will do the course preparations and readings as requested.
Teaching materials
- Moodle
Faculty or entity