10.00 credits
30.0 h
Lejeune Christophe;
Main themes
During their international internship, IB students are expected to describe, reflect and share their own international/intercultural managerial experiences with other students. The whole process is monitored by an academic supervisor.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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During their programme, students of the LSM Master's in management or Master's in Business engineering will have developed the following capabilities' 6.1 Work in a team :Join in and collaborate with team members. Be open and take into consideration the different points of view and ways of thinking, manage differences and conflicts constructively, accept diversity. 6.2 Exercise enlightened leadership skills : unite and motivate different team members, identify, draw on and develop their skills and talents, guide them to wards archieving a common goal, while adapting to time constraints and the changing environment. 7.1 Analyse a project within its environment and define the expected outcomes : identify what is at stake, the required outcomes and the environmental constraints; clearly define the project objectives and associate the performance indicators. 7.2 Organize, manage and control the process : structure andschedule the tasks, identify and allocate human and material resources, coordinate, delegate and supervise the tasks; take into account the anticipated constraints andrisks 7.3 Make decisions and take responsibility for them in an uncertain world : take initiatives and act, anticipate and be proactive, show discernment and good judgment and be prepared to make quick decisions, taking into account multiple factors and uncertainties; accept the risks and consequences of decisions. |
IB students are expected to describe, reflect and share their own international/intercultural managerial experiences gained during their internship with other students. The whole process is monitored by an academic supervisor.
Teaching methods
During their internship, IB students will have to make different assignments on the dedicated Moodle area titled “International internship with coaching”.
Evaluation methods
The course “LSMD2916” will lead to a grade (10 ECTS) if the following conditions are met:
If the internship has been validated, then the final grade is composed of:
- there is a valid “LSM internship agreement” that has been signed by all in due time;
- the internship conditions (eg. duration, location) are respected;
- the corporate supervisor has filled in the internship evaluation grid, which is uploaded on Moodle.
If the internship has been validated, then the final grade is composed of:
- Continuous learning (14 points): When all assignments on Moodle have been correctly performed and posted or encoded in time, the student obtains 14 points. When one of the assignments has not been correctly performed, correctly posted or encoded in time, there is a penalty of 2 points. The total of the penalties cannot exceed 14 points.
- Individual reflection paper (6 points): The teacher assigns a score on 6 points, based on the following evaluation criteria: (1) clarity, and (2) convincing argumentation.
Faculty or entity